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Triple negative tumours: a critical review
Histopathology - Tập 52 Số 1 - Trang 108-118 - 2008
JS Reis‐Filho, Andrew Tutt

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease that encompasses several distinct entities with remarkably different biological characteristics and clinical behaviour. Currently, breast cancer patients are managed according to algorithms based on a constellation of clinical and histopathological parameters in conjunction with assessment of hormone receptor (oestrogen and progesterone receptor) status and HER2 overexpression/gene amplification. Although effective tailored therapies have been developed for patients with hormone receptor‐positive or HER2+ disease, chemotherapy is the only modality of systemic therapy for patients with breast cancers lacking the expression of these markers (triple‐negative cancers). Recent microarray expression profiling analyses have demonstrated that breast cancers can be systematically characterized into biologically and clinically meaningful groups. These studies have led to the re‐discovery of basal‐like breast cancers, which preferentially show a triple‐negative phenotype. Both triple‐negative and basal‐like cancers preferentially affect young and African‐American women, are of high histological grade and have more aggressive clinical behaviour. Furthermore, a significant overlap between the biological and clinical characteristics of sporadic triple‐negative and basal‐like cancers and breast carcinomas arising in BRCA1 mutation carriers has been repeatedly demonstrated. In this review, we critically address the characteristics of basal‐like and triple‐negative cancers, their similarities and differences, their response to chemotherapy as well as strategies for the development of novel therapeutic targets for these aggressive types of breast cancer. In addition, the possible mechanisms are discussed leading to BRCA1 pathway dysfunction in sporadic triple‐negative and basal‐like cancers and animal models for these tumour types.

Immunohistochemical characterization of inflammatory cells associated with advanced atherosclerosis
Histopathology - Tập 17 Số 6 - Trang 543-552 - 1990
A.L. RAMSHAW, Dinah V. Parums

During repair of 12 atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysms, fresh samples of aneurysm wall were obtained. Histology confirmed the presence of advanced atherosclerosis associated with medial thinning and a variable aortic adventitial chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate. Monoclonal antibodies were used to identify the inflammatory cells throughout the aortic wall. The majority of lymphocytes in the aortic adventitia were B‐cells. B‐cells were not present in atheromatous plaques. T‐cells, predominantly T‐helper cells, were found in atheromatous plaques and in aortic adventitia. The majority of lymphocytes and macrophages in aortic adventitia and most vascular endothelial cells were HLA‐DR positive. Ki‐67 staining was found in B‐cells and T‐helper cells, indicating that these cells were proliferating. Occasional lymphocytes were BerH2 positive, indicating that some lymphocytes were activated. These findings suggest that chronic periaortitis is an active, immunoiogically mediated, local complication of advanced human atherosclerosis.

Primary spinal paragangliomas: a clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study of 30 cases
Histopathology - Tập 31 Số 2 - Trang 167-173 - 1997
César A. Moran, Walter I Rush, Hernando Mena

Aims: Extra‐adrenal paragliomas are neoplasms which have been the subject of much debate regarding parameters to establish their biological behaviour. This study describes the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of 30 cases of spinal paragliomas. Methods and results: There were 15 male and 15 female patients. The median age at diagnosis was 46 years (range 20–74 years). Fourteen patients presented with back pain, two with numbness of the lower extremities, one with difficulty in walking and one with spinal cord compression. Nineteen tumours were located in the lumbar region, six in the cauda equina, two in the filum terminale, two in the thoracic region and one in the cervical region. All patients underwent gross total excision. The size of the tumours ranged from 10 to 50 mm. Histologically, 18 neoplasms showed alveolar (Zellballen) pattern, seven a spindle component, two eosinophilic granular cells suggestive of oncocytic metaplasia, two melanin pigment and one ganglion cells. Positive immunohistochemical results include: neuron‐specific enolase 23/23 (100%), synaptophysin 21/23 (91%), S100 protein 22/23 (95%, sustentacular cells), leu‐enkephalin 11/23 (47%), somatostatin 8/23 (34%), focal glial fibrillary acidic protein 7/23 (30%), focal keratin 5/23 (21%), neurofilament proteins 3/23 (13%) and adrenocorticotrophic hormine (ACTH) 1/23 (4%). Follow‐up information obtained in 20 patients show 17 patients alive over a period of 6–216 months. One patient had bone metastases. Two patients died of unrelated causes, including one of congestive heart failure and one of myocardial infarction. Conclusions: In our experience, spinal paragangliomas behave as slow‐growing tumours susceptible to potential cure by total excision. We agree with the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification as grade I tumours. Less than 1% may be locally aggressive. Spinal paragangliomas immunoreact not only for conventional neuroendocrine markers but also for peptides including somatostatin and ACTH and focally for the epithelial marker keratin.

