Genome Biology

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Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease
Genome Biology - - 2002
Neil Risch, Esteban Burchard, Elad Ziv, Hua Tang
A debate has arisen regarding the validity of racial/ethnic categories for biomedical and genetic research. Some claim 'no biological basis for race' while others advocate a 'race-neutral' approach, using genetic clustering rather than self-identified ethnicity for human genetic categorization. We provide an epidemiologic perspective on the issue of human categorization in biomedical and genetic research that strongly supports the continued use of self-identified race and ethnicity.
Time- and exercise-dependent gene regulation in human skeletal muscle
Genome Biology - Tập 4 Số 10 - Trang 1-12 - 2003
Zambon, Alexander C, McDearmon, Erin L, Salomonis, Nathan, Vranizan, Karen M, Johansen, Kirsten L, Adey, Deborah, Takahashi, Joseph S, Schambelan, Morris, Conklin, Bruce R
Skeletal muscle remodeling is a critical component of an organism's response to environmental changes. Exercise causes structural changes in muscle and can induce phase shifts in circadian rhythms, fluctuations in physiology and behavior with a period of around 24 hours that are maintained by a core clock mechanism. Both exercise-induced remodeling and circadian rhythms rely on the transcriptional regulation of key genes. We used DNA microarrays to determine the effects of resistance exercise (RE) on gene regulation in biopsy samples of human quadriceps muscle obtained 6 and 18 hours after an acute bout of isotonic exercise with one leg. We also profiled diurnal gene regulation at the same time points (2000 and 0800 hours) in the non-exercised leg. Comparison of our results with published circadian gene profiles in mice identified 44 putative genes that were regulated in a circadian fashion. We then used quantitative PCR to validate the circadian expression of selected gene orthologs in mouse skeletal muscle. The coordinated regulation of the circadian clock genes Cry1, Per2, and Bmal1 6 hours after RE and diurnal genes 18 hours after RE in the exercised leg suggest that RE may directly modulate circadian rhythms in human skeletal muscle.
Correction to: Dual RNA-seq reveals viral infections in asthmatic children without respiratory illness which are associated with changes in the airway transcriptome
Genome Biology - Tập 19 - Trang 1-1 - 2018
Agata Wesolowska-Andersen, Jamie L. Everman, Rebecca Davidson, Cydney Rios, Rachelle Herrin, Celeste Eng, William J. Janssen, Andrew H. Liu, Sam S. Oh, Rajesh Kumar, Tasha E. Fingerlin, Jose Rodriguez-Santana, Esteban G. Burchard, Max A. Seibold
In our recent article [1], it has come to our attention that the sample labels are not consistent between Table 1, the data labels deposited in the Sequence Read Archive, and Additional file 1: Table S2. We are therefore providing an updated Additional file 1: Table S2 so identical samples now have the same label.
Population structure discovery in meta-analyzed microbial communities and inflammatory bowel disease using MMUPHin
Genome Biology - Tập 23 - Trang 1-31 - 2022
Siyuan Ma, Dmitry Shungin, Himel Mallick, Melanie Schirmer, Long H. Nguyen, Raivo Kolde, Eric Franzosa, Hera Vlamakis, Ramnik Xavier, Curtis Huttenhower
Microbiome studies of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have achieved a scale for meta-analysis of dysbioses among populations. To enable microbial community meta-analyses generally, we develop MMUPHin for normalization, statistical meta-analysis, and population structure discovery using microbial taxonomic and functional profiles. Applying it to ten IBD cohorts, we identify consistent associations, including novel taxa such as Acinetobacter and Turicibacter, and additional exposure and interaction effects. A single gradient of dysbiosis severity is favored over discrete types to summarize IBD microbiome population structure. These results provide a benchmark for characterization of IBD and a framework for meta-analysis of any microbial communities.
ROP: dumpster diving in RNA-sequencing to find the source of 1 trillion reads across diverse adult human tissues
Genome Biology - Tập 19 - Trang 1-12 - 2018
Serghei Mangul, Harry Taegyun Yang, Nicolas Strauli, Franziska Gruhl, Hagit T. Porath, Kevin Hsieh, Linus Chen, Timothy Daley, Stephanie Christenson, Agata Wesolowska-Andersen, Roberto Spreafico, Cydney Rios, Celeste Eng, Andrew D. Smith, Ryan D. Hernandez, Roel A. Ophoff, Jose Rodriguez Santana, Erez Y. Levanon, Prescott G. Woodruff, Esteban Burchard, Max A. Seibold, Sagiv Shifman, Eleazar Eskin, Noah Zaitlen
High-throughput RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) technologies provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore the individual transcriptome. Unmapped reads are a large and often overlooked output of standard RNA-seq analyses. Here, we present Read Origin Protocol (ROP), a tool for discovering the source of all reads originating from complex RNA molecules. We apply ROP to samples across 2630 individuals from 54 diverse human tissues. Our approach can account for 99.9% of 1 trillion reads of various read length. Additionally, we use ROP to investigate the functional mechanisms underlying connections between the immune system, microbiome, and disease. ROP is freely available at .
