SCOPUS (1979-1980,1996-2023)SCIE-ISI
Cơ quản chủ quản: De Gruyter Open Ltd. , Sciendo
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The environmental conditions in Madeira Island are favorable for the presence and dissemination of the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Five hundred Pinus pinaster wood samples were collected in several forest areas and PWN was detected in 22.8 % of the samples. Bursaphelenchus xylophilus isolates from Madeira Island displayed the species-specific diagnostic characters. A morphological variation in the female tail terminus was detected. In most females, the tail presented a broadly rounded terminus and, occasionally, a digitate terminus with a terminal nipple-like extension resembling a mucro. PCR ITS-RFLP analysis revealed that Madeira Island isolates exhibited patterns specific to the species B. xylophilus and similar to virulent isolates. Amplified ITS regions were further sequenced and no genetic diversity was found for this genomic region among 17 Portuguese isolates (Madeira Island and Continental Portugal). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Portuguese isolates grouped with isolates from China, Korea and one isolate from Japan.
Use of organic soil amendments is a traditional agricultural practice for improving physical and chemical soil properties, soil structure, temperature and humidity conditions as well as nutrients content which are needful for plants growth. Application of organic materials to soil can cause a change in soil microflora and microfauna including soil nematodes. Nematodes, are the most ample and varied group of soil fauna. They are ever-present habitants of all soil types with high population densities. The changes in soil nematodofauna can results in an increase in the number of beneficial nematodes such as bacterial or fungal feeders and decrease and/or suppression in the occurrence of economically important plant parasitic nematodes. A variety of organic amendments, such as animal and green manure, undecomposed (raw) or decomposed materials (compost) are used for this purpose. Generally, plant parasitic nematodes have been controlled mainly by chemical soil fumigants and nematicides, agricultural practices or resistant cultivars. However, organic amendments can provide an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of chemical nematicides, which are often expensive, of limited availability in many developing countries and above all environmentally hazardous.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) as a potential reservoir of zoonotic parasites in an urban area of Argentina. A parasitological survey in 40 brown rats trapped in a shantytown of Buenos Aires City was carried out. 97.5 % of the analyzed rats were parasitized with at least one of the 12 species of helminth or protozoan species recorded. Among the species identified, Hymenolepis nana is recognized as one of the most common human helminthes parasites. The average number of parasite species was higher in males than females rats, and in the last case, a direct relationship between parasite species richness and host’s body size was recorded. Variations in endoparasite community throughout the year seasons were recorded, probably related to environmental factors, which limits the performance of the life cycle of different parasite species. The presence of zoonotic endoparasites confirms R. norvegicus as a reservoir for different types of pathologies, which, therefore, represents a risk to the public health in an overcrowded urban area.
For first time, 3 species of prosobranchial snails (Bithynia fuchsiana, Parafossarulus striatulus (Bithyniidae) and Melanoides tuberculata (Thiaridae)) from North Vietnam were studied for presence of the parthenitae and cercariae of Trematoda. The morphology of 12 species of larvae belonging to 8 families (Cyathocotylidae, Pleurogenidae, Lecithodendriidae, Paramphistomidae, Heterophyidae, Notocotylidae, Psilostomidae and Echinostomatidae) was described. Data on the life cycles of 3 species (Echinochasmus japonicus, Notocotylus intestinalis and Sphaeridiotrema monorchis) as well as molecular data on 28S rDNA were obtained. There was no intraspecific variability found in any of the sequences examined. The 28S rDNA sequence length determined for N. intestinalis was 1315 bp, while that of S. monorchis was 1292 bp, and that of E. japonicus was 1288 bp.
Development of modern medicine and better living conditions in the 20th century helped in reducing a number of cases of infectious diseases. During the same time, expansion of autoimmunological disorders was noticed. Among other are Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease which are chronic and relapsing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Absence of effective treatment in standard therapies effects the search for alternative opportunities. As per hygienic hypothesis increasing number of cases of autoimmune diseases is as a result of reduced exposure to pathogens, especially parasites. Thus, one of the promising remedial acts against IBD and other allergic and autoimmune disorders is “helminth therapy”. Cure with helminths seems to be the most effective therapy of IBD currently proposed. Helminth therapy focuses on advantageous results that have been obtained from the clinical trials, but its mechanisms are still unclear. Explanation of this phenomenon would help to develop new drugs against IBD based on helminth immunomodulatory molecules.
A survey of gastrointestinal helminth communities of Podarcis bocagei and Podarcis carbonelli (Sauria: Lacertidae) from NW Portugal was conducted to determine the prevalence, intensity and diversity of intestinal parasites in these lizards. A few parasite species were found in both hosts, their prevalences, mean intensities and abundances of infection being low or very low. Low values of richness and abundance of parasite species were also found in the helminth infracommunities of individuals of both host species. These low values of parameters of infection and diversity are discussed and compared between both host species and among other Iberian lacertid lizards.
