Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
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When symptoms don’t fit: a case series of conversion disorder in the pediatric otolaryngology practice
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 47 - Trang 1-5 - 2018
Conversion disorder refers to functional bodily impairments that can be precipitated by high stress situations including trauma and surgery. Symptoms of conversion disorder may mimic or complicate otolaryngology diseases in the pediatric population. In this report, the authors describe 3 cases of conversion disorder that presented to a pediatric otolaryngology-head and neck surgery practice. This report highlights a unique population of patients who have not previously been investigated. The clinical presentation and management of these cases are discussed in detail. Non-organic otolaryngology symptoms of conversion disorder in the pediatric population are reviewed. In addition, we discuss the challenges faced by clinicians in appropriately identifying and treating these patients and present an approach to management of their care. In this report, the authors highlight the importance of considering psychogenic illnesses in patients with atypical clinical presentations of otolaryngology disorders.
Definitive surgical management for second branchial cleft fistula: a case series
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 49 - Trang 1-5 - 2020
Second branchial cleft fistulae are rare pediatric anomalies managed with surgical excision and, in certain cases, ipsilateral tonsillectomy to prevent postoperative recurrence or wound infection. Limited information is available in the published literature regarding surgical techniques to maximize patient outcomes and minimize recurrence. Our objective was to describe outcomes for the largest series of branchial cleft fistulae excised using a uniform technique based on embryologic principles. We conducted a retrospective analysis of pediatric patients who underwent surgery for second branchial cleft fistula using a uniform technique developed by the senior surgeon between 2006 and 2018 at a tertiary care pediatric hospital. The technique involves dissection to the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone as the point of transection, which is the landmark for the base of the tonsillar fossa. Data collected included age at surgery, initial presentation, laterality of fistula tract, final pathology, and follow up data. Measured outcomes included fistula recurrence, wound infection, and other complications. Of 67 patients, 28 (42%) were male and 10 (15%) had bilateral fistulae, for a total of 77 tracts excised. After a median follow up of 31 months, there were no recurrences and one wound infection that was treated successfully with oral antibiotic therapy. No patients underwent tonsillectomy. Effective management of second branchial cleft fistulae can be challenging. We present the largest cohort of results using a uniform surgical technique performed at a single center that obviates the need for tonsillectomy, and thus represents a less morbid and effective approach with no evidence of recurrence.
Composite submental flaps in facial reconstructive surgery involving the zygoma and orbit
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 49 - Trang 1-7 - 2020
The submental island flap (SIF) is a reliable option for reconstructing defects in the facial region and offers several advantages when compared to free-flap alternatives. While the reconstructive applications of the SIF have been demonstrated in the lower face, there are limited reports on its utility as a composite flap for reconstructing defects of the upper facial skeleton. To our knowledge, we report the first cases of composite (osteocutaneous) SIFs used for reconstruction of complex facial defects involving the zygoma and lateral orbit respectively. Three consecutive cases are presented. All were performed following resection of skin cancers with invasion of the upper facial skeleton. The first case was a 68-year-old male with a longstanding history of non-melanoma skin cancers who presented with a 7 cm recurrent basal cell carcinoma (BCC) with bicortical invasion of the left zygoma. The second case was an 88-year-old female with several squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), including a dominant 7.1 cm SCC on the right temple with orbital invasion. A third case was a 75-year-old immunosuppressed male with a 6.5 cm SCC of the right cheek with invasion of the orbit and zygoma following prior resection as well as high dose radiotherapy. The operative management of all cases involved harvesting the SIF on its vascular pedicle alongside the inferior portion of the mandible with rigid fixation to address the bony defects. The first case was robust throughout adjuvant radiotherapy with no flap complications after 2 year follow up. The second patient received adjuvant radiation therapy to an area that was previously radiated. Although the flap remained viable for a year, the patient experienced delayed soft tissue loss over the bony segment and eventual devitalization of the distal flap. The third case achieved a satisfactory result with no complications. Our case series outlines a unique application of the composite (osteocutaneous) submental island flap (SIF) for reconstruction of complex facial defects involving the upper facial skeleton. The osteocutaneous SIF should be used with caution in patients receiving adjuvant radiotherapy who have a history of previous radiation to the same or overlapping field.
