Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

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Prognosticating global functional outcome in the recurrent ischemic stroke using baseline clinical and pre‐clinical features: A machine learning study
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 31 Số 1 - 2025
Tran Nhat Phong Dao, Hien Nguyen Thanh Dang, My Thi Kim Pham, Hien Thi Nguyen, Cuong Q. Tran, Văn Minh Lê
AbstractBackground and Purpose

Recurrent ischemic stroke (RIS) induces additional functional limitations in patients. Prognosticating globally functional outcome (GFO) in RIS patients is thereby important to plan a suitable rehabilitation programme. This study sought to investigate the ability of baseline features for classifying the patients with and without improving GFO (task 1) and identifying patients with poor GFO (task 2) at the third month after discharging from RIS.


A total of 86 RIS patients were recruited and divided into the training set and testing set (50:50). The clinical and pre‐clinical data were recorded. The outcome was the changes in Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) (task 1) and the mRS score at the third month (mRS 0–2: good GFO, mRS >2: poor GFO) (task 2). The permutation importance ranking method selected features. Four algorithms were trained on the training set with five‐fold cross‐validation. The best model was tested on the testing set.


In task 1, the support vector machine (SVM) model outperformed the other models, with the high performance matrix on the training set (sensitivity = 0.80; specificity = 1.00) and the testing set (sensitivity = 0.80; specificity = 0.95). In task 2, the SVM model with selected features also performed well on both datasets (training set: sensitivity = 0.76; specificity = 0.92; testing set: sensitivity = 0.72; specificity = 0.88).


A machine learning model could be used to classify GFO responses to treatment and identify the third‐month poor GFO in RIS patients, supporting physicians in clinical practice.

Improving the usefulness of a tool for appraising the quality of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies, the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT)
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 24 Số 3 - Trang 459-467 - 2018
Quan Nha Hong, Araceli Gonzalez‐Reyes, Pierre Pluye
AbstractRationale, aims, and objectives

Systematic reviews combining qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods studies are increasingly popular because of their potential for addressing complex interventions and phenomena, specifically for assessing and improving clinical practice. A major challenge encountered with this type of review is the appraisal of the quality of individual studies given the heterogeneity of the study designs. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was developed to help overcome this challenge. The aim of this study was to explore the usefulness of the MMAT by seeking the views and experiences of researchers who have used it.


We conducted a qualitative descriptive study using semistructured interviews with MMAT users. A purposeful sample was drawn from the researchers who had previously contacted the developer of the MMAT, and those who have published a systematic review for which they had used the MMAT. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by 2 coders using thematic analysis.


Twenty participants from 8 countries were interviewed. Thirteen themes were identified and grouped into the 2 dimensions of usefulness, ie, utility and usability. The themes related to utility concerned the coverage, completeness, flexibility, and other utilities of the tool. Those regarding usability were related to the learnability, efficiency, satisfaction, and errors that could be made due to difficulties understanding or selecting the items to appraise.


On the basis of the results of this study, we make several recommendations for improving the MMAT. This will contribute to greater usefulness of the MMAT.

Interpretation of tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta‐analysis
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 951-957 - 2008
John P. A. Ioannidis

Statistical tests of heterogeneity and bias, in particular publication bias, are very popular in meta‐analyses. These tests use statistical approaches whose limitations are often not recognized. Moreover, it is often implied with inappropriate confidence that these tests can provide reliable answers to questions that in essence are not of statistical nature. Statistical heterogeneity is only a correlate of clinical and pragmatic heterogeneity and the correlation may sometimes be weak. Similarly, statistical signals may hint to bias, but seen in isolation they cannot fully prove or disprove bias in general, let alone specific causes of bias, such as publication bias in particular. Both false‐positive and false‐negative signals of heterogeneity and bias can be common and their prevalence may be anticipated based on some rational considerations. Here I discuss the major common challenges and flaws that emerge in using and interpreting statistical tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta‐analyses. I discuss misinterpretations that can occur at the level of statistical inference, clinical/pragmatic inference and specific cause attribution. Suggestions are made on how to avoid these flaws, use these tests properly and learn from them.

