Effects of four different drying methods on the carotenoid composition and antioxidant capacity of dried Gac peelJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 97 Số 5 - Trang 1656-1662 - 2017
Hoang Van Chuyen, Paul D. Roach, John B. Golding, Sophie E. Parks, Minh H. Nguyen
AbstractBACKGROUNDGac fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) is a rich source of carotenoids for the manufacture of powder, oil and capsules for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses. Currently, only the aril of the Gac fruit is processed and the peel, similar to the other components, is discarded, although it contains high level of carotenoids, which could be extracted for commercial use. In the present study, four different drying methods (hot‐air, vacuum, heat pump and freeze drying), different temperatures and drying times were investigated for producing dried Gac peel suitable for carotenoid extraction.
RESULTSThe drying methods and drying temperatures significantly affected the drying time, carotenoid content and antioxidant capacity of the dried Gac peel. Among the investigated drying methods, hot‐air drying at 80 oC and vacuum drying at 50 oC produced dried Gac peel that exhibited the highest retention of carotenoids and the strongest antioxidant capacity.
CONCLUSIONHot‐air drying at 80 oC and vacuum drying at 50 oC are recommended for the drying of Gac peel. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
The mechanism of formation of gels from myosin moleculesJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 58 Số 1 - Trang 63-73 - 1992
Alan H. Sharp, Gerald Offer
AbstractHeat‐set myosin gels form the basis of the adhesive that binds particles of meat together in meat products. The manner in which a gel network is formed from myosin has been investigated by studying the aggregates produced when dilute solutions of rabbit skeletal myosin molecules in 0.6 M KCI, 20 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.5, were heated at a single temperature between 30 and 60°C. The aggregates have been examined by transmission electron microscopy after either negative staining or rotary shadowing.
After heating at 30°C for 30 min. no change in structure is detected. After heating at 35°C for 30 min, the two heads of some myosin molecules coalesce and some dimers are formed by aggregation through the heads. After heating at 40°C for 30 min. up to about 13 myosin molecules aggregate through their heads to form a globular mass up to 60 nm across with the tails radiating outwards. At higher temperatures such head‐linked oligomers aggregate further. At 48°C oligomers coexist with aggregates formed by the coalescence of two or more oligomers. In such aggregates the globular masses are in close proximity and tails radiate from them. After heating myosin at 50°C, aggregates are formed by the coalescence of more oligomers and the tails are seen only indistinctly. At 60°C the particles formed contain a large number of globular masses and are typically 100 to 200 nm across, occasionally up to 1 μm. It is possible that the globules making up the strands of the gel networks in scanning electron micrographs are composed of similar particles. It is suggested that these globules are formed by head‐head interactions but that tail‐tail interactions may be important in forming the strands and cross‐links of the gel network.
When a heat‐set myosin gel is compacted by centrifugation, the supernate contains essentially all the LC1 and LC3 light chains of the parent molecule but only a small fraction of the LC2 light chains. We suppose that dissociation of the LC1 and LC3 chains from the heads creates hydrophobic patches which cause intramolecular and intermolecular head association.
The stability of natural red/pink food colours in ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) productsJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 93 Số 8 - Trang 2022-2027 - 2013
Michelle Crino, Claire N Heenan, Minh H. Nguyen, Costas E. Stathopoulos
AbstractBACKGROUNDThe aim of this experiment was to select a pool of potential red/pink natural colour candidates and evaluate their stability during ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) processing and subsequent storage and to compare their behaviour against the artificial colour erythrosine. It was hypothesised that heat processing and post‐treatment storage conditions would have a negative effect on the stability of the natural colourants.
RESULTSAll colourants except fermented red rice showed significant colour loss post‐UHT processing (α = 0.05). Analysis of the colour parameters L*, a* and b* determined that lycopene was the least stable of the colourants and red radish the most stable under all conditions. Fermented red rice was observed to be heat‐stable after exposure to UHT processing and also remained relatively stable during storage, as was black carrot. The variation across trials and the spoilage of some samples were attributed to the fluctuations in temperature (±5 °C) observed during processing.