The role of steroid injection for vocal folds lesions in professional voice users
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 49 - Trang 1-7 - 2020
Benign vocal fold lesions identified in professional voice users, frequently require further treatment after failure of conservative measures. The role of vocal fold steroid injection as a treatment option for select benign lesions is the focus of this study. Steroid injection may avoid phonosurgery in some individuals thereby reducing the potential for adverse side effects associated with surgery. The purpose of the study is to review the effect of steroid injection on vocal function in professional voice users associated with a benign lesion(s) using the Voice Handicap Index-10. This study is a retrospective review of patients (professional voice users) that underwent 1 or more steroid injection(s) between July 2014-December 2018. The Voice Handicap Index-10 was compared from pre to post treatment. Patients were identified using billing code data for laryngeal injection. Patient demographics (age, gender, profession), previous phonosurgery, date of steroid injection and follow up dates as well as VHI-10 scores were collected from the electronic medical record. Twenty four patients were identified. The mean Voice HandicapIndex-10 score decreased from 23.5 pre injection to 17.8 post injection which represented a reduction of 24.3%. Vocal fold steroid injection procedure in our series was associated with one complication. Vocal fold steroid injection for benign lesions is a safe, well-tolerated procedure with an improvement in vocal function without surgical intervention. Steroid injection should be considered as a treatment option to avoid surgery in patients with select vocal fold lesions.
Monoscopic photogrammetry to obtain 3D models by a mobile device: a method for making facial prostheses
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 45 - Trang 1-13 - 2016
The aim of this study is to present the development of a new technique to obtain 3D models using photogrammetry by a mobile device and free software, as a method for making digital facial impressions of patients with maxillofacial defects for the final purpose of 3D printing of facial prostheses. With the use of a mobile device, free software and a photo capture protocol, 2D captures of the anatomy of a patient with a facial defect were transformed into a 3D model. The resultant digital models were evaluated for visual and technical integrity. The technical process and resultant models were described and analyzed for technical and clinical usability. Generating 3D models to make digital face impressions was possible by the use of photogrammetry with photos taken by a mobile device. The facial anatomy of the patient was reproduced by a *.3dp and a *.stl file with no major irregularities. 3D printing was possible. An alternative method for capturing facial anatomy is possible using a mobile device for the purpose of obtaining and designing 3D models for facial rehabilitation. Further studies must be realized to compare 3D modeling among different techniques and systems. Free software and low cost equipment could be a feasible solution to obtain 3D models for making digital face impressions for maxillofacial prostheses, improving access for clinical centers that do not have high cost technology considered as a prior acquisition.
Academic benchmarks for leaders in Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery: a Canadian perspective
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 49 - Trang 1-7 - 2020
The present study summarizes the demographics, subspecialty training, and academic productivity of contemporary leaders in Canadian Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS) training programs across Canada. Demographic data regarding chairpersons (CPs) and program directors (PDs) were obtained from publicly-available faculty listings and online sources, and included employment institution, residency training, fellowship training status, gender, and years of post-graduate experience. Research productivity was measured using the h-index and number of publications, obtained from Scopus. Characteristics of CPs and PDs were compared using statistical analysis. Cross-sectional data was obtained from a total of 27 CPs and PDs from 13 accredited OHNS training programs across Canada active on July 1, 2019. All academic leaders completed at least 1 year of fellowship training. Head and neck oncology represented 77% of CPs and 59% of academic leaders overall, while pediatric otolaryngology represented 43% of PDs. Females represented 11% of academic leaders. There was a significant association between location of residency training and employment, with 56% (15/27) of physicians working where they had trained (p = 0.001, Fisher’s exact test; φ = 2.63, p = 0.001). On average, individuals with a graduate (Master’s) degree had a significantly higher H-index (17.7 vs 7.4, p = 0.001) and greater number of publications (106 vs. 52, p = 0.02). Compared to PDs, CPs had a significantly higher average h-index score (14.5 vs. 8.14, p = 0.04) and accrued more years of post-graduate experience (29.7 vs. 21.3 years, p = 0.008). There were no differences in the proportions of CPs and PDs with graduate degrees. There appeared to be a decline in research productivity beginning 3 years after academic appointment. This cross-sectional overview of academic leaders in Canadian OHNS programs demonstrates the following key findings: 1) all leaders completed fellowship training; 2) head and neck surgical oncology was the most common fellowship training subspecialty; 3) leaders were likely to be employed at the institution where they trained; 4) a Master’s degree may be associated with increased research productivity; 5) there is a potential risk of decreased productivity after appointment to a leadership position; and 6) women are underrepresented in academic leadership roles.
