IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

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An Effective Route to Control the Magnetic-Phase Transition and Magnetocaloric Effect of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Nanoparticles
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 50 Số 11 - Trang 1-4
T. L. Phan, T. D. Thanh, T. A. Ho, T. V. Manh, Q. T. Tran, P. Lampen, M. H. Phan, S. C. Yu
This paper points out that the magnetic-phase transition and magnetocaloric effect of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) can be easily controlled by using the mechanical milling method. Changing the milling time from 5 to 30 min, we have obtained LCMO nanoparticles (NPs) with average crystallite sizes (d, determined by the Williamson–Hall method) ranging from 100 to 45 nm. The magnetic studies (based on a superconducting quantum interference device) and simple analyses (based on Banerjee’s criteria) prove the magnetic-phase transformation from the first-order to the second-order, which takes place at a threshold value of d located in the range 60−70 nm. Compared with the as-prepared LCMO sample (a first-order magnetic phase transition), though the d decrease reduces the values of the T \(_{\mathrm {\textit{C}}}\) , magnetization, magnetic-entropy change, and refrigerant capacity, but the width of the magnetic phase transition is increased remarkably. This widens the working range of LCMO NPs in magnetic refrigeration applications. We believe that the presence of surface-related effects, lattice strain, and distortions leads to Mn3+–Mn4+ ferromagnetic interactions in LCMO NPs weaker than that in the as-prepared sample.
#Magnetic-phase transition #magnetocaloric effect #manganite nanoparticles (NPs)
Critical Behavior and Magnetocaloric Effect of Pr1-xSrxCoO3
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 50 Số 11 - Trang 1-4 - 2014
T. A. Ho, T. D. Thanh, T. O. Ho, Q. T. Tran, T. L. Phan, S. C. Yu
The modified Arrott plot method was used to analyze magnetic-field dependences of magnetization, \(M\) ( \(H\) ), for two polycrystalline samples Pr1-x Srx CoO3 with \(x = 0.4\) and 0.5. The analyses determined the values of critical parameters \(T_{C} \approx 204\) K, \(\beta = 0.654~\pm ~0.016\) , \(\gamma = 1.11~\pm ~0.009\) , and \(\delta = 2.70~\pm ~0.009\) for \(x = 0.4\) , and \(T_{C} \approx 218\) K, \(\beta = 0.495~\pm ~0.004\) , \(\gamma =0.991~\pm ~0.003\) , and \(\delta = 2.86~\pm ~0.009\) for \(x = 0.5\) . With these critical values, the \(M(H\) ) data around the \(T_{C}\) of the samples fall into two universal branches of a scaling function \(M(H\) , \(\varepsilon ) ={} \vert \varepsilon \vert ^{\beta }\!f_{\pm }\) ( \(H/ \vert \varepsilon \vert ^{\beta +\gamma }\) ), where \(\varepsilon =(T\) – \(T_{C}\) )/ \(T_{C}\) , and \(f_{+}\) for \(T > T_{C}\) and \(f_{-}\) for \(T < T_{C}\) . Here, the \(T_{C}\) increase with the increasing Sr content is ascribed to an increase of ferromagnetic (FM) double-exchange interaction pairs of Co3+–Co4+, and to the \(\beta \) change from 0.654 (for \(x = 0.4\) ) to 0.495 (for \(x = 0.5\) ). This corresponds to the change in FM interactions from short-range to nearly long-range FM orders. Based on the \(M(H)\) data, we also determined the magnetic-entropy change, which reaches a maximum value ( \(\vert \Delta S_{\max } \vert \) ) around the \(T_{C}\) ; \(\vert \Delta S_{\max } \vert \,\approx ~1.9\) and 2.2 J/kg \(\cdot \) K for \(x =0.4\) and 0.5, respectively, for a magnetic field change \(\Delta H = 50\) kOe. The relative cooling power thus increases from 52 J/kg (for \(x = 0.4\) ) to 84 J/kg (for \(x = 0.5\) ). In particular, field dependences of the magnetic-entropy change ( \(\Delta S_{m}\) ) obey a power function \(\vert\Delta S_{m}\) ( \(H\) ) \(\vert ~\propto H^{\mathbf {n}}\) , where the magnetic-ordering parameter ( \(n\) ) slightly decreases from 0.75 for \(x = 0.4\) to 0.70 for \(x = 0.5\) .
