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Effect of eicosatetraynoic acid on liver and plasma lipids
Lipids - Tập 17 - Trang 763-770 - 1982
Randall Wood
Groups of rats were fed a fat-free diet supplemented with 0.5% safflower oil (control) or the control diet containing 0.5% of 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (TYA). Blood was collected weekly and plasma lipids analyzed. After 4 weeks, the animals were killed and the liver lipids were analyzed in detail. The acetylenic fatty acid perturbed plasma neutral lipid and phospholipid class concentrations and reduced growth rates. Liver triglyceride concentrations were reduced dramatically in the TYA fed animals, suggesting interference with complex lipid synthesis. Plasma and liver triglycerides were shifted to higher molecular weight species suggesting that TYA affected fatty acid metabolism. The phospholipids showed an accumulation of 18∶2 and a fall in 20∶4 percentages indicating an inhibition in the conversion of linoleate to arachidonate. All major lipid classes exhibited an increase in 18∶1 levels. Analysis of the octadecenoate positional isomers indicated the proportion of oleate increased substantually in all lipid classes whereas vaccenate proportions had fallen dramatically. All of the data collectively suggest that TYA inhibits the elongation of unsaturated fatty acids. A group of rats bearing hepatoma 7288CTC were also fed the TYA diet. Host liver lipids were affected by TYA similar to normal TYA fed animals, but the effects on hepatoma lipids were marginal.
Nonalcoholic components in wine reduce low density lipoprotein cholesterol in normocholesterolemic rats
Lipids - Tập 36 - Trang 383-388 - 2001
Esther Cascón, Roser Roig, Anna Ardèvol, M. Josepa Salvadó, Lluis Arola, Cinta Bladé
Using an experimental model that enables the effects of alcohol to be distinguished from the effects of the nonalcoholic components present in wine, we determined whether wine has effects other than those of alcohol on the metabolism of cholesterol. Male rats were fed a standard diet and had free access to water and either wine or an equivalent alcohol solution for 45 d or 6 mon. Alcohol intake was similar in the two groups of animals. Consumption of the alcohol solution or wine did not influence plasma cholesterol or high density lipoprotein-cholesterol. At 45 d, the consumption both of wine and of alcohol solution reduced low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol. At 6 mon, only the rats that consumed wine had reduced LDL-cholesterol. After 45 d of consuming alcohol solution, total cholesterol in the aorta was significantly increased mainly as a result of the rise in free cholesterol. In the aorta, the effect of wine consumption was similar to the effect of alcohol solution consumption, although it was less intense. The only clear effect that could be ascribed to the nonalcoholic components in wine was that the LDL-cholesterol was reduced in the long term, although aortic cholesterol was not.
Comparative studies on the fatty acid composition of moderately and extremely thermophilic bacteria
Lipids - Tập 9 - Trang 476-480 - 1974
Mieko Oshima, Akihisa Miyagawa
The fatty acids of three strains of extremely thermophilic bacteria and three strains of moderately thermophilic bacteria were examined by gas liquid chromatography. All the thermophiles contained straight, iso, and ante-iso branched fatty acids. Iso C17∶0 acid was abundant in both the moderately thermophilic strains (10–33%) and the extremely thermophilic strains (50–61%). The pair of fatty acids iso C15∶0 and iso C17∶0 was the predominant pair in both the moderately (34–64%) and extremely (76–87%) thermophilic strains. The pair of fatty acids ante-iso C15∶0 and ante-iso C17∶0 was present in larger amount in moderately (25–34%) than in extremely (8.5–15%) thermophilic strains. No hydroxy cyclopropane, or unsaturated fatty acids were found. One extreme thermophile,Flavobacterium thermophilum HB-8 was grown at 6 different culture temperatures from 49–82 C, and the changes of its fatty acid composition were studied. The ratios of iso C17∶0/iso C15∶0 and ante-iso C17∶0/ante-iso C15∶0 were much greater at higher culture temperatures, indicating chain elongation.