Aggressive oncocytic neuroendocrine tumour (‘oncocytic paraganglioma’) of the cauda equina
Histopathology - Tập 10 Số 3 - Trang 311-319 - 1986
Eoin F. Gaffney, T P Doorly, J. J. Dinn

An oncocytic neuroendocrine tumour (‘oncocytic paraganglioma’) of the cauda equina is reported. The tumour was predominantly intradural, with extension into and destruction of surrounding vertebral bone. The tumour had an organoid pattern, and the tumour cells had abundant non‐argyrophilic eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunocytochemical stains for neurone‐specific enolase, S‐100 protein, keratin and carcinoembyronic antigen were positive, but stains for glial fibrillary acidic protein were negative. On ultrastructural examination, there were numerous mitochondria and scattered 200 nm dense‐core membrane‐bound granules, that rarely clustered in small aggregates. Intermediate filaments were focally arranged in long compact bundles. The histogenesis of tumours reported as cauda equina paragangliomas is discussed.

Phyllodes tumours of the breast - differentiating features in core needle biopsy
Histopathology - Tập 59 Số 4 - Trang 600-608 - 2011
Alex K.H. Tsang, Siu Ki Chan, Christopher Lam, Philip C.W. Lui, Helen H L Chau, Puay Hoon Tan, Gary M. Tse
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: an update
Histopathology - Tập 48 Số 1 - Trang 83-96 - 2006
Brian P. Rubin

Recently, there has been intense interest in the study of gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST); one might call it a virtual GIST revolution. This is due largely to the realization that most GISTs express KIT and harbour activating c‐KIT (KIT) or platelet‐derived growth factor receptor‐alpha (PDGFRA) receptor tyrosine kinase mutations that can be targeted by small molecule pharmacological inhibitors. Pathologists have benefited greatly from this revolution, mainly in the form of an improved ability to classify GISTs and, even more recently, in understanding the molecular underpinnings that underlie many fascinating clinical and pathological correlations. It is the purpose of this review to summarize recent developments in GIST classification and the molecular pathogenesis of GIST.

Phyllodes tumours of the breast: a clinicopathological review of thirty‐two cases
Histopathology - Tập 27 Số 3 - Trang 205-218 - 1995
Christopher Moffat, Sarah E. Pinder, AR Dixon, C.W. Elston, R.W. Blamey, Ian O. Ellis

We have reviewed the histological features and clinical outcome in 32 women with phyllodes tumours of the breast diagnosed in Nottingham between 1975 and 1990. We assessed 23 tumours as histologically benign, four as borderline and five as malignant. After clinical follow up for periods ranging from 36 months to 221 months (median 135 months), six of 23 benign tumours have recurred locally; in all these cases the original tumours had been incompletely excised. There were no recurrences amongst 10 benign tumours in which excision had been complete. Benign tumours which recurred showed a tendency to greater stromal cellularity and more pronounced stromal overgrowth than incompletely excised lesions which did not recur, but these differences were not statistically significant. The recurrent tumours resembled the respective original lesions histologically, except in one case in which two local recurrences were histologically malignant. The recurrent tumours were controlled by further excision or mastectomy in all cases and none have metastasized. All four borderline tumours were completely excised at initial surgery and none have recurred or metastasized. One of the five malignant tumours recurred within two months of incomplete excision, with widespread infiltration of the chest wall, although the patient died of unrelated causes. The other four malignant tumours have not recurred. We conclude that presence of tumour at the margins of the excised specimen is the major determinant of local recurrence in phyllodes tumours and that the histological features are of secondary importance. These findings are discussed in relation to other published series in the literature.