CONCLUSIONHeat processing and post‐treatment storage conditions had a negative effect on the stability of the natural colourants. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
Gelation of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) minced muscle as affected by pressure and thermal treatments at low salt concentrationJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 97 Số 11 - Trang 3781-3789 - 2017
Binh Q. Truong, Roman Buckow, Minh H. Nguyen, John Furst
AbstractBACKGROUNDBarramundi minced muscle with salt 10 g kg−1 and 20 g kg−1 added is gelled by different combinations of pressurisation (300, 400 and 500 MPa at 4 °C for 10 min), cooking (0.1 MPa, 90 °C for 30 min) and setting (0.1 MPa, 50 °C for 2 h) to improve mechanical properties of barramundi gels and reduce salt added to barramundi gels.
RESULTSAt the low salt concentration of 10 g kg−1, pressurisation prior to cooking (P–C) treatment induced barramundi gels with comparable mechanical properties and water‐holding capacity to those of conventional heat induced (HI) gels with 20 g kg−1 added salt. At salt concentration of 20 g kg−1, pressurisation prior to setting (P–S) and P–C gels exhibited higher mechanical properties and water‐holding capacity as compared to HI gels. Scanning electron microscopy images showed a smooth and dense microstructure of P–C and P–S gels whereas the microstructure of HI gels is rough and less compact.
CONCLUSIONSP–C treatment can reduce salt concentration added to barramundi gels to 10 g kg−1. P–S and P–C treatment can result in higher mechanical and functional properties of barramundi gels at conventional salt concentration (20 g kg−1) as compared to HI gels. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry
Food‐derived immunomodulatory peptidesJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 96 Số 11 - Trang 3631-3641 - 2016
Lourdes Santiago‐López, Adrián Hernández‐Mendoza, Belinda Vallejo‐Córdoba, Verónica Mata‐Haro, Aarón F. González‐Córdova
AbstractFood proteins contain specific amino acid sequences within their structures that may positively impact bodily functions and have multiple immunomodulatory effects. The functional properties of these specific sequences, also referred to as bioactive peptides, are revealed only after the degradation of native proteins during digestion processes. Currently, milk proteins have been the most explored source of bioactive peptides, which presents an interesting opportunity for the dairy industry. However, plant‐ and animal‐derived proteins have also been shown to be important sources of bioactive peptides. This review summarizes the in vitro and in vivo evidence of the role of various food proteins as sources of immunomodulatory peptides and discusses the possible pathways involving these properties. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
Modeling traceability information and functionality requirement in export‐oriented tilapia chainJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 91 Số 7 - Trang 1316-1325 - 2011
Xiaoshuan Zhang, Jianying Feng, Mark Xu, Jinyou Hu
AbstractBACKGROUND: Tilapia has been named as the ‘food fish of the 21st century’ and has become the most important farmed fish. China is the world leader in tilapia production and export. Identifying information and functional requirements is critical in developing an efficient traceability system because traceability has become a fundamental prerequisite for exporting aquaculture products.
RESULTS: This paper examines the export‐oriented tilapia chains and information flow in the chains, and identifies the key actors, information requirements and information‐capturing points. Unified Modeling Language (UML) technology is adopted to describe the information and functionality requirement for chain traceability. The barriers of traceability system adoption are also identified.
