Resistome expansion in disease-associated human gut microbiomesMicrobiome - Tập 11 Số 1
Simen Fredriksen, Stef de Warle, Peter van Baarlen, Jos Boekhorst, Jerry M. Wells
The resistome, the collection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in a microbiome, is increasingly recognised as relevant to the development of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance. Many metagenomic studies have reported resistome differences between groups, often in connection with disease and/or antibiotic treatment. However, the consistency of resistome associations with antibiotic- and non-antibiotic–treated diseases has not been established. In this study, we re-analysed human gut microbiome data from 26 case-control studies to assess the link between disease and the resistome.
The human gut resistome is highly variable between individuals both within and between studies, but may also vary significantly between case and control groups even in the absence of large taxonomic differences. We found that for diseases commonly treated with antibiotics, namely cystic fibrosis and diarrhoea, patient microbiomes had significantly elevated ARG abundances compared to controls. Disease-associated resistome expansion was found even when ARG abundance was high in controls, suggesting ongoing and additive ARG acquisition in disease-associated strains. We also found a trend for increased ARG abundance in cases from some studies on diseases that are not treated with antibiotics, such as colorectal cancer.
Diseases commonly treated with antibiotics are associated with expanded gut resistomes, suggesting that historical exposure to antibiotics has exerted considerable selective pressure for ARG acquisition in disease-associated strains.
Blocked conversion of Lactobacillus johnsonii derived acetate to butyrate mediates copper-induced epithelial barrier damage in a pig modelMicrobiome - Tập 11 - Trang 1-19 - 2023
Yang Wen, Luqing Yang, Zhenyu Wang, Xiaoyi Liu, Meng Gao, Yunhui Zhang, Junjun Wang, Pingli He
High-copper diets have been widely used to promote growth performance of pigs, but excess copper supplementation can also produce negative effects on ecosystem stability and organism health. High-copper supplementation can damage the intestinal barrier and disturb the gut microbiome community. However, the specific relationship between high-copper-induced intestinal damage and gut microbiota or its metabolites is unclear. Using fecal microbiota transplantation and metagenomic sequencing, responses of colonic microbiota to a high-copper diet was profiled. In addition, via comparison of specific bacteria and its metabolites rescue, we investigated a network of bacteria-metabolite interactions involving conversion of specific metabolites as a key mechanism linked to copper-induced damage of the colon. High copper induced colonic damage, Lactobacillus extinction, and reduction of SCFA (acetate and butyrate) concentrations in pigs. LefSe analysis and q-PCR results confirmed the extinction of L. johnsonii. In addition, transplanting copper-rich fecal microbiota to ABX mice reproduced the gut characteristics of the pig donors. Then, L. johnsonii rescue could restore decreased SCFAs (mainly acetate and butyrate) and colonic barrier damage including thinner mucus layer, reduced colon length, and tight junction protein dysfunction. Given that acetate and butyrate concentrations exhibited a positive correlation with L. johnsonii abundance, we investigated how L. johnsonii exerted its effects by supplementing acetate and butyrate. L. johnsonii and butyrate administration but not acetate could correct the damaged colonic barrier. Acetate administration had no effects on butyrate concentration, indicating blocked conversion from acetate to butyrate. Furthermore, L. johnsonii rescue enriched a series of genera with butyrate-producing ability, mainly Lachnospiraceae NK4A136 group. For the first time, we reveal the microbiota-mediated mechanism of high-copper-induced colonic damage in piglets. A high-copper diet can induce extinction of L. johnsonii which leads to colonic barrier damage and loss of SCFA production. Re-establishment of L. johnsonii normalizes the SCFA-producing pathway and restores colonic barrier function. Mechanistically, Lachnospiraceae NK4A136 group mediated conversion of acetate produced by L. johnsonii to butyrate is indispensable in the protection of colonic barrier function. Collectively, these findings provide a feasible mitigation strategy for gut damage caused by high-copper diets.
