International Ophthalmology

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Tuberculous uveitis, a resurgent and underdiagnosed disease
International Ophthalmology - Tập 29 Số 2 - Trang 67-74 - 2009
Luca Cimino, İlknur Tuğal-Tutkun, Raffaella Aldigeri, Carlo Salvarani, Luigi Boiardi
Prophylactic effect of brinzolamide–brimonidine fixed combination on intraocular pressure spikes after intravitreal anti-VEGF injections
International Ophthalmology - Tập 41 - Trang 3191-3198 - 2021
Maria Dettoraki, Eleni Rapti, Dimitrios Fragkos, Ioannis Theiopoulos, Anthi Legaki, Alexandra Gkounta, Despina Anyfantaki, Frini Riga
To evaluate the effect of topical prophylaxis with brinzolamide–brimonidine fixed combination on short-term intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation after intravitreal injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF). This prospective comparative study included 56 eyes of 47 patients treated with intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF, and they were randomly divided into two groups. In control group (25 eyes), no prophylactic medication was used, whereas in case group (31 eyes) one drop of a fixed combination of brinzolamide–brimonidine was instilled two hours before the injection. IOP was measured before the injection and at 1 min, 10 min and 30 min post-injection in all eyes. The mean IOP before injection at 1 min, 10 min and 30 min post-injection was 16,6 ± 2,8 mmHg, 53,4 ± 12 mmHg, 26,4 ± 5,5 mmHg and 17,9 ± 4 mmHg, respectively, in control group and 15,1 ± 3,4 mmHg, 42,6 ± 8,4 mmHg, 21,4 ± 5,5 mmHg and 12,4 ± 3,5 mmHg, respectively, in case group. At 1 min, 10 min and 30 min post-injection, the mean IOP was significantly lower in case group compared with control group (p < 0,001, p = 0,0014 and p < 0,0001, respectively), but no difference at the pre-injection IOP between the two groups was found (p = 0,09). The prophylactic administration of one drop of brinzolamide–brimonidine fixed combination significantly reduces the IOP spikes during the first 30 min after the intravitreal anti-VEGF injection.
Postoperative eccentric macular holes after vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling
International Ophthalmology - Tập 37 - Trang 643-648 - 2016
Dimitrios Brouzas, Maria Dettoraki, Anastasios Lavaris, Dimitrios Kourvetaris, Nikolaos Nomikarios, Marilita M. Moschos
The purpose of this study was to describe the incidence, clinical characteristics, and outcome of eccentric macular holes presenting after vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for the treatment of macular pathology and discuss the pathogenesis of holes formation. A retrospective, noncomparative, interventional case-series study of five patients who developed eccentric macular holes postoperatively following vitrectomy in 198 consecutive patients who underwent ILM peeling for idiopathic macular hole and epiretinal membrane formation between 2008 and 2015. Five patients (2.5 %) developed full-thickness eccentric macular holes postoperatively. Three patients presented with a single eccentric macular hole, one patient had an eccentric hole after a failed idiopathic macular hole surgery and one patient developed four eccentric macular holes. The mean diameter of the holes was 584 μm (range 206–1317 μm) and the average time of holes formation after vitrectomy was 27.7 weeks (range 1–140 weeks). Postoperative best-corrected visual acuity ranged from “counting fingers” to 20/25. The eyes with the holes distant from the fovea had the best final visual acuity. No further intervention was attempted and no complications occurred. The mean follow-up time was 26.8 months. The postoperative macular holes after vitrectomy and ILM peeling were variable in number, size, and time of appearance but remained stable and were not associated with any complications. The pathogenesis of macular holes is most consistent with contraction of the residual ILM or secondary epimacular proliferation probably stimulated by ILM peeling.
Ocular pulse amplitude and visual field changes in patients diagnosed with aortic regurgitation
International Ophthalmology - Tập 43 - Trang 859-866 - 2022
Sinan Bekmez, Harun Cakmak, Cagdas Akgullu, Tolga Kocaturk, Erdem Eris, Ufuk Eryilmaz
To examine whether there is a relationship between ocular pulse amplitude (OPA), intraocular pressure (IOP), and visual field (VF) deterioration among the patients diagnosed with aortic regurgitation (AR). Twenty-nine patients (average age of 62.06 ± 13.27 years) with AR diagnosis without glaucoma history as AR group and 32 healthy participants (average age 63.81 ± 6.42 years) as control group were included in the study. Routine ophthalmologic examination including VF test [mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD) and VF index (VFI) values were recorded], diurnal IOP and OPA measurements with Pascal dynamic contour tonometry (DCT) was conducted on the patients. VF deficits were classified by Glaucoma Staging System 2 (GSS 2) score. Sixteen (50.0%) of 32 healthy subjects and 14 (48.3%) of 29 AR patients were female (p = 1.000). The measurement conducted at 15:30 among the diurnal IOP measurements performed with the Pascal DCT was found to be statistically significantly higher in the AR group (p = 0.009). While the MD and PSD values of the group diagnosed with AR were determined to be statistically significantly high, the VFI value was found to be significantly low. When the healthy cases and the patients diagnosed with AR were compared, it was observed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation in terms of the significant GSS 2 stage (p < 0.001). Although there was no significant increase in IOP, VF deficits were detected in patients with AR. These VF pathologies may be due to the ocular perfusion disorder in AR. However, additional comprehensive studies that also examine perfusion are needed to further confirm this.
