Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society

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Quality of oils from olives stored under controlled atmosphere
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 69 - Trang 1215-1218 - 1992
F. Gutierrez, S. Perdiguero, J. M. García, J. M. Castellano
Olive (Olea europaea cv. “Picual”) fruits were stored under five different storage conditions (°C/%CO2/%O2; ambient; 5:0:21; 5:3:20; 5:3:5; and 5:<1:5) to determine their influence on the chemical and sensorial quality of oil extracted from the olives at the end of the storage period. Results showed that storage of fruits at 5°C prevented the fast alteration that is produced in oils extracted from fruits stored at ambient temperatures. The use of controlled atmosphere at 5°C with 3% CO2 and/or 5% O2 did not present clear advantages on acidity, peroxide value, K270 and K232 coefficients, stability and sensorial quality. Cooling of fruit keeps physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics of oil below maximum established values for the period of time assayed (60 d).
Frying oil and fat quality measured by chemical, physical, and test kit analyses
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 81 Số 9 - Trang 847-852 - 2004
Elaine Abrão Assef Sanibal, Jorge Mancini-Filho
AbstractThe performance of soybean oil (SBO) and a partially hydrogenated soybean oil (PHSBO) was monitored by chemical, physical, and test kit analyses during 50 h of deep‐frying of potatoes in SBO and 50 h of deep‐frying of potatoes in PHSBO. The oxidative stability of SBO and PHSBO was measured by the iodine value, color index, FFA content, total polar compounds, and FA analysis of deep‐frying SBO and PHSBO. SBO, with higher levels of unsaturated FA, had the faster rate of formation of geometric and positional isomers of unsaturated FA as measured by GC with standards. PHSBO performance under deep‐frying conditions was significantly better than SBO with respect to iodine value, color index, and total polar compounds. The results from analyses using test kits had a good correlation with analytical parameters.
Changes in the characteristics and composition of oils during deep‐fat frying
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 73 Số 4 - Trang 499-506 - 1996
V. K. Tyagi, A. K. Vasishtha
AbstractRefined, bleached, and deodorized soybean oil and vanaspati (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil blend consisting of peanut, cottonseed, nigerseed, palm, rapeseed, mustard, rice bran, soybean, sunflower, corn, safflower, sesame oil, etc., in varying proportions) were used for deep‐fat frying potato chips at 170, 180, and 190°C. Refractive index, specific gravity, color, viscosity, saponification value, and free fatty acids of soybean oil increased with frying temperature, whereas the iodine value decreased. The same trend was observed in vanaspati, but less markedly than in soybean oil, indicating a lesser degree of deterioration. Iodine values of soybean oil and vanaspati decreased from their initial values of 129.8 and 74.7 to 96.2 and 59.6, respectively, after 70 h of frying. Polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased in direct proportion to frying time and temperature. Losses were highest in soybean oil with a 79% decrease in trienoic acids and a 60% decrease in dienoic acids. Levels of nonurea adduct‐forming esters were proportional to the losses of unsaturated fatty acids. Butylated hydroxyanisole and tertiary butylhydroquinone did not affect deterioration of soybean oil at frying temperatures.
The sequence of formation of fatty acids in developing soybean seeds
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 31 - Trang 441-443 - 1954
R. O. Simmons, F. W. Quackenbush
Excised Lincoln soybean stems bearing pods and leaves were supplied with C14 labeled-sucrose for brief periods, and the subsequent appearance of radio-activity in the different fatty acids was observed up to 18 days. The individual fatty acids were separated as their 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride derivatives and the specific activity of the different fractions were determined. Radioactivity appeared in the fatty acids in the following order: oleic, saturated, linoleic, linolenic. Consistent presence of highest specific activity in the oleic acid fraction indicated that oleic may be converted to the other acids, at least to some extent.
