Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1930-2023)
Cơ quản chủ quản: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) , ASME
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This paper proposes the use of a Grid Convergence Index (GCI) for the uniform reporting of grid refinement studies in Computational Fluid Dynamics. The method provides an objective asymptotic approach to quantification of uncertainty of grid convergence. The basic idea is to approximately relate the results from any grid refinement test to the expected results from a grid doubling using a second-order method. The GCI is based upon a grid refinement error estimator derived from the theory of generalized Richardson Extrapolation. It is recommended for use whether or not Richardson Extrapolation is actually used to improve the accuracy, and in some cases even if the conditions for the theory do not strictly hold. A different form of the GCI applies to reporting coarse grid solutions when the GCI is evaluated from a “nearby” problem. The simple formulas may be applied a posteriori by editors and reviewers, even if authors are reluctant to do so.
Cavitating flows entail phase change and hence very large and steep density variations in the low pressure regions. These are also very sensitive to: (a) the formation and transport of vapor bubbles, (b) the turbulent fluctuations of pressure and velocity, and (c) the magnitude of noncondensible gases, which are dissolved or ingested in the operating liquid. The presented cavitation model accounts for all these first-order effects, and thus is named as the “full cavitation model.” The phase-change rate expressions are derived from a reduced form of Rayleigh-Plesset equation for bubble dynamics. These rates depend upon local flow conditions (pressure, velocities, turbulence) as well as fluid properties (saturation pressure, densities, and surface tension). The rate expressions employ two empirical constants, which have been calibrated with experimental data covering a very wide range of flow conditions, and do not require adjustments for different problems. The model has been implemented in an advanced, commercial, general-purpose CFD code, CFD-ACE+. Final validation results are presented for flows over hydrofoils, submerged cylindrical bodies, and sharp-edged orifices. Suggestions for possible extensions of the model implementation, e.g., to nonisothermal flows, for ingestion and mixing of noncondensible gases, and for predictions of noise and surface damage are outlined.
Manufacturing processes that can create extremely small machines have been developed in recent years. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) refer to devices that have characteristic length of less than 1 mm but more than 1 micron, that combine electrical and mechanical components and that are fabricated using integrated circuit batch-processing techniques. Electrostatic, magnetic, pneumatic and thermal actuators, motors, valves, gears, and tweezers of less than 100-μm size have been fabricated. These have been used as sensors for pressure, temperature, mass flow, velocity and sound, as actuators for linear and angular motions, and as simple components for complex systems such as micro-heat-engines and micro-heat-pumps. The technology is progressing at a rate that far exceeds that of our understanding of the unconventional physics involved in the operation as well as the manufacturing of those minute devices. The primary objective of this article is to critically review the status of our understanding of fluid flow phenomena particular to microdevices. In terms of applications, the paper emphasizes the use of MEMS as sensors and actuators for flow diagnosis and control.
An aerodynamical model for studying three-dimensional flow fields about wind turbine rotors is presented. The developed algorithm combines a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver with a so-called actuator line technique in which the loading is distributed along lines representing the blade forces. The loading is determined iteratively using a blade-element approach and tabulated airfoil data. Computations are carried out for a 500 kW Nordtank wind turbine equipped with three LM19.1 blades. The computed power production is found to be in good agreement with measurements. The computations give detailed information about basic features of wind turbine wakes, including distributions of interference factors and vortex structures. The model serves in particular to analyze and verify the validity of the basic assumptions employed in the simple engineering models.