#Magnetic-phase transition #magnetocaloric (MC) effect #Sr-doped PrCoO3 cobaltites
High frequency impedance of CuBe solid pins used for fast computer connectors
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 33 Số 5 - Trang 3316-3318 - 1997
M. Yamaguchi, H. Kikuchi, I.K. Arai, S. Ishikawa, T. Adachi
High frequency characteristics and mechanical properties of CuBe alloy pins are evaluated to meet the fast computer connector requirements. A new jig to measure the 1 MHz-1 GHz impedance of the pins is developed. The inductance and the cross-talk for CuBe pins were similar to those of phosphor bronze pins because both are non-magnetic materials. The feature of CuBe alloy pins are low ac resistance and good mechanical deflection properties in the case of short pins which is desirable for miniaturized connector development.
#Frequency #Solids #Pins #Mechanical factors #Connectors #Electrical resistance measurement #Impedance measurement #Inductance #Phosphors
Writing performance of narrow gap heads made with sputtered laminated FeN materials on 3800 Oe coercivity media
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 30 Số 6 - Trang 3870-3872 - 1994
H.L. Hu, L. Vo, T. Nguyen, N. Robertson, M. Re, C. Jahnes
Recording results of write heads using sputtered laminated FeN/Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ materials on thin film media with coercivity up to 3800 Oe are compared with those obtained using plated NiFe materials. The thickness of P2 (second pole) of FeN merged write heads is about 3.2 /spl mu/m, and those of plated NiFe heads, 3.5 and 6.3 /spl mu/m respectively. These heads have two write gap thickness, around 0.2 and 0.4 /spl mu/m. Various recording measurements show that these high magnetization FeN heads of 0.15 /spl mu/m gap write well on media of 3800 Oe, while the corresponding NiFe ones with a P2 of twice the thickness could not. For a wide 0.39 /spl mu/m gap, the FeN write heads still work well and the NiFe ones with twice the pole thickness, also did, but at reduced resolution, In short, write heads using a narrow gap and high magnetization materials such as FeN can write 3800 Oe coercivity media, which is capable of storing a bit density over 10 Gb/in/sup 2/.<>
#Writing #Magnetic heads #Magnetic materials #Coercive force #Magnetization #Inductance #Gaussian processes #Neck #Thickness measurement #Crystallization
Electrical Field-Induced Magnetization Switching in CoFe/NiFe/PZT Multiferroics
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 50 Số 6 - Trang 1-4 - 2014
Nguyen Thi Minh Hong, Pham Thai Ha, Le Viet Cuong, P. T. Long, Pham Duc Thang
In this paper, we have investigated the change in magnetization of multiferroic material, based on magnetic nanostructured CoFe/NiFe film grown on the piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT), under the effect of the strain originated from PZT layer. In this material, a converse magnetoelectric effect and especially, an electric field-induced magnetic anisotropy and magnetization switching process have been observed at the changing stages of applied electric voltage. In addition, a significant relative change in magnetization, above 100%, is obtained, which facilitates practical applications of the materials. This opens possibilities in achieving new types of memory devices, the low energy consumption devices, as well as other functionalities, such as voltage-tunable field sensing. A simple theory based on strain-mediated magnetic-electric coupling is also presented to understand the origin of the change in magnetic properties of the materials.
#Ferroelectrics #ferromagnetics #magnetization switching #multiferroics
Influence of Heat Treatment on Superconductivity of MgB$_{2}$ Bulk Sintered in Flowing Welding Grade Ar Atmosphere
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 45 Số 6 - Trang 2626-2629 - 2009
Y. Zhang, Cheng Lü, S.H. Zhou, Kookchae Chung, Y.K. Kim, Shi Xue Dou
Interferometric and holographic techniques in transmission electron microscopy for the observation of magnetic domain structures
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 20 Số 5 - Trang 1870-1875 - 1984
Gioṙgio Matteucci, G.F. Missiroli, G. Pozzi
Processing of Neodymium-Iron-Boron melt-spun ribbons to fully dense magnets
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 21 Số 5 - Trang 1958-1963 - 1985
R. Lee, E. G. Brewer, N. Schaffel
HDDR processes in Nd/sub 16/Fe/sub 76-x/Zr/sub x/B/sub 8/ alloys and the production of anisotropic magnets
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 32 Số 5 - Trang 4368-4370 - 1996
C. Short, Philippe Guégan, Oliver Gutfleisch, O.M. Ragg, I.R. Harris
Origin of anisotropy in the HDDR process of Nd/sub 2/Fe/sub 14/B-based alloys
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Tập 29 Số 6 - Trang 2770-2772 - 1993
Minoru Uehara, H. Tomizawa, S. Hirosawa, T. Tomida, Yasuhiro Maehara
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