Meta-organism gene expression reveals that the impact of nitrate enrichment on coral larvae is mediated by their associated Symbiodiniaceae and prokaryotic assemblagesMicrobiome - Tập 11 - Trang 1-17 - 2023
Haoya Tong, Fang Zhang, Jin Sun, Shelby E. McIlroy, Weipeng Zhang, Yan Wang, Hui Huang, Guowei Zhou, Pei-Yuan Qian
Coral meta-organisms consist of the coral, and its associated Symbiodiniaceae (dinoflagellate algae), bacteria, and other microbes. Corals can acquire photosynthates from Symbiodiniaceae, whilst Symbiodiniaceae uses metabolites from corals. Prokaryotic microbes provide Symbiodiniaceae with nutrients and support the resilience of corals as meta-organisms. Eutrophication is a major cause of coral reef degradation; however, its effects on the transcriptomic response of coral meta-organisms remain unclear, particularly for prokaryotic microbes associated with corals in the larval stage. To understand acclimation of the coral meta-organism to elevated nitrate conditions, we analyzed the physiological and transcriptomic responses of Pocillopora damicornis larvae, an ecologically important scleractinian coral, after 5 days of exposure to elevated nitrate levels (5, 10, 20, and 40 µM). The major differentially expressed transcripts in coral, Symbiodiniaceae, and prokaryotic microbes included those related to development, stress response, and transport. The development of Symbiodiniaceae was not affected in the 5 and 20 µM groups but was downregulated in the 10 and 40 µM groups. In contrast, prokaryotic microbe development was upregulated in the 10 and 40 µM groups and downregulated in the 5 and 20 µM groups. Meanwhile, coral larval development was less downregulated in the 10 and 40 µM groups than in the 5 and 20 µM groups. In addition, multiple larval, Symbiodiniaceae, and prokaryotic transcripts were significantly correlated with each other. The core transcripts in correlation networks were related to development, nutrient metabolism, and transport. A generalized linear mixed model, using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, demonstrated that the Symbiodiniaceae could both benefit and cost coral larval development. Furthermore, the most significantly correlated prokaryotic transcripts maintained negative correlations with the physiological functions of Symbiodiniaceae. Results suggested that Symbiodiniaceae tended to retain more nutrients under elevated nitrate concentrations, thereby shifting the coral-algal association from mutualism towards parasitism. Prokaryotic microbes provided Symbiodiniaceae with essential nutrients and may control Symbiodiniaceae growth through competition, whereby prokaryotes can also restore coral larval development inhibited by Symbiodiniaceae overgrowth.
Metagenomic analysis reveals the microbiome and resistome in migratory birdsMicrobiome - Tập 8 - Trang 1-18 - 2020
Jian Cao, Yongfei Hu, Fei Liu, Yanan Wang, Yuhai Bi, Na Lv, Jing Li, Baoli Zhu, George F. Gao
Antibiotic-resistant pathogens pose high risks to human and animal health worldwide. In recent years, the role of gut microbiota as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in humans and animals has been increasingly investigated. However, the structure and function of the gut bacterial community, as well as the ARGs they carry in migratory birds remain unknown. Here, we collected samples from migratory bird species and their associated environments and characterized their gut microbiomes and resistomes using shotgun metagenomic sequencing. We found that migratory birds vary greatly in gut bacterial composition but are similar in their microbiome metabolism and function. Birds from the same environment tend to harbor similar bacterial communities. In total, 1030 different ARGs (202 resistance types) conferring resistance to tetracycline, aminoglycoside, β-lactam, sulphonamide, chloramphenicol, macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin (MLS), and quinolone are identified. Procrustes analysis indicated that microbial community structure is not correlated with the resistome in migratory birds. Moreover, metagenomic assembly-based host tracking revealed that most of the ARG-carrying contigs originate from Proteobacteria. Co-occurrence patterns revealed by network analysis showed that emrD, emrY, ANT(6)-Ia, and tetO, the hubs of ARG type network, are indicators of other co-occurring ARG types. Compared with the microbiomes and resistomes in the environment, migratory birds harbor a lower phylogenetic diversity but have more antibiotic resistance proteins. Interestingly, we found that the mcr-1 resistance gene is widespread among different birds, accounting for 50% of the total samples. Meanwhile, a large number of novel β-lactamase genes are also reconstructed from bird metagenomic assemblies based on fARGene software. Our study provides a comprehensive overview of the diversity and abundance of ARGs in migratory birds and highlights the possible role of migratory birds as ARG disseminators into the environment.
