Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486)

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End-to-end UMTS quality of service architecture for the support of real-time IP multimedia services in UMTS R5
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 234-238 - 2002
S. Leroy, L. Bos, J. De Vriendt
3G promises to be an enabler for many new services: videoconferencing, interactive gaming, streaming, etc. Such applications are typically QoS (quality of service) sensitive. This requires new functionality in the UMTS QoS architecture. In 3GPP work on QoS is ongoing; the basic mechanisms are included in UMTS release 5, the more advanced features will be part of UMTS release 6. This document highlights UMTS QoS aspects. The main focus is on UMTS R5 as this release will introduce IP multimedia services. We clearly make the distinction between 3GPP stable decisions, topics under discussion within 3GPP, and the Alcatel position on the topics.
A parallel OPF approach for large-scale power systems
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 161-166 - 2002
Y. Huang, T. Kashiwagi, S. Morozumi
In this paper, the Newton-Krylov algorithm of power flow calculation is reviewed. A rectangular coordinate voltage formulation of nonlinear optimal power flow (OPF) is introduced and adopted into the unlimited point algorithm, and a Newton-Krylov algorithm similar to that of power flow calculation is proposed to solve the unlimited point transformed optimality conditions for the original OPF problem. After verifying the proposed algorithm with several power systems, shared-memory parallel implementation is carried out on a Sun Sparc 4PEs workstation. The observations of the parallel characteristics of the Newton-Krylov algorithm and its core part, Bi-CGSTAB, are made based upon the test results on both shared-memory and distributed-memory (including PC cluster) parallel computers.
Switched reluctance machines with simple hoop windings
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 522-527 - 2002
H.M. Amreiz, B.C. Mecrow, C. Weiner
Switched reluctance machines are usually constructed with coils wrapped around radial poles. The MMF of these coils causes a magnetic flux to flow radially up the poles, returning circumferentially through rotor and stator core backs. As the pole number is increased then the number of coils rises but, due to decreasing space per coil, the MMF per coil falls, so that increasing the pole number does not necessarily increase the torque capability of the machine. This paper presents results from a machine topology which circumnavigates the above problem: the pole number can be increased without reducing the MMF per coil. As the pole number rises the rate of change of permeance of the circuit rises, so that it appears that a high pole number will result in a very high torque machine.
Creating a successful payment architecture [mobile data services]
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 376-381 - 2002
T.R. Longman, T. Roberts
The introduction of GPRS and UMTS data services for mobile operators greatly increases the complexity of payment solutions since services can no longer be charged on simple duration basis but have to be tailored to the value of service being offered. At the same time, payment schemes need to be affordable and easy to understand for commercial success. The paper describes Nortel Networks' view of the problem domain, where 3GPP IMS (IP multimedia core network subsystem) and OSA (open service access) models provide support (or not) and explains its approach to addressing these problems through a modular, but integrated, solution.
Electronic vehicle identification for road traffic information and enforcement
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 20-24 - 2002
A. Stevens, B. Stoneman
Electronic Vehicle Identification (EVI) is a future means of uniquely identifying and communicating electronically with road vehicles. The use of EVI has the potential to greatly improve the identification of vehicles over current methods and uses a wireless communication link to read data held in an electronic format within a vehicle. The next decade will undoubtedly see an increase in the application of electronic systems to the road network in order to improve network efficiency and road safety. The application of EVI could for example, provide journey time data to traffic control systems, or a means for enforcing traffic regulations. EVI also provides the opportunity for introducing a wide range of commercial and driver related services that benefit Users. This paper describes the work undertaken for the DTLR as the first steps in addressing the EVI concept and public policy needs. The paper identifies some of the problems with optical vehicle identification techniques currently in use, describes EVI with potential applications and also discusses some of the organisational and societal issues that will need to be addressed.
