Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
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* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
The purpose of this study was to use zero‐valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) and cellulosic wastes to reduce bioavailability of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), and to establish Persian maple seedlings (
Six phosphorus (P) fertilizers recycled from sewage sludge [Struvite SSL, Struvite AirPrex®, P‐RoC®, Mephrec®, Pyrolysis coal and Ash (Mg‐SSA)] were tested for their plant availability in potted soil of pH 7.2 under greenhouse conditions. The crop sequence simulated a rotation of red clover (
The composition of functional light soil organic matter pools of arable Cambisols with a gradient in clay content was investigated. Soil texture differences originate from increasing loess admixture to the parent material (coarse‐grained tertiary sediments). Using density fractionation in combination with ultrasonic dispersion, two types of particulate organic matter (POM) were obtained: (1) free POM and (2) POM occluded in soil aggregates. Both POM fractions were analyzed by elemental analysis (C, N) and CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy. With increasing clay content the amount of organic carbon stored in the occluded POM fraction increased considerably, whereas the amounts of free POM were not related to the soil clay content. With increasing soil clay contents increasing proportions of O‐alkyl C and decreasing proportions of aryl C were found for both POM fractions. The occluded POM fraction showed a higher degree of degradation as indicated by lower amounts in O‐alkyl carbon. A lower degree of POM degradation was associated with higher clay contents. Higher soil clay contents promoted the conservation of POM with a low degree of alteration. This effect of soil texture was found to be highly significant when the aryl C : O‐alkyl C ratio was used as indicator for POM decomposition rather than the alkyl C : O‐alkyl C ratio.
The labile fraction of heavy metals (HM) in soils is the most important for toxicity for plants and microorganisms. Thus, it is crucial to reduce this fraction in contaminated soils to decrease the negative effect of HM. In a greenhouse experiment, the effects of several additives on the labile fractions of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Pb were investigated in a soil contaminated during long‐term sewage‐sludge application. The accumulation of HM was studied in the aboveground biomass of wheat (
After the addition of 2% Na‐bentonite as well as 2% Ca‐bentonite, a strong reduction of the labile HM soil fraction and shoot HM concentration was observed. At the end of the experiment, the labile fraction was reduced due to the addition of Na‐bentonite and Ca‐bentonite by 24% and 31% for Zn, by 37% and 36% for Cd, by 41% and 43% for Cu, by 54% and 61% for Ni, and by 48% and 41% for Pb, respectively. Furthermore, the shoot HM concentrations with the exception of Zn were reduced below the phytotoxicity range. Accordingly, the shoot dry‐matter production was significantly increased.
The addition of phosphate fertilizers (notably Novaphos) strongly reduced the bioavailability of Pb for wheat plants. By addition of 0.05% Novaphos, the labile fraction and the shoot concentration of Pb were lowered by 39% and 64%, respectively. However, the addition of Fe oxides and zeolite resulted only in a small reduction in HM bioavailability to wheat plants. Among the studied additives, Na‐bentonite and Ca‐bentonite have the most promising potential to reduce the bioavailability for the studied HM.
Die Weltreserven an Rohphosphaten hoher Qualität und moderater Abbaukosten reichen noch für ca. 90 Jahre. Daraus leitet sich die Notwendigkeit des Phosphat (P)‐Recyclings aus P‐haltigen Abfällen ab. In Deutschland fallen jährlich 2,4 × 106 t Trockenmasse Klärschlamm und über 600.000 t Abfälle tierischen Ursprungs an. Mit dem daraus recycelten P könnte der größte Teil der bisherigen P‐Mineraldünger ersetzt werden. Verlässliche Daten über die Pflanzenverfügbarkeit des P liegen für viele Produkte des P‐Recyclings jedoch noch nicht vor. In einem 21‐tägigen Keimpflanzenversuch (Applikation von 20 mg P (300 g Quarzsand)–1 in 10 cm × 10 cm × 6 cm großen Plastikgefäßen; Aussaat von 100 Roggenkörnern; Einstellung auf 65% der max. Wasserkapazität) wurden daher 26 P‐Verbindungen überprüft (u. a. verschiedene Calcium‐, Magnesium, Eisen‐, Aluminium‐, Ammonium‐ bzw. Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphate, Thomasphosphate). Als Kontrolle wurde eine Variante ohne P‐Gabe eingesetzt. Die Netto‐P‐Aufnahme (P‐Menge in Sprossen und Wurzeln minus P‐Menge in den Kontrollpflanzen) ergab Auskunft über die P‐Verfügbarkeit für die Pflanzen. Die P‐Aufnahme aus den Ca‐Phosphaten sank erwartungsgemäß vom primären Ca‐Phosphat (als Referenz gleich 100 % gesetzt) bis zum Ca‐Apatit auf 10 %. Aus primärem, sekundärem und tertiärem Mg‐Phosphat wurden P‐Mengen ähnlich denen aus dem primären Ca‐Phosphat aufgenommen. Das gleiche galt für die P‐Aufnahme aus Ammonium‐Phosphat und Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphat (Struvit). Thomasphosphate und Sinterphosphate zeigten nur etwa 42 bis 65 % der P‐Verfügbarkeit von primärem Ca‐Phosphat. Insbesondere Fe‐Phosphat versagte völlig als P‐Quelle. Als agronomisch interessante P‐Recyclingprodukte erwiesen sich die Magnesium‐ sowie die Magnesium‐Ammonium‐Phosphate. Zur weiteren Absicherung dieser Ergebnisse müssen diese Produkte in verschiedenen Böden sowohl in Gefäß‐ als auch Feldversuchen überprüft werden.
Phosphorus (P) is an indispensable element for all life on Earth and, during the past decade, concerns about the future of its global supply have stimulated much research on soil P and method development. This review provides an overview of advanced state‐of‐the‐art methods currently used in soil P research. These involve bulk and spatially resolved spectroscopic and spectrometric P speciation methods (1 and 2D NMR, IR, Raman, Q‐TOF MS/MS, high resolution‐MS, NanoSIMS, XRF, XPS, (µ)XAS) as well as methods for assessing soil P reactions (sorption isotherms, quantum‐chemical modeling, microbial biomass P, enzymes activity, DGT, 33P isotopic exchange, 18O isotope ratios). Required experimental set‐ups and the potentials and limitations of individual methods present a guide for the selection of most suitable methods or combinations.
Recycling of P is a common strategy in efficient use of P. The aims of our investigation were to study the P extractability of biochars produced by low temperature conversion and to determine the effect of soda application on low‐temperature conversion of organic compounds and the bioavailability of P to rye grass (
Increasing grazing intensities of sheep and goats can lead to an increasing degradation of grasslands. We investigated four plots of different grazing intensities (heavily grazed, winter‐grazed, ungrazed since 1999, and ungrazed since 1979) in Inner Mongolia, PR China, in order to study the effects of trampling‐induced mechanical stresses on soil hydraulic properties. Soil water transport and effective evapotranspiration under “heavily grazed” and “ungrazed since 1979” were modeled using the HYDRUS‐1D model. Model calibration was conducted using data collected from field studies. The field data indicate that grazing decreases soil C content and hydrophobicity. Pore volume is reduced, and water‐retention characteristics are modified, the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreases, and its anisotropy (vertical
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