Probiotic supplementation restores normal microbiota composition and function in antibiotic-treated and in caesarean-born infantsMicrobiome - Tập 6 - Trang 1-11 - 2018
Katri Korpela, Anne Salonen, Outi Vepsäläinen, Marjo Suomalainen, Carolin Kolmeder, Markku Varjosalo, Sini Miettinen, Kaarina Kukkonen, Erkki Savilahti, Mikael Kuitunen, Willem M de Vos
Infants born by caesarean section or receiving antibiotics are at increased risk of developing metabolic, inflammatory and immunological diseases, potentially due to disruption of normal gut microbiota at a critical developmental time window. We investigated whether probiotic supplementation could ameliorate the effects of antibiotic use or caesarean birth on infant microbiota in a double blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Mothers were given a multispecies probiotic, consisting of Bifidobacterium breve Bb99 (Bp99 2 × 108 cfu) Propionibacterium freundenreichii subsp. shermanii JS (2 × 109cfu), Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lc705 (5 × 109 cfu) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (5 × 109 cfu) (N = 168 breastfed and 31 formula-fed), or placebo supplement (N = 201 breastfed and 22 formula-fed) during pregnancy, and the infants were given the same supplement. Faecal samples of the infants were collected at 3 months and analyzed using taxonomic, metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches. The probiotic supplement had a strong overall impact on the microbiota composition, but the effect depended on the infant’s diet. Only breastfed infants showed the expected increase in bifidobacteria and reduction in Proteobacteria and Clostridia. In the placebo group, both birth mode and antibiotic use were significantly associated with altered microbiota composition and function, particularly reduced Bifidobacterium abundance. In the probiotic group, the effects of antibiotics and birth mode were either completely eliminated or reduced. The results indicate that it is possible to correct undesired changes in microbiota composition and function caused by antibiotic treatments or caesarean birth by supplementing infants with a probiotic mixture together with at least partial breastfeeding.
. Registered March 2, 2006.
Hybridization capture reveals microbial diversity missed using current profiling methodsMicrobiome - Tập 6 - Trang 1-9 - 2018
Cyrielle Gasc, Pierre Peyret
Microorganisms comprise the majority of living organisms on our planet. For many years, exploration of the composition of microbial communities has been performed through the PCR-based study of the small subunit rRNA gene due to its high conservation across the domains of life. The application of this method has resulted in the discovery of many unexpected evolutionary lineages. However, amplicon sequencing is subject to numerous biases, with some taxa being missed, and is limited by the read length of second-generation sequencing platforms, which drastically reduces the phylogenetic resolution. Here, we describe a hybridization capture strategy that allows the enrichment of 16S rRNA genes from metagenomic samples and enables an exhaustive identification and a complete reconstruction of the biomarker. Applying this approach to a microbial mock community and a soil sample, we demonstrated that hybridization capture is able to reveal greater microbial diversity than 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing and shotgun sequencing. The reconstruction of full-length 16S rRNA genes facilitated the improvement of phylogenetic resolution and the discovery of novel prokaryotic taxa. Our results demonstrate that hybridization capture can lead to major breakthroughs in our understanding of microbial diversity, overcoming the limitations of conventional 16S rRNA gene studies. If applied to a broad range of environmental samples, this innovative approach could reveal the undescribed diversity of the still underexplored microbial communities and could provide a better understanding of ecosystem function.
Altered gut metabolites and microbiota interactions are implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis and can be non-invasive diagnostic biomarkersMicrobiome - Tập 10 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Olabisi Oluwabukola Coker, Changan Liu, William Ka Kei Wu, Sunny Hei Wong, Wei Jia, Joseph J. Y. Sung, Jun Yu
Gut microbiota contributes to colorectal cancer (CRC) pathogenesis through microbes and their metabolites. The importance of microbiota-associated metabolites in colorectal carcinogenesis highlights the need to investigate the gut metabolome along the adenoma-carcinoma sequence to determine their mechanistic implications in the pathogenesis of CRC. To date, how and which microbes and metabolites interactively promote early events of CRC development are still largely unclear. We aim to determine gut microbiota-associated metabolites and their linkage to colorectal carcinogenesis. We performed metabolomics and metagenomics profiling on fecal samples from 386 subjects including 118 CRC patients, 140 colorectal adenomas (CRA) patients and 128 healthy subjects as normal controls (NC). We identified differences in the gut metabolite profiles among NC, CRA and CRC groups by partial least squares-discriminant and principal component analyses. Among the altered metabolites, norvaline and myristic acid showed increasing trends from NC, through CRA, to CRC. CRC-associated metabolites were enriched in branched-chain amino acids, aromatic amino acids and aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis pathways. Moreover, metabolites marker signature (twenty metabolites) classified CRC from NC subjects with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.80, and CRC from CRA with an AUC of 0.79. Integrative analyses of metabolomics and metagenomics profiles demonstrated that the relationships among CRC-associated metabolites and bacteria were altered across CRC stages; certain associations exhibited increasing or decreasing strengths while some were reversed from negative to positive or vice versa. Combinations of gut bacteria with the metabolite markers improved their diagnostic performances; CRC vs NC, AUC: 0.94; CRC vs CRA, AUC 0.92; and CRA vs NC, AUC: 0.86, indicating a potential for early diagnosis of colorectal neoplasia. This study underscores potential early-driver metabolites in stages of colorectal tumorigenesis. The Integrated metabolite and microbiome analysis demonstrates that gut metabolites and their association with gut microbiota are perturbed along colorectal carcinogenesis. Fecal metabolites can be utilized, in addition to bacteria, for non-invasive diagnosis of colorectal neoplasia.