Morphological analysis of sigmoid sinus anatomy: clinical applications to neurotological surgery
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 48 - Trang 1-8 - 2019
The primary objective of this study was to use high-resolution micro-CT images to create accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of several intratemporal structures, and to compare several surgically important dimensions within the temporal bone. The secondary objective was to create a statistical shape model (SSM) of a dominant and non-dominant sigmoid sinus (SS) to provide a template for automated segmentation algorithms. A free image processing software, 3D Slicer, was utilized to create three-dimensional reconstructions of the SS, jugular bulb (JB), facial nerve (FN), and external auditory canal (EAC) from micro-CT scans. The models were used to compare several clinically important dimensions between the dominant and non-dominant SS. Anatomic variability of the SS was also analyzed using SSMs generated using the Statismo software framework. Three-dimensional models from 38 temporal bones were generated and analyzed. Right dominance was observed in 74% of the paired SSs. All distances were significantly shorter on the dominant side (p < 0.05), including: EAC – SS (dominant: 13.7 ± 3.4 mm; non-dominant: 15.3 ± 2.7 mm), FN – SS (dominant: 7.2 ± 1.8 mm; non-dominant: 8.1 ± 2.3 mm), 2nd genu FN – superior tip of JB (dominant: 8.7 ± 2.2 mm; non-dominant: 11.2 ± 2.6 mm), horizontal distance between the superior tip of JB – descending FN (dominant: 9.5 ± 2.3 mm; non-dominant: 13.2 ± 3.5 mm), and horizontal distance between the FN at the stylomastoid foramen – JB (dominant: 5.4 ± 2.2 mm; non-dominant: 7.7 ± 2.1). Analysis of the SSMs indicated that SS morphology is most variable at its junction with the transverse sinus, and least variable at the JB. This is the first known study to investigate the anatomical variation and relationships of the SS using high resolution scans, 3D models and statistical shape analysis. This analysis seeks to guide neurotological surgical approaches and provide a template for automated segmentation and surgical simulation.
Prospective functional outcomes in sequential population based cohorts of stage III/ IV oropharyngeal carcinoma patients treated with 3D conformal vs. intensity modulated radiotherapy
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 44 - Trang 1-8 - 2015
To compare early (3 and 6 month) and later (12 and 24 month) functional outcomes of stage III and IV (M0) oropharyngeal squamous cancer patients treated in sequential cohorts with 3D conformal (3DCRT) or intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). 200 patients in sequential population based cohorts of 83 and 117 patients treated at a single institution with 3DCRT and then IMRT respectively were prospectively assessed at pre-treatment and 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post treatment. A standard functional outcomes protocol including performance status (KPS, ECOG), 3 Performance Status scales for Head and Neck (PSS-HN), the Royal Brisbane Hospital Outcome Measure for Swallowing (RBHOMS), Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) and self-rated xerostomia were applied. Mean age at diagnosis was 59 years. The primary site was base of tongue in 77 and tonsil or soft palate in 123 patients. Median follow up was 2.5 years for the second cohort. Concomitant therapy was used in 159 (79.5%). Overall survival at 3 years was 75.6% and 71.5% for IMRT and 3DCRT cohorts respectively (not significant). A multiple imputation technique was used to estimate missing values in order to avoid a healthy patient bias. KPS and ECOG reached nadirs at 3 to 6 months but approached baseline values at 12 to 24 months and did not differ by treatment. The 3 PSS-HN scales, Eating in Public (p < 0.001), Understandability of Speech (p = 0.009) and Oral Diet Texture (p = 0.002) and all showed significantly better outcomes in favor of IMRT. The RBHOMS showed a difference in favor of IMRT which appeared during 3 to 6 months (p < 0.001). The VHI-10 also showed a difference in favor of IMRT (p = 0.015). Self-rated xerostomia did not differ at 3 and 6 months but was significantly better in favor of IMRT after 12 months p = 0.005 A prospectively administered functional outcomes protocol showed meaningful differences in favor of IMRT over 3DCRT early (3–6 months) and later (12–24 months) in the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma with equivalent survival. These data support the adoption of IMRT as the standard radiation treatment method for patients with stage III and IV (M0) oropharyngeal squamous carcinoma. KPS and ECOG may not be sensitive to oropharyngeal cancer patients’ functional outcomes by treatment.
The experience of device failure after cochlear implantation
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Tập 52 - Trang 1-11 - 2023
The present study describes the treatment of patients at a tertiary institution who experienced device failure after Cochlear Implantation (CI), as well as identifying prodromic symptoms that could assist in the timely identification and management of device failure. Retrospective database review (January 2000–May 2017). Single tertiary hospital. Factors recorded included the etiology of hearing loss; age at first and revision CI surgeries; surgical information, including operation time and approach; electrical outcomes after implantation; device implanted; symptoms of device failure; history of head trauma; and audiologic outcomes as determined by categories of auditory performance (CAP). From January 2000 to May 2017, 1431 CIs were performed, with 27 (1.9%) undergoing revision surgeries due to device failure. The most common etiology of hearing loss was idiopathic (12/27), followed by cochlear hypoplasia (5/27). Mean age at initial CI was 11.8 (1–72) years, with 21 being pre-lingual and 6 being post-lingual. Of the total devices initially implanted, 80.5% were from Cochlear, 15.9% from MED-EL, and 3.5% from Advanced Bionics. The failure rates of these devices were 1.3%, 3.1%, and 10.0%, respectively. The most suggestive symptom of device failure was intermittent loss of signal. Mean CAP scores were 5.17 before reimplantation and 5.54 and 5.81 at 1- and 3-years, respectively, after reimplantation. The most suggestive symptom preceding device failure was intermittent loss of signal. Patients who present with this symptom should undergo electrical examination for suspected device failure. Audiologic outcomes showed continuous development despite revision surgeries.
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