Elsevier BV

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Near-field triggering of microearthquakes along the Longitudinal Valley fault in eastern Taiwan*
Elsevier BV - Tập 33 - Trang 273-280 - 2020
Tong Lu, Shujun Liu, Chi-Chia Tang
Depth determination of the Moho interface beneath the Tibetan plateau and other areas of China
Elsevier BV - Tập 25 - Trang 415-431 - 2012
Youshun Sun, Diming Yu, M. Nafi Toksöz, F. Dale Morgan, Xiyu Wang, Jinrong Su, Jun Liu
We apply the adaptive moving window method of Sun et al. to the most recent catalog data and the data recorded by portable stations to construct the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle, and to determine the depth of the Moho interface beneath the Tibetan plateau and other areas of China. We first select 2 600 locations in the study region with 1° intervals, then at each location invert for a five-layer 1-D P-wave velocity model from the surface down to the uppermost mantle by performing a Monte Carlo random search. The Moho depth at each location is then determined, and the Moho interface beneath the study region is obtained through proper interpolation with certain smoothing. Compared to depths obtained by previous studies, our results show more accurate Moho depths in the Tibetan plateau, Tianshan region and other areas of the study region.
Preliminary analysis of teleseismic receiver functions of the Ningxia and its adjacent area
Elsevier BV - Tập 25 - Trang 47-53 - 2012
Xiaoqing Xu, Xuzhang Shen, Chang Ming, Guofu Luo, Yao Lin
The teleseismic receiver functions of digital seismic network of Ningxia and its adjacent area are calculated with two different Gauss filter factors. The accuracy and stability of the receiver functions are discussed. The h-k stacking method is applied to estimate the crustal thickness and velocity ratio beneath seismic stations. The results indicate that there are sharp changes of crustal thickness and velocity ratio in the studied region. This region is located in the northeastern margin of Tibet, and also a junction of several first-grade blocks. The large contrast of crustal structure in this region is considered to be resulted from the interaction of these blocks. Our results are helpful to construct the completed model of the formation and evolution of the Tibet. Some local structures are also discussed combining with the geological faults.
Crustal structure in Xiaojiang fault zone and its vicinity
Elsevier BV - Tập 22 - Trang 347-356 - 2009
Chunyong Wang, Hai Lou, Xili Wang, Jiazheng Qin, Runhai Yang, Jinming Zhao
Based on the integrative interpretation of travel-time data and amplitude information obtained from the deep seismic sounding experiment on the Chuxiong-Luoping profile, eastern Yunnan province, carried out in January of 2005, we present a 2-D P wave velocity structure along the profile. The crustal structure shows remarkable contrasts between the two sides of the Xiaojiang fault zone, although the whole profile is situated within the Yangtze platform. The average P wave velocities of the crust on the west and east sides of the fault zone are 6.21 km/s and 6.32 km/s, respectively, and the crustal thicknesses are 41 km and 45 km, respectively. These results imply that the crust to the east of the Xiaojiang fault zone presents characteristics of crustal structure in a stable platform, while the crust to the west is complicated with a lower velocity zone in middle of the upper crust. The average velocity of 6.21 km/s is lower than the global continental crustal average (6.30 km/s), indicating that the region is tectonically active. According to the lateral variation of velocity and depth of interfaces (including the Moho), it is inferred that the Xiaojiang fault zone has cut through the whole crust. It is also deduced that existence of low velocity zone in middle of the upper crust is conducive to the south-southeastern sliding of the Sichuan-Yunnan (Chuan-Dian) rhombus block.