Enhanced trabeculectomy in a UK district general hospital setting: is selective use of 5-fluorouracil all that is required?
International Ophthalmology - Tập 33 - Trang 447-451 - 2013
T. A. de Klerk, N. Chaudhry, A. P. Moriarty
To determine whether primary trabeculectomies performed in a UK district general hospital, specifically without making use of mitomycin-C augmentation but with selective use of the low potency anti-metabolite 5-fluorouracil, produce an acceptable long-term intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effect for an unselected patient group. Retrospective analysis of the outcomes of all the trabeculectomies (53 eyes) performed by a single surgeon in a UK district hospital with or without 5-fluorouracil enhancement. The mean follow-up period was 5.04 years. Mean IOP preoperatively was 26.4 mm Hg while postoperatively the mean was ≤14.9 at all the time periods examined. Intraoperative complications occurred in two eyes (3.8 %) including one suprachoroidal haemorrhage and one hyphema. Postoperative complications that occurred during the follow-up period included choroidal effusions in seven patients (13 %), early postoperative bleb leak in four patients (8 %) and immediate postoperative hypotony not requiring intervention in 18 patients (34 %). Five patients (9 %) developed postoperative hyphema (all <30 % anterior chamber height) and one patient (1.9 %) developed blebitis and endophthalmitis. None of our patients developed hypotony maculopathy. When trabeculectomy is performed on unselected patients attending a UK district general hospital, selective 5-fluorouracil augmentation is probably all that is required to obtain acceptable surgical outcomes.
Overview of cicatricial modulators in glaucoma fistulizing surgery
International Ophthalmology - Tập 40 - Trang 2789-2796 - 2020
Camille Moura de Oliveira, Juliana de Lucena Martins Ferreira
Trabeculectomy is the most commonly performed surgery for the definitive treatment of glaucoma. Despite its high resolvability, the postoperative period requires high caution so that excessive filtration or scarring does not occur. This paper aimed to research alternative options to those most used as healing modulators, mitomycin C (MMC) and 5-fluorouracil, commonly associated with complications. This systematic review used the PubMed and SciELO databases, covering publications from 1972 to 2019. A total of 31 substances and methods were analyzed. Some, such as anti-VEGF, glucocorticoids and betatherapy, did not show results statistically superior to those of MMC. Others, such as the enzyme α5β1-integrin and Ologen®, demonstrated efficacy and safety at least similar to that of this drug. In conclusion, further research is still needed for drugs that lead to the same results as mitomycin, but with fewer side effects. More recent studies have focused on technologies that increase communication between target tissues and antifibrotic molecules at the cellular level, being a promising bet for the future.
Reliability and interexaminer agreement for induced tropia test: is normal always normal?
International Ophthalmology - Tập 37 - Trang 615-618 - 2016
Kadriye Erkan Turan, Hande Taylan Sekeroglu, Sevilay Karahan, Ali Sefik Sanac
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of the fixation preference testing with 10 and 20 diopter prisms (Δ) in children without strabismus in order to extrapolate its utility to preverbal children and to determine interexaminer agreement. Fourty children (24 girls, 16 boys) aged between 5 and 16 years with normal ophthalmological examination except refractive errors were included in the study. The visual acuity, refractive errors, and orthoptic findings were recorded. The base-down prism fixation test was performed by two experienced examiners with 10Δ and 20Δ. The presence of corrective movement was recorded as positive result separately for each eye. Best-corrected visual acuity was 1.0 bilaterally for all patients. All patients had binocular single vision and stereopsis. First examiner noted bilateral fixation movement in 65 % patients with 10Δ and in 57.5 % with 20Δ, second examiner in 50 % with 10Δ, and in 37.5 % with 20Δ. Interexaminer agreement was 42.5 % for 10Δ and 54.5 % for 20Δ (p < 0.01). Both examiners observed the fixation movement to be less frequent in older children. The fixation movement can be absent or seen asymmetrically even in children with equal visual acuity and binocular vision. The rate of fixation movement seemed to be reduced with age possibly due to increased concentration and cooperation of the child. In addition, there was a remarkable interexaminer variability in both tests. It should be borne in mind that the findings of prism-guided fixation preference tests may be misleading in preverbal children.
Bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris first misdiagnosed as acute iridocyclitis
International Ophthalmology - Tập 31 - Trang 337-339 - 2011
Altan Goktas, Sertan Goktas
Acute depigmentation of the iris is a new condition characterized by pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber, depigmentation of the iris stroma, and pigment deposition in the anterior chamber angle. A 33-year-old woman using a topical corticosteroid every 2 h for the treatment of acute iridocyclitis was referred to our clinic to seek another opinion because her symptoms had not improved. An ocular evaluation of the patient revealed pigment precipitates on the corneal endothelium, pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber, symmetrical diffuse depigmentation, granularity of the iris stroma, and pigment deposition in the trabecular meshwork. These findings suggested a diagnosis of bilateral acute depigmentation of the iris (BADI) instead of iridocyclitis. Clinicians should be careful in the differential diagnosis of iris depigmentation from iridocyclitis to avoid the unnecessary use of high-dose topical corticosteroids.
En face optical coherence tomography patterns in patients with angiographically documented uveitic macular edema: a cross-sectional retrospective study
International Ophthalmology - Tập 41 - Trang 3303-3312 - 2021
Omer Karti, Mahmut Kaya, Ferdane Ataş, Ali Osman Saatci
To elucidate the en face optical coherence tomography (OCT) patterns of macular edema in eyes with angiographically documented uveitic macular edema (UME) and compare visual acuity (VA), OCT and OCT-angiography (OCT-A) parameters among the morphological subgroups. Thirty-nine eyes of 29 patients with angiographically proven UME were enrolled into the study. All patients underwent comprehensive ophthalmological examination including structural OCT and OCT-A in addition to fluorescein angiography. Eyes with UME were divided into three subgroups (petaloid, sunflower and spoke–wheel pattern) with the help of en face OCT imaging. Posterior uveitis was the most common type of uveitis (17 patients; 58.7%), followed by panuveitis (11 patients; 37.9%) and then intermediate uveitis (1 patient; 3.4%). Underlying causes of uveitis were Behçet’s disease (13 patients; 44.8%), idiopathic (11 patients; 37.9%), rheumatoid arthritis (2 patients; 6.9%), sarcoidosis (1 patient; 3.4%), inflammatory polyarthritis (1 patient; 3.4%) and psoriatic arthritis (1 patient; 3.4%). The most common en face OCT pattern was petaloid type (25 of 39 eyes; 64.1%). Eleven eyes (28.2%) had sunflower pattern and three (7.7%) spoke–wheel pattern. There were no statistically significant difference among the subgroups regarding the age, VA, central macular thickness and vessel density. This study reveals three morphological en face OCT patterns in eyes with UME and en face OCT may find a niche in the UME classification with the accumulation of experience among the uveitis experts.
Imaging the microcirculation of untreated and treated human choroidal melanomas
International Ophthalmology - Tập 23 - Trang 385-393 - 2001
A.J. Mueller, D.-U. Bartsch, U. Schaller, W.R. Freeman, A. Kampik
Introduction: Histologically demonstrable microcirculation patterns (microcirculation pattern) of human choroidal melanomas have prognostic significance for the patient. We report on our experience in imaging these microcirculation pattern in vivo using simultaneous confocal Fluorescein (FA)- and Indocyaninegreen (ICG) angiography before and after brachytherapy.Patients and methods: The simultaneously procuredconfocal FA- and ICG angiograms of 50 patients with untreated choroidal melanomaswere studied for the visibility of microcirculation pattern. Patients were also followedwith simultaneous FA/ICG after brachytherapy.Results: Confocal FA disclosed signs of tumor vascularization in 12 (24%) of the 50 examined patients but microcirculation pattern only in 3 patients (6%). In contrast, simultaneously obtained confocal ICG disclosed microcirculation pattern in 47 patients (94%). In 10 (77%) of the 13 patients the tumor microcirculation changed considerably after brachytherapy: Distortion, thickening, thinning, as well as complete obliteration of vessels could be observed.Conclusion: Histologically demonstrated microcirculation pattern can be imaged in vivo. This offers the possibility to assess the likely biologic behavior of the individual tumor without the need for obtaining a cytologic or histologic specimen via enucleation or fine-needle biopsy. Confocal ICG angiogiography images microcirculation pattern better than FA which can be explained by the different absorption-, fluorescence- and exudation-characteristics ICG. Follow-up with confocal ICG of choroidal melanomas after brachytherapy shows different features and allows for visualization of themicrocirculation reaction to the treatment which might be a useful tool for studying the effects of future anti-angiogenesis based tumor therapies.
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