A comparison of a Bayesian vs. a frequentist method for profiling hospital performance
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 7 Số 1 - Trang 35-45 - 2001
Peter C. Austin, C. David Naylor, Jack V. Tu

The objective of this study was to compare the classification of hospitals as outcomes outliers using a commonly implemented frequentist statistical approach vs. an implementation of Bayesian hierarchical statistical models, using 30‐day hospital‐level mortality rates for a cohort of acute myocardial infarction patients as a test case. For the frequentist approach, a logistic regression model was constructed to predict mortality. For each hospital, a risk‐adjusted mortality rate was computed. Those hospitals whose 95% confidence interval, around the risk‐adjusted mortality rate, excludes the mean mortality rate were classified as outliers. With the Bayesian hierarchical models, three factors could vary: the profile of the typical patient (low, medium or high risk), the extent to which the mortality rate for the typical patient departed from average, and the probability that the mortality rate was indeed different by the specified amount. The agreement between the two methods was compared for different patient profiles, threshold differences from the average and probabilities. Only marginal agreement was shown between the Bayesian and frequentist approaches. In only five of the 27 comparisons was the kappa statistic at least 0.40. The remaining 22 comparisons demonstrated only marginal agreement between the two methods. Within the Bayesian framework, hospital classification clearly depended on patient profile, threshold and probability of exceeding the threshold. These inconsistencies raise questions about the validity of current methods for classifying hospital performance, and suggest a need for urgent research into which methods are most meaningful to clinicians, managers and the general public.

Reliability, validity and factor structure of the Appraisal of Self‐Care Agency Scale – Revised (ASAS‐R)
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 16 Số 6 - Trang 1031-1040 - 2010
Valmi D. Sousa, Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, Sandra Bergquist‐Beringer, Carol M. Musil, Jane B. Neese, Ala’a F. Jaber

Rationale, aims and objectives  Self‐care agency is a fundamental concept in nursing and health care research. Having self‐care agency enhances an individual's health‐promoting behaviours and/or specific capabilities for chronic disease self‐management. The purpose of this study was to continue the development and psychometric testing of the Appraisal of Self‐Care Agency – Revised (ASAS‐R).

Methods  A cross‐sectional methodological design was used to examine the reliability, validity and factor structure of the ASAS‐R among individuals from the general population. The sample consisted of 629 adults who were randomly selected to conduct an exploratory factor analysis (EFA; n = 240) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA; n = 389) of the scale. A demographic questionnaire, the ASAS‐R and the Health‐Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP‐II) were the measures used to collect the data.

Results  The final 15‐item three‐factor ASAS‐R had an overall Cronbach's alpha (α) of 0.89. The three factors extracted, rotated and scored in this study were labelled: having power for self‐care, developing power for self‐care and lacking power for self‐care. All inter‐items and item‐to‐total correlations met recommended criteria of r = 0.30 to r = 0.70, except for one of the items that had an item‐to‐total correlation of 0.71, slightly exceeding the maximum recommended item‐to‐total correlation. The three factors had Cronbach's alphas of 0.86, 0.83 and 0.79, respectively. The three factors together explained 61.7% of the scale items variance. Each item of the scale had a strong factor loading ranging from 0.52 to 0.81. All measures of model fit exceeded the recommended criteria, indicating that the 15‐item ASAS‐R had a very good fit (χ2/d.f. = 1.97, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.05, RMR = 0.05 and the PCLOSE = 0.48).

Conclusions  The 15‐item three‐factor ASAS‐R is a short, reliable and valid instrument to measure self‐care agency among individuals from the general population, but further psychometric evaluation is needed among individuals with chronic diseases, especially those with diabetes mellitus.

Quality of care: the need for medical, contextual and policy evidence in primary care
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 11 Số 5 - Trang 417-429 - 2005
Mieke L van Driel, An IM De Sutter, Thierry Christiaens, Jan M. De Maeseneer

The increasing availability of medical evidence in clinical practice was expected to improve the quality of care. However, this has not been realized. A possible explanation is that quality of care is a complex concept and needs a wider scope. Starting from the Donabedian triangle of structure, process and outcome, a framework for the analysis of quality of care is presented. The need for three types of evidence is identified and discussed: medical, contextual and policy evidence. Although the body of medical evidence is increasing, it has major flaws and gaps hampering its applicability in primary care. There is also a need to focus on the context of the medical encounter, which has been shown to influence outcome, but is still not well researched. Finally, evidence on costs, cost utility and equity needs to be considered. Taking these different aspects of evidence into account, an agenda for research in primary care is set. The analytical framework may provide new insights in the quest for improving quality of health care.

Patients' Beliefs about Medicines in a primary care setting in Germany
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 18 Số 2 - Trang 409-413 - 2012
Cornelia Mahler, Katja Hermann, Rob Horne, Susanne Jank, Walter E. Haefeli, Joachim Szécsényi

Objectives  The aim of this study was to explore patients' beliefs about medicines by administering the German version of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) in a primary care setting among chronically ill patients and to examine its psychometric properties. The BMQ assesses patients' beliefs about their individual prescribed medication as well as their beliefs about medicines in general.

Methods  A cross‐sectional survey of 485 chronically ill patients was performed. The German version of the BMQ was evaluated in terms of internal consistency, validity and scale structure. To assess validity the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS‐D) and the Satisfaction with Information about Medicines Scale (SIMS‐D) were applied.

