Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata
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Isolation of nucleic acids from microfungi by treatment with thioglycolic acid
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 45 - Trang 61-63 - 1971
A method for the isolation of nucleic acids from various microfungi by sensitization to the lysis with thioglycolic acid is described. Cells, grown with strong aeration, are suddenly suspended in buffered NaCl-ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) solution pH 8,5, in the presence of thioglycolic acid for 3—5 hours at 50°C. The method proved to give high per cent of broken cells together with good recovery of nucleic acids.
HLA antigens in Brazilian patients with paracoccidioidomycosis
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 114 - Trang 89-91 - 1991
Eighty patients with paracoccidioidomycosis were typed for 43 HLA specificities from loci A, B, C and DR. A highly significant increased frequency of HLA-B40 (relative risk 29.2) and HLA-Cw 1 (relative risk 8.8) were found in patients compared to control subjects. The frequencies HLA-A2, B7 and B21 were also increased in patients and haplotypes-B40-Cw1 and -A2-B40 were positively correlated with the disease. DR antigen frequencies were not significantly altered in the patients and evidence of a protective effect was not found for any of the 43 antigens tested. These findings further support the involvement of the HLA system in the genetic susceptibility to paracoccidioidomycosis and the importance of ethnic variability in this association.
Serological differences in two Blastomyces dermatitidis isolates from different geographical regions of North America
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 153 - Trang 141-144 - 2002
Yeast phase lysate antigens were prepared from two isolates (T-58 and ERC-2) from different geographic locations, Tennessee and Wisconsin. These lysate were evaluated with respect to their ability to detect antibody in dogs infected with blastomycosis and rabbits immunized with the lysates by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Both the dog sera and rabbit sera assays demonstrated that there were serological differences in these two isolates, which implied that there was antigenic variance in geographical populations of B. dermatitidis. These results correlated with a previous molecular study that indicated that there are genetic differences in different geographical populations of the organism.
Appearance of Colonies of Prototheca on CHROMagar Candida medium
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 137 Số 2 - Trang 79-82 - 1997
The microorganisms capable of producing opportunist infections include the yeast-like organisms of the genus Candida, and the unicellular algae of the genus Prototheca, which share common features and can, therefore, lead to confusion. Their colonies are almost identical and they grow in the same culture media used routinely in mycology. CHROMagar Candida is a new chromogenic differential isolation medium that facilitates the presumptive differentiation of some of the most clinically important yeast-like organisms. To our knowledge, the use of CHROMagar Candida with Prototheca spp. has not been reported in the literature. This report describes the growth of 151 strains of Prototheca on CHROMagar Candida compared to the growth of a total of 326 well-characterized yeast organisms of the genera Candida, Cryptococcus, Trichosporon, Geotrichum, and Saccharomyces. It is clinically relevant to note that algae of the genus Prototheca (P. wickerhamii, P. zopfii, and P. stagnora) and of the genus Candida parapsilosis produced similar cream-colored colonies on CHROMagar Candida medium. Based on their growth on CHROMagar, a new species of Candida is described, C. zeylanoides, which has blue-green colonies. The colonies of two species of Trichosporon are also differentiated: the blue-green colonies of T. beigelii and the pink colonies of T. capitatum.
