Duke University Press

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America’s Churning Races: Race and Ethnicity Response Changes Between Census 2000 and the 2010 Census
Duke University Press - Tập 54 Số 1 - Trang 259-284 - 2017
Carolyn A. Liebler, Sonya R. Porter, Leticia Fernández, James Noon, Sharon R. Ennis

A person’s racial or ethnic self-identification can change over time and across contexts, which is a component of population change not usually considered in studies that use race and ethnicity as variables. To facilitate incorporation of this aspect of population change, we show patterns and directions of individual-level race and Hispanic response change throughout the United States and among all federally recognized race/ethnic groups. We use internal U.S. Census Bureau data from the 2000 and 2010 censuses in which responses have been linked at the individual level (N = 162 million). Approximately 9.8 million people (6.1 %) in our data have a different race and/or Hispanic-origin response in 2010 than they did in 2000. Race response change was especially common among those reported as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, in a multiple-race response group, or Hispanic. People reported as non-Hispanic white, black, or Asian in 2000 usually had the same response in 2010 (3 %, 6 %, and 9 % of responses changed, respectively). Hispanic/non-Hispanic ethnicity responses were also usually consistent (13 % and 1 %, respectively, changed). We found a variety of response change patterns, which we detail. In many race/Hispanic response groups, we see population churn in the form of large countervailing flows of response changes that are hidden in cross-sectional data. We find that response changes happen across ages, sexes, regions, and response modes, with interesting variation across racial/ethnic categories. Researchers should address the implications of race and Hispanic-origin response change when designing analyses and interpreting results.

Aids mortality and the mobility of children in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Duke University Press - Tập 42 - Trang 757-768 - 2005
Kathleen Ford, Victoria Hosegood
This paper examines the effect of parental death on the mobility of 39,163 children aged 0–17 in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, in 2000 and 2001. Parental mortality from all causes prior to and during follow-up increased the risk of a child moving by nearly two times after we controlled for the age and gender of the child and household characteristics. However, in the follow-up period, child mobility following maternal deaths from AIDS was lower than child mobility following maternal deaths from other causes. Younger children, boys, and children whose mothers or fathers were resident members of the children’s households were also less likely to move.
Fertility and economic activity of women in Guatemala city, 1964
Duke University Press - - 1970
Murray Gendell, Maria Nydia Maraviglia, Philip C. Kreitner

Data from a five percent census sample reveal that in Guatemala City in 1964 economically active women, especially domestic servants, had lower cumulative fertility than inactive women, partly because larger proportions of them had never married and were childless. However, even among ever married mothers there was a substantial differential, which was not due to differences in age at first birth. With respect to all women, cross tabulation and regression analysis show that age, marital status and educational attainment were more strongly associated with fertility than was activity status, but the latter also had a significant net association. Selection for sterility was not likely. Being contrary to expectations expressed in the literature, the very low fertility of the domestics received further attention. Live-in domestics had considerably lower fertility than those who lived out, which was also the case in the United States in 1960. These data and other evidence strongly suggest that this differential is due to a widespread employer preference for single or childless women. The concept of role incompatibility is therefore inapplicable to domestic servants. These findings add to the considerable evidence showing lower fertility among economically active women in large urban places in Latin America.