Results  The BMQ showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's α 0.79–0.83). Patients' belief about the specific necessity of their medicines correlated positively with the MARS‐D (ρ = 0.202; P < 0.01). There were significant correlations in the predicted direction between the MARS‐D and all the BMQ subscales with the exception of the General‐Overuse subscale (ρ = −0.06; P = 0.30). Relationship to the SIMS‐D was comparable to the original study. Factor analysis corroborated the scale structure.

Conclusions  The BMQ is a suitable instrument to measure patients' beliefs in medicines in German primary care settings. Most patients in our sample had positive beliefs concerning the necessity of their medication. Their levels of concern were associated with higher non‐adherence.

Fear of knowledge: Clinical hypotheses in diagnostic and prognostic reasoning
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 23 Số 5 - Trang 928-934 - 2017
Daniele Chiffi, Renzo Zanotti

Patients are interested in receiving accurate diagnostic and prognostic information. Models and reasoning about diagnoses have been extensively investigated from a foundational perspective; however, for all its importance, prognosis has yet to receive a comparable degree of philosophical and methodological attention, and this may be due to the difficulties inherent in accurate prognostics. In the light of these considerations, we discuss a considerable body of critical thinking on the topic of prognostication and its strict relations with diagnostic reasoning, pointing out the distinction between nosographic and pathophysiological types of diagnosis and prognosis, underlying the importance of the explication and explanation processes. We then distinguish between various forms of hypothetical reasoning applied to reach diagnostic and prognostic judgments, comparing them with specific forms of abductive reasoning. The main thesis is that creative abduction regarding clinical hypotheses in diagnostic process is very unlikely to occur, whereas this seems to be often the case for prognostic judgments. The reasons behind this distinction are due to the different types of uncertainty involved in diagnostic and prognostic judgments.

Radiography on wheels arrives to nursing homes – an economic assessment of a new health care technology in southern Sweden
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 22 Số 6 - Trang 994-1001 - 2016
Alexander Dozet, Bodil Ivarsson, Karin Eklund, Rosemarie Klefsgård, Mats Geijer
AbstractRationale, aims and objectives

The process of transferring older, vulnerable adults from an elder care facility to the hospital for medical care can be an emotionally and physically stressful experience. The recent development of modern mobile radiography may help to ease this anxiety by allowing for evaluation in the nursing home itself. Up until this point, no health economic evaluation of the technology has been attempted in a Swedish setting. The objective of this study was to determine whether examinations of patients in elder care facilities with mobile radiography were cost‐effective from a societal perspective compared with hospital‐based radiological examinations.


This prospective study included two groups of nursing home residents in two different areas in southern Sweden. All residents in the nursing homes were targeted for the study. Seventy‐one patients were examined with hospital‐based radiography at two hospitals, and 312 patients were examined using mobile radiography in nursing homes. Given that the diagnostic effects are regarded as equivalent, a cost minimization method was applied. Direct costs were estimated using prices from the county council, Region Skåne, Sweden.


From a societal perspective, mobile radiography was shown to have significantly lower costs per examination compared with hospital‐based radiography. The difference in health care‐related costs was also significant in favour of mobile radiography.


Mobile radiography can be used to examine patients in nursing homes at a lower cost than hospital‐based radiography. Patients benefit from not having to transfer to a hospital for radiography, resulting in reduced anxiety for patients.

Cost analysis of mobile radiography services for nursing home residents in Southeast Norway
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice - Tập 25 Số 2 - Trang 275-281 - 2019
Elin Kjelle, Linn Kleven, H.M. Olerud, Hans Olav Melberg
AbstractRationale, aims, and objective

Telemedicine applications, such as a mobile radiography service, provide a new way of organizing healthcare services. In order to provide safe and personalised care for nursing home residents during X‐ray examinations, mobile radiography services have been implemented. The objective of this study was to analyse the costs of X‐ray examinations and treatments for nursing home residents when comparing hospital‐based imaging with a combination of hospital‐based imaging and a mobile radiography service in Southeast Norway.


A decision model was developed using the software TreeAge Pro. The model included two alternatives: the mobile radiography service in combination with hospital‐based imaging and hospital‐based imaging alone. The treatment needed based on the examination results could be given either in the nursing home or at the hospital. Probabilities and costs in the model were derived from previous research, various reports, and hospital data from the Southeast region of Norway. Monte Carlo simulations of 1000 residents were run through the model, and statistical analyses were applied.


The analysis showed a mean cost of €2790 per resident for the hospital‐based service alone. For mobile and hospital‐based services combined, the mean cost was €1946 per resident, including examinations and the immediate treatment given. This difference in costs was significant (p < 0.001).


A mobile radiography service in nursing homes provides a safe, high quality health care service. The result of this study showed there was a 30% cost‐reduction by implementing the mobile radiography service

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