Effects of the infection of toxigenic fungi and an antagonistic Streptomyces strain on wheat spikes
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 134 Số 3 - Trang 137-142 - 1996
Infektionsversuche An Tauben Und Hühnern Mit Cryptococcus Neoformans Sowie Weitere Epidemiologische Untersuchungen
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 54 - Trang 317-328 - 1974
Es werden intracerebrale, orale und intramuskuläre Infektionsversuche mitCryptococcus neoformans (Cr.n.) an Tauben (Columbia livia) und Hühnern beschrieben. Die nach intracerebraler Infektion an Tauben erhaltenen Ergebnisse stellen eine Bestätigung der Befunde von Littmann, Borok & Dalton (1965) dar. Tauben lassen sich auch intramuskulär erfolgreich infizieren. Die mit zwei stark bekapselten und einem nahezu unbekapseltenCr.n.-Stamm durchgeführten Versuche ergaben keine Hinweise für eine höhere Virulenz des stark bekapselten Stammes. Unter Berücksichtigung der bei Tauben nachgewiesenen Spontaninfektionen (Weiland, Böhm & Abdallah, 1968) wird die Verbreitung vonCr.n. durch spontan infizierte Tauben als epidemiologisch bedeutsam angesehen. Es wird vermutet, daß resistenzmindernde Faktoren die Voraussetzung für das Angehen einerCr.n.-Infektion bei der Taube darstellen. Hühner erwiesen sich als besonders resistent gegenüber einerCr.n.-Infektion. Dennoch war es auch bei dieser Tierart möglich, eine letal ablaufende Infektion zu erzeugen. Über 100 kulturell untersuchte Hühnerkotproben sowie über 100 lebend gefangene Sperlinge (Passer domesticus) erwiesen sich als frei vonCr.n.
Paracoccidioidomycosis Induced by Immunosuppressive Drugs in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Bone Sarcoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 172 - Trang 77-81 - 2011
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which is endemic in many regions of Latin America. We describe the case of a 60-year-old man from a region endemic for PCM who presented with a long history of left hip pain. He had been treated over the past 3 years with immunosuppressive drugs (methotrexate, leflunomide, and adalimumab) for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A hip radiograph showed lytic bone lesions, and a chest radiograph showed an expansive excavated lesion in the left lung, suggestive of a lung cancer with bone metastases. A left hip joint biopsy was inconclusive, but histological analysis of a surgical lung biopsy specimen was consistent with P. brasiliensis infection. Treatment with intravenous amphotericin B (50 mg/day) and hydrocortisone (25 mg/day) was initiated. However, increasing hip pain resulted in the amputation of the left lower limb, and the analysis of the surgical specimen revealed a diagnosis of bone sarcoma. Postoperatively, the patient developed sepsis and died approximately 1 month later. To our knowledge, this is the first report of PCM in a patient with RA who had been treated with immunosuppressive drugs, in particular TNF-α blocking agents. The atypical presentation (left hip pain alone) emphasizes the importance of considering PCM in the differential diagnosis of patients with pulmonary lesions and osteolytic lesions who live in a region endemic for PCM. This case report also demonstrates that health professionals in these regions must pay close attention to patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs because of the possibility of reactivating quiescent P. brasiliensis lesions.
Isolation of keratinophilic fungi from floors in Roman kindergarten and secondary schools
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - - 1986
PRP8 Intein in Onygenales: Distribution and Phylogenetic Aspects
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata - Tập 185 - Trang 37-49 - 2019
Inteins (internal proteins) are mobile genetic elements, inserted in housekeeping proteins, with self-splicing properties. Some of these elements have been recently pointed out as modulators of genetic expression or protein function. Herein, we evaluated, in silico, the distribution and phylogenetic patterns of PRP8 intein among 93 fungal strains of the order Onygenales. PRP8 intein(s) are present in most of the species (45/49), mainly as full-length inteins (containing both the Splicing and the Homing Endonuclease domains), and must have transferred vertically in all lineages, since their phylogeny reflects the group phylogeny. While the distribution of PRP8 intein(s) varies among species of Onygenaceae family, being absent in Coccidioides spp. and present as full and mini-intein in other species, they are consistently observed as full-length inteins in all evaluated pathogenic species of the Arthrodermataceae and Ajellomycetaceae families. This conservative and massive PRP8 intein presence in Ajellomycetacean and Arthrodermatecean species reinforces the previous idea that such genetic elements do not decrease the fungal fitness significantly and even might play some role in the host–pathogen relationship, at least in these two fungal groups. We may better position the species Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (with no intein) in the Onygenaceae family and Onygena corvina (with a full-length intein) as a basal member in the Arthrodermataceae family.
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