Internal migration in the USSR: 1897–1926
Duke University Press - Tập 4 - Trang 479-496 - 1967
J. William Leasure, Robert A. Lewis
The purpose of this study is to describe and to analyze internal migration in the USSR primarily by the use of data from the 1926 census of the USSR. The article is divided into two parts. The first is devoted to a description of the aggregate and regional migration patterns based on place-of-birth data. The second is an analysis of these migration patterns, primarily in terms of economic differentials by guberniya. Because only limited income data are available for the period around1926 and because other economic data are scarce or unusable owing to boundary changes, census data on labor force distribution, literacy, and urbanization are used as substitute variables to approximate income differences. Migrationis a complex phenomenon related to a host of factors. The present study does not presume fully to explain migration in the USSR, but it does attempt to isolate differences in income and to relate these to the internal migration that occurred during this period. As a result of processing and analyzing an extensive array of data, we have shown that differences in income, derived indirectly from a variety of data, are closely related to internal migration in the USSR in the period prior to the 1926 census. There were striking similarities in respect to internal migration between the period prior to the 1897 census and the period prior to the1926 census. The chief areas of out-migration and in-migration were roughly the same,and migrants in both periods moved primarily to areas of higher income.
Health Measurement in Population Surveys: Combining Information from Self-reported and Observer-Measured Health Indicators
Duke University Press - Tập 48 - Trang 699-724 - 2011
George B. Ploubidis, Emily Grundy
Our primary aim is to develop and validate a population health metric for survey-based health assessment that combines information from both self-reported and observer-measured health indicators. A secondary objective is to use this index to examine gender and socioeconomic differentials in the health status of older people. We use data from the second wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) conducted in 2004 (N = 8,870). Information from three observer-measured and three self-reported health indicators was combined, using a latent variable modeling approach. A model that decomposed the manifest health indicators to valid health, systematic error, and random error was found to fit the data best. The latent health dimension represented somatic health, and was tested against three external criteria: height, waist-hip ratio, and smoking status. We present the Latent Index of Somatic Health (LISH), as well as a procedure for deriving the LISH in surveys employing both self- and observer-measured health indicators. Observer-measured and self-reported indicators were found to be equally biased in indexing population somatic health, with the exception of self-reports of functional limitations, which was the most reliable somatic health indicator. As expected, results showed that women had worse health than men and that socioeconomic advantage is associated with better somatic health.
Interregional flows of economically active persons in France, 1975–1982
Duke University Press - Tập 25 - Trang 81-98 - 1988
Ken G. Dean
Recent net interregional migration into southern and western France is widely appreciated, but much less is known about the composition of these flows in terms of the occupational characteristics of economically active migrants. Using results from the 1982 census, this article disaggregates net flows to reveal inflows and outflows of migrants defined by gender and occupational groups. Important differences between these groups with regard to absolute flows and geographical mobility are uncovered and discussed in relation to the new spatial division of labor perspective on counterurbanization.
The yield of the imperfect: The 1970 national fertility study
Duke University Press - Tập 12 - Trang 573-580 - 1975
Charles F. Westoff
Cross-National Comparisons of Union Stability in Cohabiting and Married Families With Children
Duke University Press - Tập 55 - Trang 1389-1421 - 2018
Kelly Musick, Katherine Michelmore
Increases in cohabitation, nonmarital childbearing, and partnership dissolution have reshaped the family landscape in most Western countries. The United States shares many features of family change common elsewhere, although it is exceptional in its high degree of union instability. In this study, we use the Harmonized Histories to provide a rich, descriptive account of union instability among couples who have had a child together in the United States and several European countries. First, we compare within-country differences between cohabiting and married parents in education, prior family experiences, and age at first birth. Second, we estimate differences in the stability of cohabiting and married parents, paying attention to transitions into marriage among those cohabiting at birth. Finally, we explore the implications of differences in parents’ characteristics for union instability and the magnitude of social class differences in union instability across countries. Although similar factors are associated with union instability across countries, some (prior childbearing, early childbearing) are by far more common in the United States, accounting in part for higher shares separating. The factors associated with union instability—lower education, prior childbearing, early childbearing—also tend to be more tightly packaged in the United States than elsewhere, suggesting greater inequality in resources for children.
The impact of family policy expenditure on fertility in western Europe
Duke University Press - Tập 47 - Trang 503-519 - 2010
Adriaan Kalwij
This article analyzes the impact on fertility of changes in national expenditure for family allowances, maternity- and parental-leave benefits, and childcare subsidies. To do so, I estimate a model for the timing of births using individual-level data from 16 western European countries, supplemented with data on national social expenditure for different family policy programs. The latter allow approximation of the subsidies that households with children receive from such programs. The results show that increased expenditure on family policy programs that help women to combine family and employment-and thus reduce the opportunity cost of children—generates positive fertility responses.
An Empirical Examination Of Megalopolitan Structure
Duke University Press - Tập 4 - Trang 734-743 - 1967
Robert H. Weller
Recently, the emergence of a new community form has attracted considerable attention. Gottmann has written of the “megalopolis,” and others have written of the development of “urban fields” which will replace the traditional concepts of “city” and “metropolis.” The belief underlying these efforts is that an increasing intermetropolitan division of labor is bringing about a new type of community. Now, if we are to understand the process of urbanization in an industrialized society which is characterized by constantly shrinking spatio-temporal barriers, it seems necessary to determine if a new community form actually is present. This study of the metropolitan northeastern portion of the United States utilizes Census data on the industrial composition of the labor force in 1950 and 1960, and compares the variance of location quotients in various industries with that in retail food in an effort to determine whether there has been increasing economic differentiation. The author finds scant evidence of an increasing intermetropolitan division of labor and questions the validity of “megalopolis” as a community form.
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