Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants

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Sắp xếp:  
The functional roles of 3D heterostyly and floral visitors in the reproductive biology of Turnera subulata (Turneroideae: Passifloraceae)
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 264 - Trang 151559 - 2020
André Rodrigo Rech, Marina Teixeira Achkar, Leonardo Ré Jorge, W. Scott Armbruster, Odair J.G. Almeida
Quantitative Aspects of Hybridization in Mixed Populations of Rumex obtusifolius L. and R. crispus L. (Polygonaceae)
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 178 Số 4 - Trang 233-242 - 1986
Albrecht Ziburski, Joachim W. Kadereit, Peter Leins
Subtropical species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae): Distribution patterns and limiting environmental factors
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 222 - Trang 86-95 - 2016
Gabriel Emiliano Ferreira, Pedro Maria Abreu Ferreira, Alain Chautems, Jorge Luiz Waechter
Linkage between leaf development and photosynthetic response at hyperosmotic salinity in the C-4 grass Panicum antidotale
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 256 - Trang 52-60 - 2019
Tabassum Hussain, Bernhard Huchzermeyer, Hans-Werner Koyro, M. Ajmal Khan
Amazon wildfires: Scenes from a foreseeable disaster
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 268 - Trang 151609 - 2020
Paulo Brando, Marcia Macedo, Divino Silvério, Ludmila Rattis, Lucas Paolucci, Ane Alencar, Michael Coe, Cristina Amorim
Functional diversity of herbaceous species under different fire frequencies in Brazilian savannas
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 205 - Trang 674-681 - 2010
Priscilla de Paula Loiola, Marcus Vinicius Cianciaruso, Igor Aurélio Silva, Marco Antônio Batalha
Comparative anatomy and chemical analysis of the vegetative organs of three species of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae)
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 224 - Trang 30-41 - 2016
Luíz Carlos Júnior Alcântara, Renato Pamplona Cardoso Costa, Lúcio Mendes Cabral, Ana Cláudia de Macêdo Vieira
Underground system of the weed Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. E. Anderson (Malpighiaceae) and its vegetative propagation role
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 278 - Trang 151789 - 2021
Valquiria da Silva, Graziela Cury, Lucas Henrique Santos Barbosa, Devid Lucas Tenório dos Santos, Renan Cantalice de Souza, Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata
Local topography affects seed bank successional patterns in alluvial meadows
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 217 - Trang 155-163 - 2015
Alena Havrdová, Jan Douda, Jana Doudová
Photosynthese und Wasserhaushalt der immergrünen mediterranen Hartlaubptlanze Arbutus unedo L. im Jahresverlauf am Freilandstandort in Portugal
Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants - Tập 184 - Trang 271-289 - 1990
W. Beyschlag, O.L. Lange, J.D. Tenhunen
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