n−3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammation: From molecular biology to the clinic
Lipids - Tập 38 - Trang 343-352 - 2003
Philip C. Calder
The immune system is involved in host defense against infectious agents, tumor cells, and environmental insults. Inflammation is an important component of the early immunologic response. Inappropriate or dysfunctional immune responses underlie acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. The n−6 PUFA arachidonic acid (AA) is the precursor of prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and related compounds that have important roles in inflammation and in the regulation of immunity. Feeding fish oil results in partial replacement of AA in cell membranes by EPA. This leads to decreased production of AA-derived mediators, through several mechanisms, including decreased availability of AA, competition for cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes, and decreased expression of COX-2 and 5-LOX. This alone is a potentially beneficial anti-inflammatory effect of n−3 FA. However, n−3 FA have a number of other effects that might occur down-stream of altered eicosanoid production or might be independent of this effect. For example, dietary fish oil results in suppressed production of proinflammatory cytokines and can modulate adhesion molecule expression. These effects occur at the level of altered gene expression. Fish oil feeding has been shown to ameliorate the symptoms of some animal models of autoimmune disease and to protect against the effects of endotoxin. Clinical studies have reported that oral fish oil supplementation has beneficial effects in rheumatoid arthritis and among some asthmatics, supporting the idea that the n−3 FA in fish oil are anti-inflammatory. There are indications that the inclusion of fish oil in enteral and parenteral formulae is beneficial to patients.
Assessment of the arachidonic acid content in foods commonly consumed in the American diet
Lipids - Tập 33 - Trang 1151-1157 - 1998
Laura Taber, Chun-Hung Chiu, Jay Whelan
Arachidonic acid (AA) is an extremely important fatty acid involved in cell regulation. When provided in the diet, it is cogently incorporated in membrane phospholipids and enhances eicosanoid biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro; however, controversy exists as to the levels of AA in food and in the diet. This study determined the amount of AA in cooked and raw portions of beef (rib eye), chicken (breast and thigh), eggs, pork (loin), turkey (breast), and tuna; it compared these results to values published in Agriculture Handbook No. 8 (HB-8). The cooked portions were prepared as described in HB-8. With the exception of chicken thigh and tuna, the levels of AA (w/w) in the selected foods analyzed were significantly higher, in general, than those values published in HB-8. The greatest differences were observed in beef (raw and cooked), turkey breast (raw and cooked), and pork (cooked) where AA levels were twice that of the values in HB-8. In contrast, the AA and n-3 fatty acid contents in tuna were almost half the HB-8 values. The present data indicate that HB-8 tends to underreport the amounts of AA in a number of foods commonly consumed in the American diet, and new initiatives should be considered to validate and update the current database for fatty acid composition of foods.
Ring position in cyclopropene fatty acids and stearic acid desaturation in hen liver
Lipids - - 1972
A. C. Fogerty, A. R. Johnson, Judith A. Pearson

Four cyclopropene fatty acids, having the double bond of the cyclopropene ring at the 8,9, 9,10, 10,11 and 11,12 positions, respectively, were tested as inhibitors of stearic acid desaturation by the desaturase enzyme system of hen liver. The first three were powerful inhibitors, but the last was not. The cyclopropene acids with the 9,10 and 10,11 double bonds were equally strong inhibitors, while the acid with the 8,9 double bond was less effective. To account for the specificity of those cyclopropene fatty acids in which the C9 or C10 carbon atom is included in the cyclopropene ring, it is suggested that the conformation and structure of the CoA derivatives of these acids is such that they can irreversibly occupy the site on the enzyme responsible for 9,10‐desaturation.