CONCLUSION: The results show that the traceability data consist of four categories that must be recorded by each link in the chain. The functionality requirement is classified into four categories from the fundamental information record to decisive quality control; the top three barriers to the traceability system adoption are: high costs of implementing the system, lack of experienced and professional staff; and low level of government involvement and support. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
The production of ochratoxin A and citrinin in barleyJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 35 Số 4 - Trang 395-400 - 1984
A.P. Damoglou, Gerard A. Downey, Wesley Shannon
AbstractThe production of ochratoxin A by Aspergillus ochraceus and of ochratoxin A and citrinin by Penicillium viridicatum growing on previously sterilised barley for 200 days at 5, 10 and 20°C and a water activity of 0.85 is reported. A. ochraceus did not grow at 5°C, multiplied slowly at 10°C but did not produce toxin. At 20°C the organism multiplied more quickly and produced ochratoxin after 19 days, which slowly disappeared over the next 150 days. P. viridicatum grew slowly at 5°C but did not produce any toxin. It multiplied at 10°C and produced ochratoxin A which was only detectable during the period from 100 to 150 days. At 20°C both ochratoxin A and citrinin were produced. Ochratoxin A was detected after 10 days and was still present after 240 days, whereas citrinin was produced in large quantities between 118 and 129 days and then rapidly disappeared.
Ảnh hưởng của maltodextrin và chất nhũ hóa đến độ nhớt của bột bánh và chất lượng của bánh Dịch bởi AI Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 86 Số 5 - Trang 706-712 - 2006
Sudha Madhugiri Lakshminarayan, Vetrimani Rathinam, Leelavathi KrishnaRau
Tóm tắtẢnh hưởng của việc thay thế chất béo bằng maltodextrin lên độ nhớt của bột bánh và chất lượng của bánh thành phẩm đã được nghiên cứu. Độ nhớt của bột đã giảm đáng kể khi chất béo được thay thế bằng một lượng maltodextrin tương đương. Những chiếc bánh được chế biến từ bột này có thể tích nhỏ và kết cấu chắc hơn. Những chiếc bánh tương đối tốt hơn được tạo ra khi sử dụng ít maltodextrin hơn trong công thức. Độ nhớt của bột bánh trên tương đối cao hơn. Một mối quan hệ giữa độ nhớt của bột và thể tích bánh đã được quan sát. Cải thiện thêm về thể tích bánh có thể đạt được bằng cách sử dụng các chất nhũ hóa. Trong sự hiện diện của glyceryl monostearate, chỉ có sự cải thiện nhỏ ở bột bánh được quan sát thấy, nhưng thể tích bánh thành phẩm đã được cải thiện. Tuy nhiên, sodium steroyl lactylate, mặc dù cải thiện độ nhớt của bột, lại không cải thiện thể tích hay kết cấu của bánh.
#maltodextrin #chất nhũ hóa #độ nhớt #bột bánh #chất lượng bánh
Lipid của lúa mì. II.—lipid của bột từ các giống lúa mì đơn lẻ có chất lượng nướng khác nhau đáng kể Dịch bởi AI Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Tập 15 Số 5 - Trang 325-341 - 1964
N. Fisher, M. E. Broughton, D. J. Peel, R. C. Bennett
Tóm tắtBột có tỷ lệ chiết xuất 70% được xay từ năm giống lúa mì trồng tại Hoa Kỳ và hai giống trồng tại Anh đã được kiểm tra về hàm lượng và thành phần lipid. Những khác biệt về giống, mùa vụ và môi trường đã được chứng minh, và các mối tương quan khả dĩ với hiệu suất nướng đã xuất hiện. Kết quả được thảo luận dưới ánh sáng của các lý thuyết liên quan đến tác động của mỡ trong bột và quy trình làm bánh, đồng thời cung cấp bằng chứng hỗ trợ cho sự tồn tại của cơ chế 'không oxy hóa' trong việc cải thiện mỡ.
Sự sắc ký lớp mỏng cho thấy không có sự khác biệt định tính trong thành phần lipid của bảy giống này. Các hợp chất 1,2- và 1,3-diglycerid đã được tách ra và xác định trong số các lipid ít phân cực, và lysolecithin trong số các lipid phân cực. Sắc ký lớp mỏng hai chiều của lipid bột tiết lộ 23 thành phần. Bằng chứng về sự hiện diện của phosphatidyl choline và phosphatidyl ethanolamine trong lipid bột được cung cấp. Các điểm tương ứng với glycerophosphoryl inositol và glycerophosphoryl glycerol đã được quan sát trong các sắc ký đồ của các hợp chất thủy phân kiềm nhẹ của lipid bột.