There are infinite numbers of possible arrangements of two parallel cylinders positioned at right angles to the approaching flow direction. Of the infinite arrangements, two distinct groups may be identified: in one group, the cylinders are in a tandem arrangement, one behind the other at any longitudinal spacing; and in the second group, the cylinders face the flow side by side at any transverse spacing. All other combinations of longitudinal and transverse spacings represent staggered arrangements. The tandem arrangement will be treated first. A critical survey of previous research revealed some “odd” features which had been observed and overlooked by various authors. The discontinuity of vortex shedding implies that a similar discontinuity should be expected for the drag force on both cylinders. The measurements of the front (gap) pressures of the downstream cylinder and the base pressures of both cylinders at various spacings reveal a discontinuous “jump” at some critical spacing. The discontinuity is caused by the abrupt change from one stable flow pattern to another at the critical spacing. A new interpretation is given for the existing data on the drag force for both cylinders. The effects of Reynolds number and surface roughness are treated in some detail. Following this, two cylinders arranged side by side to the approaching flow are considered. All the available data on measured forces are compiled together with additional measurements in the range of intermittent changes of drag and lift forces. The bistable nature of the asymmetric flow pattern around each cylinder produces two alternative values of the drag force coupled with two alternative values of the lift force. The introduction of the interference force coefficient exposes the physical origin of two different forces experienced by the cylinders when arranged side by side. Finally, the least reported arrangement of two staggered cylinders is reviewed. The various arrangements are grouped into classes according to the sign of the lift force, or whether the drag force is greater or less than that for a single cylinder. The measurements of drag and lift forces for various arrangements reveal two different regimes for the lift force. In one regime, the lift force directed toward the wake of the upstream cylinder is due to the entrainment of the flow into the fully developed wake of the upstream cylinder. The lift force in this regime reaches a maximum value when the downstream cylinder is near to the upstream wake boundary. In the second regime, at very small spacings, the lift force becomes very large due to an intense gap flow which displaces the wake of the upstream cylinder. The maximum lift force occurs with the downstream cylinder near to the horizontal axis of the upstream cylinder. A discontinuity in the lift force for some staggered arrangements is found and attributed to the bistable nature of the gap flow.
Part 1 of this two-part paper presents a comprehensive approach to verification and validation methodology and procedures for CFD simulations from an already developed CFD code applied without requiring availability of the source code for specified objectives, geometry, conditions, and available benchmark information. Concepts, definitions, and equations derived for simulation errors and uncertainties provide the overall mathematical framework. Verification is defined as a process for assessing simulation numerical uncertainty and, when conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the numerical error itself and the uncertainty in that error estimate. The approach for estimating errors and uncertainties includes (1) the option of treating the numerical error as deterministic or stochastic, (2) the use of generalized Richardson extrapolation for J input parameters, and (3) the concept of correction factors based on analytical benchmarks, which provides a quantitative metric to determine proximity of the solutions to the asymptotic range, accounts for the effects of higher-order terms, and are used for defining and estimating errors and uncertainties. Validation is defined as a process for assessing simulation modeling uncertainty by using benchmark experimental data and, when conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the modeling error itself. The approach properly takes into account the uncertainties in both the simulation and experimental data in assessing the level of validation. Interpretation of results of validation efforts both where the numerical error is treated as deterministic and stochastic are discussed. Part 2 provides an example for RANS simulations for a cargo/container ship where issues with regard to practical application of the methodology and procedures and interpretation of verification and validation results are discussed.
Gas microflows are encountered in many applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Computational modeling and simulation can provide an effective predictive capability for heat and momentum transfer in microscales as well as means of evaluating the performance of a new microdevice before hardware fabrication. In this article, we present models and a computational methodology for simulating gas microflows in the slip-flow regime for which the Knudsen number is less than 0.3. The formulation is based on the classical Maxwell/Smoluchowski boundary conditions that allow partial slip at the wall. We first modify a high-order slip boundary condition we developed in previous work so that it can be easily implemented to provide enhanced numerical stability. We also extend a previous formulation for incompressible flows to include compressibility effects which are primarily responsible for the nonlinear pressure distribution in micro-channel flows. The focus of the paper is on the competing effects of compressibility and rarefaction in internal flows in long channels. Several simulation results are presented and comparisons are provided with available experimental data. A specific set of benchmark experiments is proposed to systematically study compressibility, rarefaction and viscous heating in microscales in order to provide validation to the numerical models and the slip-flow theory in general as well as to establish absolute standards in this relatively young field of fluid mechanics.