Parameters affecting diacylglycerol formation during the production of specific-structured lipids by lipase-catalyzed interesterification
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 76 - Trang 175-181 - 1999
X. Xu, H. Mu, A. R. H. Skands, C. E. Høy, J. Adler-Nissen
Diacylglycerols (DAG) are important intermediates in lipase-catalyzed interesterification, but a high DAG concentration in the reaction mixture results in a high DAG content in the final product. We have previously shown that a high DAG concentration in the reaction mixture increases the degree of acyl migration, thus adding to the formation of by-products. In the present study we examined the influence of water content, reaction temperature, enzyme load, substrate molar ratio (oil/capric acid), and reaction time on the formation of DAG in batch reactors. We used response surface methodology (RSM) to minimize the numbers of experiments. The DAG content of the product was dependent on all parameters examined except reaction time. DAG formation increased with increasing water content, enzyme load, reaction temperature, and substrate ratio. The content of sn-1,3-DAG was higher than that of sn-1,2-DAG under all conditions tested, and the ratio between the contents of the former compounds and the latter increased with increasing temperature and reaction time. The water content, enzyme load, and substrate ratio had no significant effect on this ratio. The DAG content was positively correlated with both the incorporation of acyl donors and the degree of acyl migration.
A modified VERI-FRY® quick test for measuring total polar compounds in deep-frying oils
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 76 - Trang 1087-1089 - 1999
Xin-Qing Xu
The AOCS official method for the determination of total polar compounds in deep-frying oils is often used to estimate frying oil degradation. It can be accurate and reliable, but with sacrifices of time and expense. The TPM VERI-FRY® PRO (Libra Technologies, Inc., Metuchen, NJ) quick test provides a quick and easy way to measure polar compounds in frying oils. The modified quick test measured at 490 nm has a good correlation with the AOCS official method (r=0.975, P<0.001) and provides a good estimate of polar compound accumulation in oils over 80 h of deep-frying. Using the quick test to measure polar compounds is fast, convenient, economical and reliable.
Study on relationship between oil, protein, and gossypol in cottonseed kernels
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 52 - Trang 312-315 - 1975
S. N. Pandey, N. Thejappa
Study on interrelationship between oil, protein, and free gossypol in cottonseed kernels of 97 varieties is reported. Relationship between these properties was studied for each botanical species separately, as well as for all the varieties together. Protein and oil were negatively correlated. The correlation coefficients (γ) were significant at the 1% level in the case ofGossypium arboreum, Gossypium hirsutum, andGossypium barbandense, as well as for all the varieties combined. In the case ofGossypium herbaceum varieties, γ was significant at 5% level. No correlation was found between oil and free gossypol. Protein and free gossypol were negatively correlated. The correlation coefficients were significant at the 1% level in the case ofG. hirsutum, G. barbadense, and all the varieties combined, while it was significant at 5% in the case ofG. herbaceum varieties.
Session IIB
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 58 - Trang 208-209 - 1981
H. J. Dutton
Swedish symposium on metal catalyzed lipid oxidation
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 44 - Trang A521-A521 - 1967
Lipase‐catalyzed transesterification of trilinolein or trilinolenin with selected phenolic acids
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - Tập 83 Số 2 - Trang 101-107 - 2006
Kebba Sabally, Salwa Karboune, Richard St‐Louis, Sélim Kermasha
AbstractThe enzymatic transesterification of selected phenolic acids with TAG, including trilinolein (TLA) and trillinolenin (TLNA), was investigated in an organic solvent medium. Maximal bioconversion of 66% was obtained with a dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) to TLA ratio of 1∶2 after 5 d of reaction. Similarly, the highest bioconversion of 62% was obtained with a DHCA to TLNA ratio of 1∶2, but after 12 d of reaction. However, a ratio of 1∶4 DHCA/TLA decreased the bioconversion to 53%. Transesterification reactions of ferulic acid with both TAG, using a ratio of 1∶2, resulted in low bioconversion of 16 and 14% with TLA and TLNA, respectively. The overall results indicated that bioconversion of phenolic MAG was higher than that of phenolic DAG. The structures of mono‐ and dilinoleyl dihydrocaffeate as well as those of mono‐ and dilinolenyl dihydrocaffeate were confirmed by LC‐MS analyses. The phenolic lipids demonstrated moderate radical‐scavenging activity.
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