A first characterization of the microbiota-resilience link in swineMicrobiome - - 2024
Enrico Mancin, Christian Maltecca, Yi Jian Huang, Roberto Mantovani, Francesco Tiezzi
The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in understanding complex biological mechanisms, including host resilience to stressors. Investigating the microbiota-resilience link in animals and plants holds relevance in addressing challenges like adaptation of agricultural species to a warming environment. This study aims to characterize the microbiota-resilience connection in swine. As resilience is not directly observable, we estimated it using four distinct indicators based on daily feed consumption variability, assuming animals with greater intake variation may face challenges in maintaining stable physiological status. These indicators were analyzed both as linear and categorical variables. In our first set of analyses, we explored the microbiota-resilience link using PERMANOVA, α-diversity analysis, and discriminant analysis. Additionally, we quantified the ratio of estimated microbiota variance to total phenotypic variance (microbiability). Finally, we conducted a Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) to assess the classification performance of the microbiota with indicators expressed in classes. This study offers four key insights. Firstly, among all indicators, two effectively captured resilience. Secondly, our analyses revealed robust relationship between microbial composition and resilience in terms of both composition and richness. We found decreased α-diversity in less-resilient animals, while specific amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and KEGG pathways associated with inflammatory responses were negatively linked to resilience. Thirdly, considering resilience indicators in classes, we observed significant differences in microbial composition primarily in animals with lower resilience. Lastly, our study indicates that gut microbial composition can serve as a reliable biomarker for distinguishing individuals with lower resilience. Our comprehensive analyses have highlighted the host-microbiota and resilience connection, contributing valuable insights to the existing scientific knowledge. The practical implications of PLS-DA and microbiability results are noteworthy. PLS-DA suggests that host-microbiota interactions could be utilized as biomarkers for monitoring resilience. Furthermore, the microbiability findings show that leveraging host-microbiota insights may improve the identification of resilient animals, supporting their adaptive capacity in response to changing environmental conditions. These practical implications offer promising avenues for enhancing animal well-being and adaptation strategies in the context of environmental challenges faced by livestock populations.
Supergroup F Wolbachia with extremely reduced genome: transition to obligate insect symbiontsMicrobiome - Tập 11 - Trang 1-16 - 2023
Sazzad Mahmood, Eva Nováková, Jana Martinů, Oldřich Sychra, Václav Hypša
Wolbachia belong to highly abundant bacteria which are frequently found in invertebrate microbiomes and manifest by a broad spectrum of lifestyles from parasitism to mutualism. Wolbachia supergroup F is a particularly interesting clade as it gave rise to symbionts of both arthropods and nematodes, and some of its members are obligate mutualists. Investigations on evolutionary transitions among the different symbiotic stages have been hampered by a lack of the known diversity and genomic data for the supergroup F members. Based on amplicon screening, short- and long-read WGS approaches, and laser confocal microscopy, we characterize five new supergroup F Wolbachia strains from four chewing lice species. These strains reached different evolutionary stages and represent two remarkably different types of symbiont genomes. Three of the genomes resemble other known members of Wolbachia F supergroup, while the other two show typical signs of ongoing gene inactivation and removal (genome size, coding density, low number of pseudogenes). Particularly, wMeur1, a symbiont fixed in microbiomes of Menacanthus eurysternus across four continents, possesses a highly reduced genome of 733,850 bp. The horizontally acquired capacity for pantothenate synthesis and localization in specialized bacteriocytes suggest its obligate nutritional role. The genome of wMeur1 strain, from the M. eurysternus microbiome, represents the smallest currently known Wolbachia genome and the first example of Wolbachia which has completed genomic streamlining as known from the typical obligate symbionts. This points out that despite the large amount and great diversity of the known Wolbachia strains, evolutionary potential of these bacteria still remains underexplored. The diversity of the four chewing lice microbiomes indicates that this vast parasitic group may provide suitable models for further investigations.