Journal of Interpersonal Violence
SCOPUS (1986-2023)SSCI-ISI
Cơ quản chủ quản: SAGE Publications Inc.
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Over multiple generations, American Indian communities have endured a succession of traumatic events that have enduring consequences for community members. This article presents a multilevel framework for exploring the impact of historically traumatic events on individuals, families, and communities. The critical connection between historically traumatic events and contemporary stressors is also discussed at length.
Although male rape is being reported more often than before, the majority of rape victims continue to be women. Rape myths—false beliefs used mainly to shift the blame of rape from perpetrators to victims—are also prevalent in today’s society and in many ways contribute toward the pervasiveness of rape. Despite this, there has been limited consideration as to how rape prevention programs and policies can address this phenomenon, and there is no updated information on the demographic, attitudinal, or behavioral factors currently associated with rape myths. This research aimed to address this gap by examining the correlates of rape-myths acceptance (RMA) in published studies. A total of 37 studies were reviewed, and their results were combined using meta-analytic techniques. Overall, the findings indicated that men displayed a significantly higher endorsement of RMA than women. RMA was also strongly associated with hostile attitudes and behaviors toward women, thus supporting feminist premise that sexism perpetuates RMA. RMA was also found to be correlated with other “isms,” such as racism, heterosexism, classism, and ageism. These findings suggest that rape prevention programs and policies must be broadened to incorporate strategies that also address other oppressive beliefs concurrent with RMA. Indeed, a renewed awareness of how RMA shapes societal perceptions of rape victims, including perceptions of service providers, could also reduce victims’ re-victimization and enhance their coping mechanisms.
This article examines psychometric characteristics of the 100-item Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) in a sample of 370 psychiatric inpatients and psychotherapy outpatient men and women. The 10 clinical scales of the TSI had a mean α of .87, with αs ranging from .74 for Tension Reduction Behavior to .90 for both Depression and Intrusive Experiences. A self-reported history of interpersonal trauma (in child- or adulthood) was associated with elevations on all TSI scales relative to those not reporting victimization. Post hoc multiple regression analyses indicated that client age, sex, inpatient versus outpatient status, childhood sexual and physical abuse, and adult sexual assault were unique predictors of various TSI raw scale scores. Sex interacted with other predictors in several instances; women with sexual- or physical-assault histories scored higher on Depression and Intrusive Experiences, and men battered in a relationship scored higher on Sexual Concerns and Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior.
The present study investigated the relationship between criminal psychopathy and violent behavior. Groups were defined according to psychopathy ratings (Hare's Psychopathy Checklist) and violence. Psychopaths scored higher than nonpsychopaths on measures of impulsiveness and aggressiveness, and they were more likely than other inmates to behave aggressively, to have committed more serious past offenses, to have used weapons, threats and instrumental aggression, and to have suffered physical abuse as a child. When presented with hypothetical situations that involved a frustrating outcome, psychopaths reported that they would be more angry than nonpsychopaths, and they attributed greater hostile intent to others. Violent psychopaths were seen as qualitatively different than violent nonpsychopaths in their use of violence, yet they did not differ in terms of the seriousness of their index offense.
The various categories of reports of child sexual abuse were examined in Phase 1 of a two-part study. In this first phase, all the reports (N = 576) of child sexual abuse made to the Denver Department of Social Services were categorized. Most reports were reliable accounts (70%), but a small proportion appeared to be fictitious (8%). In Phase 2, fictitious (false) reports of child sexual abuse were examined in detail. Certain clinical features appeared to mark the fictitious reports: lack of emotion and an absence of coercion and threat in the child's account, absence of detail, and several of the children and some adults were suffering from preexisting posttraumatic stress disorders based upon previous experiences. In certain cases, custody or visitation disputes were in force when the allegation arose. Poor quality of interviews with children was sometimes a factor. In our current state of knowledge absolute conclusions are not possible in the absence of corroboration. Tentative conclusions are drawn concerning present clinical practice and suggestions are made for future research.
Verbal disclosure of abuse in a specialized interview was studied in a sample of 28 children, ages 3 to menarche, who presented with purely physical complaints later diagnosed as a sexually transmitted disease, in the absence of any known prior disclosure or suspicion of sexual abuse. Only 43% gave any verbal confirmation of sexual contact. Fifty-seven percent were “false negatives.” Disclosure was strongly associated with the attitude taken by the child's caretaker toward the possibility of abuse. Children whose caretakers accepted the possibility that their child might have been sexually abused disclosed at a rate almost 3.5 times as great as those whose caretakers denied any possibility of abuse (63% vs. 17%). The results suggest that caretaker attitude and support is a critical variable in the child's disclosure process and a valuable target for intervention and prevention efforts. In addition, it was found that, aside from their STD, many of these abused children presented as free from any specifically suspicious abuse symptoms, suggesting that reliance on single interviews and identification of “red flags” cannot be expected to identify many hidden victims.
This study examined the relationship between alcohol and individual difference factors on one hand and marital aggression on the other hand. Subjects were 320 married and cohabiting men who participated in a nationally representative study of alcohol consumption in young men. Subjects completed scales assessing hostility, self-consciousness, and marital satisfaction, and the Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS). They also answered two questions concerning marital aggression: whether they had ever hit their spouse while drinking or hit their spouse while sober. The results indicated that alcohol use was strongly related to marital aggression. Furthermore, scores on the ADS interacted with hostility and marital satisfaction to predict marital aggression, with ADS scores related to marital aggression among men who scored high on hostility or low on marital satisfaction.
Physical child abuse continues to be a major social concern, particularly because the sequelae of physical child abuse can persist long after the experience of abuse. This article presents the practitioner with a representative, albeit not an exhaustive, review of perpetrator characteristics. Perpetrator variables are discussed under four major headings: social, biological, cognitive/affective, and behavioral factors. Each section contains a review of selected variables and a discussion of their possible roles in the occurrence of physical child abuse. Finally, implications for assessment and intervention programs are discussed. Given that no physical child abuse perpetrator typology has been adequately validated, it is underscored that interventions should be tailored to individual perpetrator characteristics with a consideration of factors from other ecological levels.
The capacity of communities to prevent violence is examined fromthree perspectives: youth violence, child maltreatment, and intimate partner violence. The analysis suggests that community social control and collective efficacy are significant protective factors for all three types of violence, but these need to be further distinguished for their relationships to private, parochial, and state controls. It is argued that strong interpersonal ties are not the only contributor to collective efficacy and violence prevention. Weak ties, including those outside the community, and organizational ties are also seen as necessary. Violence prevention programs should be structured in ways that contribute to the communities’ own capacity to prevent violence.
Self-report instruments have not been favored in the prediction of criminal recidivism. The present study compared the predictive accuracy of a self-report instrument (Self-Appraisal Questionnaire) with the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, General Statistical Information on Recidivism, and the Violent Risk Appraisal Guide. The sample consisted of incarcerated males (N= 78) who were followed for 2 years following release. Of the four risk prediction instruments, the Self-Appraisal Questionnaire was statistically equivalent in predicting nonviolent and violent recidivism. These results suggest that a self-report instrument can predict recidivism.