Single-phase neutral point diode clamped rectifier with high input power factor
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 421-426 - 2002
B.-R. Lin, D.-J. Chen, T.-L. Hung
A new control scheme for the single-phase neutral point diode clamped rectifier is proposed to achieve a unity power factor, balanced neutral point voltage and constant DC bus voltage. Four power switches are used in the proposed rectifier to generate a three-level PWM waveform on the rectifier terminal voltage. The line current command is derived from a DC link voltage regulator and an output power estimator. The hysteresis current controller is used to track the line current command. To balance the neutral point voltage, a capacitor voltage compensator is employed. The main advantages of using a three-level PWM scheme instead of a two-level PWM scheme are that the blocking voltage of each power switch is clamped to half of DC bus voltage, and voltage harmonics on the AC side of a rectifier are reduced. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is verified by software simulations and experimental results from a laboratory prototype.
Squirrel cage rotor faults detection in induction motor utilizing stator power spectrum approach
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 133-138 - 2002
M. Drif, N. Benouzza, B. Kraloua, A. Bendiabdellah, J.A. Dente
Early detection of abnormalities in the motor will help avoid expensive failure. It has been shown that rotor faults such as broken rotor bars can be detected by several methods. This paper deals with the application of the spectral analysis of the instantaneous power for the detection of rotor cage faults in operating three phase induction motors. This approach carries more information than that of the current spectral analysis approach. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to illustrate the merits of the proposed instantaneous power approach.
Độ chính xác và khả năng nghe của vị trí di động trong mạng GSM và CDMA Dịch bởi AI
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 350-354 - 2002
J.H. Yap, S. Ghaheri-Niri, R. Tafazolli
Chúng tôi nghiên cứu các vấn đề gặp phải trong việc xác định vị trí di động (PL) trong các mạng di động. Hai vấn đề chính là độ không chính xác của vị trí được ước lượng và khả năng nghe của thiết bị PL, tức là khả năng nhận đủ tín hiệu từ ít nhất 3 trạm phát sóng (BS) để ước lượng vị trí của nó. Công trình của chúng tôi dựa trên kỹ thuật xác định vị trí theo khoảng thời gian xuống (TDOA) được đề xuất cho dịch vụ định vị (LCS) trong GSM và CDMA băng thông rộng. Chúng tôi cũng nghiên cứu tác động của liên kết ngoài tầm nhìn (NLOS) giữa BS và thiết bị di động (MT) đến độ chính xác của vị trí được ước lượng. Kế hoạch thời gian chết xuống (IPDL), được đề xuất cho mạng WCDMA nhằm giảm thiểu các vấn đề không chính xác và khả năng nghe do nhiễu từ các người dùng hoặc BS 'hoạt động' khác, cũng được đề cập.
#vị trí di động #xác định vị trí di động #GSM #CDMA #TDOA #NLOS #IPDL
Roaming between satellite and terrestrial networks
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 58-63 - 2002
N.P. Shave
The ETSI proposed S-UMTS system is intended to provide an important overlay to terrestrial 3rd generation networks. S-UMTS is specifically targeted at providing services in remote regions, or potentially just as important, when out of coverage of the subscriber's home network or a network with a suitable roaming agreement. Thus, satellite/terrestrial interoperability is a key issue to enable subscribers the quality and diversity of service offered by terrestrial systems plus the broad coverage offered by satellite systems. The paper describes the considerable technical challenges to be addressed to achieve full satellite system interoperability with 2.5G and 3G networks, and outlines solutions and the necessary steps to meet the service and end user requirements.
Multi-variable torque optimization for small spindle motors based on reduced-basis finite element formulation
Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 2002. (Conf. Publ. No. 486) - - Trang 269-274 - 2002
M.A. Jabbar, A.B. Azeman
A new technique for the optimisation of designs has been applied for the determination of a spindle motor design in relation to its cogging torque. The methodology of the formulation has been described. This procedure has been used to optimise design parameters of a spindle motor. Results show clearly the advantage of using reduced order formulation over a direct finite element application to such optimisation work.
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