Three Hen Strains Fed Photoisomerized trans,trans CLA-Rich Soy Oil Exhibit Different Yolk Accumulation Rates and Source-Specific Isomer Deposition
Lipids - Tập 50 - Trang 397-406 - 2015
Sara E. Shinn, Alex D. Gilley, Andrew Proctor, Nicholas B. Anthony
Most CLA chicken feeding trials used cis,trans (c,t) and trans,cis (t,c) CLA isomers to produce CLA-rich eggs, while reports of trans,trans (t,t) CLA enrichment in egg yolks are limited. The CLA yolk fatty acid profile changes and the 10–12 days of feeding needed for maximum CLA are well documented, but there is no information describing CLA accumulation during initial feed administration. In addition, no information on CLA accumulation rates in different hen strains is available. The aim of this study was to determine a mathematical model that described yolk CLA accumulation and depletion in three hen strains by using t,t CLA-rich soybean oil produced by photoisomerization. Diets of 30-week Leghorns, broilers, and jungle fowl were supplemented with 15 % CLA-rich soy oil for 16 days, and eggs were collected for 32 days. Yolk fatty acid profiles were measured by GC-FID. CLA accumulation and depletion was modeled by both quadratic and piecewise regression analysis. A strong quadratic model was proposed, but it was not as effective as piecewise regression in describing CLA accumulation and depletion. Broiler hen eggs contained the greatest concentration of CLA at 3.2 mol/100 g egg yolk, then jungle fowl at 2.9 mol CLA, and Leghorns at 2.3 mol CLA. The t,t CLA isomer levels remained at 55 % of total yolk CLA during CLA feeding. However, t-10,c-12 (t,c) CLA concentration increased slightly during CLA accumulation and was significantly greater than c-9,t-11 CLA. Jungle fowl had the smallest increase in yolk saturated fat with CLA yolk accumulation.
Analysis of triglycerides using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Lipids - Tập 30 - Trang 173-175 - 1995
Wm. Craig Byrdwell, Edward A. Emken
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry was investigated as a new method for analysis of a mixture of triglycerides separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A mixture of homogeneous (monoacid) triglyceride standards containing fatty acids with zero to three double bonds was analyzed to demonstrate the quality of mass spectra obtained by using the APCI interface. The mass spectra showed that minimal fragmentation occurs, resulting primarily in diglyceride [M−RCOO]+ ions and [M+1]+ protonated molecular ions. The degree of unsaturation within the acyl chains had a marked effect on the proportion of diglyceride ions vs. the [M+1]+ ions formed in the APCI source. The mass spectra of triglycerides containing fatty acids with two or three double bonds showed predominantly protonated triglyceride ions, with diglyceride peaks representing 13 to 25% of the base peak. The triglycerides containing singly unsaturated fatty acids gave diglyceride ions as the base peak, and [M+1]+ ions with an intensity 20 to 28% that of the base peak. Only diglyceride ions were observable in the spectra of triglycerides containing saturated fatty acids.
Lipoprotein lipid and protein synthesis in experimental nephrosis and plasmapheresis. I: Studies in rat in vivo
Lipids - Tập 14 - Trang 695-702 - 1979
Eleazar Shafrir, Talma Brenner
The incorporation of L-4,5-[3H]leucine into the ultracentrifugally separated apolipoproteins of very low, low, and high density lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, HDL) and into serum albumin was found three-to four-fold higher in nephrotic than in normal rats one hour after intravenous injection. Incorporation of leucine into the circulating lipids was negligible. Increases of similar magnitude were obtained in the incorporation of simultaneously injected 1,5[14C] citrate into the lipids of VLDL, LDL, and HDL of nephrotic rats. Of the citrate carbons incorporated into serum and liver lipids, the proportion in cholesterol was higher in nephrotic rats when compared to normal rats. The incorporation of both precursors into total proteins and lipids of the liver vs. the incorporation into the lipoproteins was relatively lower in nephrotic than in control rats, indicating a preferential channeling into secretable products. The occurrence of enhanced new lipid synthesis in nephrosis was corroborated by the finding of markedly enhanced synthesis of lipoprotein-borne fatty acids and cholesterol from3H2O. These results point out that while leucine is not an efficient in vivo precursor of lipoprotein lipids in nephrosis, de novo lipogenesis proceeds from other precursors. Similar trend of changes, though of smaller magnitude, was elicited in rats after double plasmapheresis, 18 hr apart, when measured 3 hr after the second plasma withdrawal. This indicates that the loss of circulating proteins either by direct removal or through kidney lesion stimulates the compensatory hepatic response involving excessive lipoprotein synthesis. Time-course studies showed that peak incorporation of leucine and citrate into the protein and lipid components of lipoproteins, respectively, as well as into serum albumin, occurred coincidentally 3 hr after the second plasmapheresis, suggesting an interdependence of the enhanced protein and lipid synthesis.
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