Journal of Traumatic Stress




Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell

Lĩnh vực:
Clinical PsychologyPsychiatry and Mental Health

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Risk factors for suicidal behavior among a national sample of adolescents: Implications for prevention
Tập 20 Số 5 - Trang 869-879 - 2007
Angela E. Waldrop, Rochelle F. Hanson, Heidi S. Resnick, Dean G. Kilpatrick, Amy E. Naugle, Benjamin E. Saunders
AbstractFactors associated with suicidal ideation and attempts were examined among a national probability sample of adolescents. Sample prevalences of suicidal ideation and attempts were 24.3% and 3.3%, respectively, yielding weighted population prevalence estimates of 23.3% and 3.1%. Suicidal ideation was positively associated with female gender, age, family alcohol and drug problems, violence exposure, lifetime depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Suicide attempts were associated with female gender, age, sexual and physical assault, lifetime substance abuse or dependence, PTSD, and depression. Implications for intervention and prevention are discussed.
Impact of Coping Style and PTSD on Family Functioning After Deployment in Operation Desert Shield/Storm Returnees
Tập 26 Số 4 - Trang 507-511 - 2013
Suzannah K. Creech, Justin K. Benzer, Brittany K. Liebsack, Susan P. Proctor, Casey T. Taft
The relationship between military combat and postdeployment family functioning difficulties has been frequently investigated in the literature, as has the relationship between types of coping and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Few studies, however, have examined these variables together, and no studies of which we are aware have examined the effect of coping on family functioning after combat exposure. This study examined coping style measured immediately after return from deployment, and PTSD symptoms and family functioning 18–24 months after return from deployment in a sample of Operation Desert Shield/Storm veterans (N = 2,949). Structural equation models suggested that the relationships between distinct coping styles on family functioning were differentially mediated by postdeployment PTSD symptoms. Results are consistent with full mediation for avoidant coping (βdirect = −.09, p = .07; βindirect = −.17, p < .001) and partial mediation for approach coping (βdirect = .16, p < .001; βindirect = .09, p < .001). Results suggest that the strategies used to cope with a combat stress event may impact both PTSD and family functioning outcomes, and highlight the potential utility of pre‐ and postdeployment coping skills training.
Male war‐zone veterans' perceived relationships with their children: The importance of emotional numbing
Tập 15 Số 5 - Trang 351-357 - 2002
Ayelet Meron Ruscio, Frank W. Weathers, Lynda A. King, Daniel W. King
AbstractDespite growing recognition of substantial interpersonal impairment among many war‐zone veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), little is known about the association between PTSD symptomatology and veterans' relationships with their children. This study examined the differential pattern of associations between the symptom clusters of PTSD and the perceived father–child relationships of 66 male Vietnam veterans. Analyses revealed that only the emotional numbing cluster was significantly related to perceived quality of all relationship domains. The association between emotional numbing and perceived relationship quality remained significant in regression analyses even after controlling for fathers' family‐of‐origin stressors, combat exposure, depression, and substance abuse. Findings suggest that emotional numbing may be the component of PTSD most closely linked to interpersonal impairment in war‐zone veterans.
Persisting posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and their relationship to functioning in Vietnam veterans: A 14‐year follow‐up
Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 49-57 - 2008
Karestan C. Koenen, Steven D. Stellman, John F. Sommer, Jeanne Mager Stellman
AbstractThe authors examined the longitudinal association between persisting posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and multiple domains of life functioning in a community sample of 1,377 American Legionnaire Vietnam veterans first assessed in 1984 and followed‐up 14 years later. Almost 30 years after their return from Vietnam, 10% of veterans continued to experience severe PTSD symptoms. At all levels of combat exposure, persisting severe PTSD symptoms were associated with worse family relationships, more smoking, less life satisfaction and happiness, more mental health service use, and more nonspecific health complaints at the 14‐year follow‐up. Further investigation is needed to determine whether the PTSD‐functioning relationship is causal and if successful treatment of PTSD is associated with improvement in functioning.
The Clinical Relevance of a Partial Remission Specifier for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Tập 16 - Trang 515-518 - 2003
Dawn M. Johnson, Caron Zlotnick, Mark Zimmerman
The clinical relevance of a partial remission specifier for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was examined. Using a subgroup of outpatients from the Rhode Island Methods to Improve Diagnostic Assessment and Services project who met criteria for lifetime PTSD (N = 261), participants with current PTSD, PTSD in partial remission, and PTSD in full remission were compared on various indices of impairment. A substantial number (n = 75) of patients met criteria for PTSD in partial remission (28.7%). Outpatients in partial remission of PTSD displayed comparable levels of social and employment functioning as those with current PTSD, and over half of these patients requested treatment for their symptoms. Results support the clinical utility of a partial remission specifier for PTSD.
Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory‐2 (DRRI‐2): An Updated Tool for Assessing Psychosocial Risk and Resilience Factors Among Service Members and Veterans
Tập 26 Số 6 - Trang 710-717 - 2013
Dawne Vogt, Brian N. Smith, Lynda A. King, Daniel W. King, Jeffrey Knight, Jennifer J. Vasterling
The Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory (DRRI) is a widely used instrument for assessing deployment‐related risk and resilience factors among war veterans. A revision of this instrument was recently undertaken to enhance the DRRI's applicability across a variety of deployment‐related circumstances and military subgroups. The resulting suite of 17 distinct DRRI‐2 scales is the product of a multiyear psychometric endeavor that involved (a) focus groups with Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veterans to inform an assessment of the content validity of original DRRI measures, (b) examination of item and scale characteristics of revised scales in a national sample of 469 OEF/OIF veterans, and (c) administration of refined scales to a second national sample of 1,046 OEF/OIF veterans to confirm their psychometric quality. Both classical test theory and item response theory analytical strategies were applied to inform major revisions, which included updating the coverage of warfare‐related stressors, expanding the assessment of family factors throughout the deployment cycle, and shortening scales. Finalized DRRI‐2 scales demonstrated strong internal consistency reliability and criterion‐related validity. The DRRI‐2 can be applied to examine the role that psychosocial factors play in postdeployment health and inform interventions aimed at reducing risk and enhancing resilience among war veterans.
Correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Marines back from war
Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 69-77 - 2010
Stephanie Booth‐Kewley, Gerald E. Larson, Robyn M Highfill-McRoy, Cedric F. Garland, Thomas A. Gaskin
AbstractThe effect of combat and operational stress on the mental health of military personnel is a major concern. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated with possible posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A questionnaire was completed by 1,569 Marines who deployed in support of conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan (2002–2007). Using the PTSD Checklist with a cutoff score of 44, 17.1% of the sample screened positive for possible PTSD. Of 9 demographic and psychosocial factors examined in relation to PTSD, 4 were significant in a multivariate analysis: deployment‐related stressors, combat exposure, marital status, and education. Deployment‐related stressors had a stronger association with PTSD than any other variable. This is an important finding because deployment‐related stressors are potentially modifiable.
Depressive features in holocaust survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder
Tập 7 - Trang 699-704 - 1994
Rachel Yehuda, Boaz Kahana, Steven M. Southwick, Earl L. Giller
The present study was designed to explore several aspects of depressive phenomenology, including current symptoms, dependency (anaclitic) and self-criticism (introjective) themes, and issues of self-efficacy, in Holocaust survivors with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Depressive Subscale of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) were administered to 23 Holocaust survivors and 18 demographically-matched controls. Holocaust survivors with PTSD scored significantly higher on the SCL-90 depression scale, and portrayed more self-criticism on the DEQ, than Holocaust survivors without PTSD and demographically-matched non-exposed subjects. The data suggest that depressive symptoms in individuals who have been severely traumatized are more severe when associated with a concurrent PTSD. Furthermore, groups suffering different types of trauma may show similarities in psychological dimensions of depression.
Trauma and anxiety: The cognitive approach
Tập 1 - Trang 35-56 - 1988
Shulamith Kreitler, Hans Kreitler
The purpose was to show how anxiety, the perception of the input and predisposing personality factors are interrelated in the generation of the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After a review of the role of each of these elements in regard to the PTSD, a new conception of anxiety, the core element of trauma, is introduced, grounded in an innovative system of meaning assessment. Two experiments are summarized demonstrating that anxiety is a pattern of meaning assignment tendencies of the individual and that changing these tendencies brings about the expected changes in the level of anxiety and of cognitive performance. The findings are applied to the treatment and prevention of the PTSD by showing how changing the meaning of specific inputs and of the relevant meaning assignment tendencies of individuals suffering from PTSD or at risk may help to reduce anxiety and increase coping abilities.
Phenomenology and psychological assessment of complex posttraumatic states
Tập 18 Số 5 - Trang 401-412 - 2005
John Briere, Joseph Spinazzola