Các yếu tố tiên lượng bệnh lý trong ung thư vú. I. Giá trị của cấp độ mô học trong ung thư vú: Kinh nghiệm từ một nghiên cứu lớn với thời gian theo dõi dài hạn Dịch bởi AI
Histopathology - Tập 19 Số 5 - Trang 403-410 - 1991
C W Elston, Ian O. Ellis
Trong nhiều nghiên cứu, đánh giá về mức độ biệt hóa thông qua hình thái học đã cho thấy có giá trị trong việc cung cấp thông tin tiên lượng quan trọng cho bệnh ung thư vú. Tuy nhiên, cho đến gần đây, việc phân loại mô học vẫn chưa được chấp nhận như một quy trình thường xuyên, chủ yếu vì những vấn đề về tính nhất quán và độ chính xác. Trong Nghiên cứu Ung thư Vú Nguyên phát Nottingham/Tenovus, phương pháp phổ biến nhất do Bloom và Richardson mô tả đã được chỉnh sửa để làm cho các tiêu chí trở nên khách quan hơn. Kỹ thuật sửa đổi này bao gồm đánh giá bán định lượng ba đặc điểm hình thái: phần trăm sự hình thành ống dẫn, mức độ đa hình của nhân tế bào và đếm chính xác số lượng phân bào trong vùng trường xác định. Một hệ thống điểm số số được sử dụng và cấp độ tổng thể được tính toán từ tổng số điểm của từng biến số; ba mức độ biệt hóa được sử dụng. Từ năm 1973, hơn 2200 bệnh nhân với ung thư vú nguyên phát có thể phẫu thuật đã tham gia vào nghiên cứu các yếu tố tiên lượng đa chiều. Cấp độ mô học, được đánh giá trên 1831 bệnh nhân, cho thấy mối tương quan rất mạnh với tiên lượng; bệnh nhân có khối u ở cấp độ I có tỷ lệ sống sót cao hơn đáng kể so với những người có khối u ở cấp độ II và III (P<0.0001). Những kết quả này chứng minh rằng phương pháp phân loại mô học này cung cấp thông tin tiên lượng quan trọng và nếu theo đúng giao thức phân loại, có thể đạt được kết quả đồng nhất. Cấp độ mô học là một phần của chỉ số tiên lượng Nottingham đa yếu tố, cùng với kích thước khối u và giai đoạn hạch bạch huyết, được sử dụng để phân tầng bệnh nhân phù hợp với liệu pháp thích hợp.
Inverted papilloma‐like transitional cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix
Histopathology - Tập 33 Số 2 - Trang 192-194 - 1998
M Fukunaga
Loss of SMARCA4 (BRG1) protein expression as determined by immunohistochemistry in small‐cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcaemic type distinguishes these tumours from their mimics
Histopathology - Tập 69 Số 5 - Trang 727-738 - 2016
Blaise Clarke, Leora Witkowski, Tuyet Nhung Ton Nu, Patricia A. Shaw, C. Blake Gilks, David G. Huntsman, Anthony N. Karnezis, Neil J. Sebire, Janez Lamovec, Lawrence M. Roth, Colin J.R. Stewart, Martin Hasselblatt, William D. Foulkes, W. Glenn McCluggage

Molecular investigation of small‐cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcaemic type (SCCOHT) has revealed that it is a monogenetic tumour characterized by alteration of SMARCA4 (BRG1), encoding a member of the switch/sucrose non‐fermentable (SWI/SNF) chromatin remodelling complex. A large majority of cases show loss of expression of the corresponding SMARCA4/BRG1 protein. Furthermore, three cases of SCCOHT with retained SMARCA4 protein expression showed loss of SMARCB1/INI1 expression. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of loss of SMARCA4 expression as a diagnostic test for SCCOHT.

Methods and results

We performed SMARCA4 and SMARCB1 staining in 245 tumours, many of which were potentially in the differential diagnosis of SCCOHT. We also stained 56 cases of SCCOHT for SMARCA4 and 37 of these for SMARCB1. Fifty‐four of the SCCOHT cases showed complete absence of SMARCA4 expression. The two cases with retained expression showed molecular alteration of SMARCA4. Of the 217 other neoplasms with interpretable staining, all retained SMARCA4 expression. Although the majority showed diffuse, strong nuclear expression, a heterogeneous, typically weak staining pattern was present in 13% of cases. All 37 cases of SCCOHT tested and all other neoplasms, apart from three malignant rhabdoid tumours, showed retained nuclear SMARCB1 expression. Loss of SMARCA4 expression had a sensitivity of 96.55% and specificity of 100%.


Loss of SMARCA4 expression is sensitive and specific for SCCOHT. Although some mimics show heterogeneous expression, there is retention of nuclear staining in at least a part of the tumour; therefore, only complete loss of staining should be regarded as being supportive of SCCOHT.

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