Contamination of soil with helminth eggs in the samples of fields, kitchen gardens, yards and composts in rural areas of Lodz district (Poland) was investigated. In this study, helminth eggs were found in 60–100 % of field samples, in 20–100 % of yards samples, in 0–20 % of kitchen gardens samples and in 10–100 % of composts. The highest average density of helminth eggs in 100 g of soil was detected in composts (44.0), then fields (28.5) and yards (18.0). In samples taken from kitchen gardens the average density of eggs was 0.4/100/g of soil. The comparison of frequency of positive samples from fields, kitchen gardens and yards did not exhibit significant difference (p > 0.05). The soil samples of fields contained mainly eggs of Ascaris spp. (87.7 %), less frequently Toxocara spp. (7.7 %) and Trichuris spp. (3.5 %). In samples from yards among detected eggs the most often were Toxocara spp. (73.9 %), and there were statistically significant differences in comparison with fields (7.7 %) and composts (0.3 %). The highest prevalence of eggs with moving larva was noted in yards (25.6 %), which differ statistically significantly from analogous value for fields (p < 0.05) and composts (p < 0.0001).
These results showed a considerable infestation of soil with geohelminth eggs of the examined rural areas of Lodz district which is a potential source of antropozoonosis.
The effect of Cu and Zn on soil nematode communities at the depth of 0–20 cm was investigated along a pollution gradient with increasing distance from a copper smelter in Northeast China. The results showed that the abundance of total nematodes significantly increased with increasing distance from the smelter, and nematode taxon richness also exhibited an increasing trend. Twenty genera were observed in our study, and Paratylenchus was the dominant genus at all the sampling sites. The numbers of total nematodes, bacterivores, plant parasites, omnivores-predators and the values of NCR (Nematode Channel Ratio) negatively correlated with total Cu (P < 0.01), total and available Zn (P < 0.01). The values of SI (Structure Index) negatively correlated with total Cu (P < 0.05). Among the nematode ecological indices examined, NCR and SI were found to be sensitive indicators for assessing the effect of heavy metals on soil nematode communities in this study.
Parasitic helminths were the probable cause of death of 41 passeriform birds (29 adults and 12 juveniles in their first year of life) caught in the net during the spring and autumn ringing (1986–2010). The birds (1 Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, 1 House Martin Delichon urbica, 2 Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, 9 Great Tit Parus major, 3 Willow Tit Poecile palustris, 1 Great Reed Acrocephalus arundinaceus, 1 Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, 3 Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, 2 Dunnock Prunella modularis, 1 Magpie Pica pica, 5 Robin Erithacus rubecula, 9 Common Blackbird Turdus merula and 3 Song Thrush T. philomelos) were caught in the environs of Přerov (Czech Republic). The helminths: trematodes, tapeworms, nematodes and hook worms, were located in the intestine, glandular and muscular stomach, cloaca, rectum, gall bladder, liver, pulmonary cavity, air sac, nasal and orbital cavity and subcutaneous tissue of the hosts. The intensity of invasion with different species of parasites was up to 734 per host. Some parasites Brachydistomum ventricosum, Mosesia sittae, Aprocta cylindrica, Diplotriaena tridens were acquired at the wintering grounds. All the helmniths were heteroxenous, with development cycle involving intermediate hosts (invertebrates) which are part of the birds’ diet.
To evaluate the gastro-intestinal parasite fauna of the wild Polish primitive horses (Equus caballus gmelini Ant., forma silvatica Vet.), 11 yearlings captured in the Reserve according to the control rules of population dynamics were diagnostically dewormed with abamectin+praziquantel. Expelled parasites were collected from the faeces 24, 36 and 48 hours after treatment. Among a total of 4456 specimens (a mean 405.1 per horse) 27 nematode species, one cestode and one species of botfly larvae were recovered. Strongylids were 100 % prevalent and represented by 24 species (2 large strongylid and 22 cyathostome species). Five cyathostome species (Cylicodontophorus bicoronatus, C. insigne, Poteriostomum imparidentatum, Parapoteriostomum mettami and Gyalocephalus capitatus) were recorded for the first time in Polish primitive horses, whereas two species (Cyathostomum montgomeryi and Cylicostephanus bidentatus) were found for the first time in the horse in Poland. Oxyuris equi was found in 100 % and Parascaris equorum in 63.6 % of yearlings surveyed. Tapeworms (Anoplocephala perfoliata) were revealed in 72.7 %, while Gasterophilus intestinalis instars in 90.9 % of horses. At least three parasite species were highly prevalent (i.e. S. vulgaris, A. perfoliata and G. intestinalis), which might be a reason of serious abdominal disorders in Polish horses living freely in the reserve.