Recent advances in imaging crustal fault zones: a review
Elsevier BV - Tập 28 - Trang 151-162 - 2015
Hongfeng Yang
Crustal faults usually have a fault core and surrounding regions of brittle damage, forming a low-velocity zone (LVZ) in the immediate vicinity of the main slip interface. The LVZ may amplify ground motion, influence rupture propagation, and hold important information of earthquake physics. A number of geophysical and geodetic methods have been developed to derive high-resolution structure of the LVZ. Here, I review a few recent approaches, including ambient noise cross-correlation on dense across-fault arrays and GPS recordings of fault-zone trapped waves. Despite the past efforts, many questions concerning the LVZ structure remain unclear, such as the depth extent of the LVZ. High-quality data from larger and denser arrays and new seismic imaging technique using larger portion of recorded waveforms, which are currently under active development, may be able to better resolve the LVZ structure. In addition, effects of the along-strike segmentation and gradational velocity changes across the boundaries between the LVZ and the host rock on rupture propagation should be investigated by conducting comprehensive numerical experiments. Furthermore, high-quality active sources such as recently developed large-volume air-gun arrays provide a powerful tool to continuously monitor temporal changes of fault-zone properties, and thus can advance our understanding of fault zone evolution.
Quick moment tensor solution for 6 April 2009, L’Aquila, Italy, earthquake
Elsevier BV - - 2009
Chao Liu, Lisheng Xu, Yun-Tai Chen
Co-seismic fault geometry and slip distribution of the 26 December 2004, giant Sumatra–Andaman earthquake constrained by GPS, coral reef, and remote sensing data
Elsevier BV - - 2015
Yizhao Wan, Zheng‐Kang Shen, Min Wang, Yuehua Zeng, Huang Ji-chao, Xiang Li, Huawei Cui, Xiwei Gao
Source model of the 11th July 2004 Zhongba earthquake revealed from the joint inversion of InSAR and seismological data
Elsevier BV - Tập 24 - Trang 207-220 - 2011
Shengji Wei, Sidao Ni, Xianjie Zha, Zhenjie Wang, Don Helmberger
We use interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and broadband seismic waveform data to estimate a source model of the 11th July, 2004 MW6.2 Zhongba earthquake, Tibet of China. This event occurred within the seismically active zone of southwestern Tibetan Plateau where the east-west extension of the upper crust is observed. Because of limitations in one pair of InSAR data available, there are trade-offs among centroid depth, rupture area and amount of slip. Available seismic data tightly constrain the focal mechanism and centroid depth of the earthquake but not the horizontal location. Together, two complementary data sets can be used to identify the actual fault plane, better constrain the slip model and event location. We first use regional seismic waveform to estimate point source mechanism, then InSAR data is used to obtain better location. Finally, a joint inversion of teleseismic P-waves and InSAR data is performed to obtain a distributed model. Our preferred point source mechanism indicates a seismic moment of ∼2.2×1018 N·m (MW6.2), a fault plane solution of 171° (342°)/42°(48°)/−83°(−97°), corresponding to strike/dip/rake, and a depth of 11 km. The fault plane with strike of 171° and dip of 42° is identified as the ruptured fault with the aid of InSAR data. The preferred source model features compact area of slips between depth of 5–11 km and 10 km along strike with maximum slip amplitude of about 1.5 m.
Site dependence of far-source ground motions during the Wenchuan earthquake
Elsevier BV - Tập 22 - Trang 531-537 - 2009
Longjun Xu, Haiying Yu, Wenhai Cao, Lili Xie
This paper aimed to examine the site dependence and evaluate the methods for site analysis of far-source ground motions. This was achieved through the examination of frequency content estimated by different methods based on strong ground motions recorded at twelve far-source stations in Shandong province during the Wenchuan earthquake. The stations were located in sites with soil profiles ranging from code classes I to III. Approaches used included the Fourier amplitude spectrum (FAS), the earthquake response spectrum (ERS), the spectral ratio between the horizontal and the vertical components (H/V), the spectral ratio between the spectra at the site and at a reference site (SRRS), and coda wave analysis (CWA). Results showed that major periods of these ground motions obtained by FAS, ERS and H/V ratio methods were all evidently larger than site dominant periods; the periods were also different from each other and mainly reflected the frequency content of long period components. Prominent periods obtained by the SRRS approach neither illuminated the long period aspect nor efficiently determined site features of the motions. The CWA resulted in a period close to site period for stations with good quality recordings. The results obtained in this study will be useful for the evaluation of far-source effect in constructing seismic design spectra and in selecting methods for ground motion site analysis.
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