Prioritizing causal disease genes using unbiased genomic features
Genome Biology - Tập 15 - Trang 1-19 - 2014
Rahul C Deo, Gabriel Musso, Murat Tasan, Paul Tang, Annie Poon, Christiana Yuan, Janine F Felix, Ramachandran S Vasan, Rameen Beroukhim, Teresa De Marco, Pui-Yan Kwok, Calum A MacRae, Frederick P Roth
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the developed world. Human genetic studies, including genome-wide sequencing and SNP-array approaches, promise to reveal disease genes and mechanisms representing new therapeutic targets. In practice, however, identification of the actual genes contributing to disease pathogenesis has lagged behind identification of associated loci, thus limiting the clinical benefits. To aid in localizing causal genes, we develop a machine learning approach, Objective Prioritization for Enhanced Novelty (OPEN), which quantitatively prioritizes gene-disease associations based on a diverse group of genomic features. This approach uses only unbiased predictive features and thus is not hampered by a preference towards previously well-characterized genes. We demonstrate success in identifying genetic determinants for CVD-related traits, including cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and conduction system and cardiomyopathy phenotypes. Using OPEN, we prioritize genes, including FLNC, for association with increased left ventricular diameter, which is a defining feature of a prevalent cardiovascular disorder, dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM. Using a zebrafish model, we experimentally validate FLNC and identify a novel FLNC splice-site mutation in a patient with severe DCM. Our approach stands to assist interpretation of large-scale genetic studies without compromising their fundamentally unbiased nature.
Dual RNA-seq reveals viral infections in asthmatic children without respiratory illness which are associated with changes in the airway transcriptome
Genome Biology - Tập 18 - Trang 1-17 - 2017
Agata Wesolowska-Andersen, Jamie L. Everman, Rebecca Davidson, Cydney Rios, Rachelle Herrin, Celeste Eng, William J. Janssen, Andrew H. Liu, Sam S. Oh, Rajesh Kumar, Tasha E. Fingerlin, Jose Rodriguez-Santana, Esteban G. Burchard, Max A. Seibold
Respiratory illness caused by viral infection is associated with the development and exacerbation of childhood asthma. Little is known about the effects of respiratory viral infections in the absence of illness. Using quantitative PCR (qPCR) for common respiratory viruses and for two genes known to be highly upregulated in viral infections (CCL8/CXCL11), we screened 92 asthmatic and 69 healthy children without illness for respiratory virus infections. We found 21 viral qPCR-positive and 2 suspected virus-infected subjects with high expression of CCL8/CXCL11. We applied a dual RNA-seq workflow to these subjects, together with 25 viral qPCR-negative subjects, to compare qPCR with sequencing-based virus detection and to generate the airway transcriptome for analysis. RNA-seq virus detection achieved 86% sensitivity when compared to qPCR-based screening. We detected additional respiratory viruses in the two CCL8/CXCL11-high subjects and in two of the qPCR-negative subjects. Viral read counts varied widely and were used to stratify subjects into Virus-High and Virus-Low groups. Examination of the host airway transcriptome found that the Virus-High group was characterized by immune cell airway infiltration, downregulation of cilia genes, and dampening of type 2 inflammation. Even the Virus-Low group was differentiated from the No-Virus group by 100 genes, some involved in eIF2 signaling. Respiratory virus infection without illness is not innocuous but may determine the airway function of these subjects by driving immune cell airway infiltration, cellular remodeling, and alteration of asthmogenic gene expression.
A reverse genetic screen in Drosophila using a deletion-inducing mutagen
Genome Biology - Tập 5 - Trang 1-10 - 2004
Knud Nairz, Peder Zipperlen, Charles Dearolf, Konrad Basler, Ernst Hafen
We report the use of the cross-linking drug hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA), which introduces small deletions, as a mutagen suitable for reverse genetics in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster. A compatible mutation-detection method based on resolution of PCR fragment-length polymorphisms on standard DNA sequencers is implemented. As the spectrum of HMPA-induced mutations is similar in a variety of organisms, it should be possible to transfer this mutagenesis and detection procedure to other model systems.
Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell
Genome Biology - Tập 10 - Trang 1-33 - 2009
Peter von Dassow, Hiroyuki Ogata, Ian Probert, Patrick Wincker, Corinne Da Silva, Stéphane Audic, Jean-Michel Claverie, Colomban de Vargas
Eukaryotes are classified as either haplontic, diplontic, or haplo-diplontic, depending on which ploidy levels undergo mitotic cell division in the life cycle. Emiliania huxleyi is one of the most abundant phytoplankton species in the ocean, playing an important role in global carbon fluxes, and represents haptophytes, an enigmatic group of unicellular organisms that diverged early in eukaryotic evolution. This species is haplo-diplontic. Little is known about the haploid cells, but they have been hypothesized to allow persistence of the species between the yearly blooms of diploid cells. We sequenced over 38,000 expressed sequence tags from haploid and diploid E. huxleyi normalized cDNA libraries to identify genes involved in important processes specific to each life phase (2N calcification or 1N motility), and to better understand the haploid phase of this prominent haplo-diplontic organism. The haploid and diploid transcriptomes showed a dramatic differentiation, with approximately 20% greater transcriptome richness in diploid cells than in haploid cells and only ≤ 50% of transcripts estimated to be common between the two phases. The major functional category of transcripts differentiating haploids included signal transduction and motility genes. Diploid-specific transcripts included Ca2+, H+, and HCO3- pumps. Potential factors differentiating the transcriptomes included haploid-specific Myb transcription factor homologs and an unusual diploid-specific histone H4 homolog. This study permitted the identification of genes likely involved in diploid-specific biomineralization, haploid-specific motility, and transcriptional control. Greater transcriptome richness in diploid cells suggests they may be more versatile for exploiting a diversity of rich environments whereas haploid cells are intrinsically more streamlined.
Roadblock: improved annotations do not necessarily translate into new functional insights
Genome Biology - Tập 22 - Trang 1-8 - 2021
Nicola A. L. Hall, Becky C. Carlyle, Wilfried Haerty, Elizabeth M. Tunbridge
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