Current Environmental Health Reports

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Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease and Pontiac Fever 2006–2017
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 5 - Trang 263-271 - 2018
K. A. Hamilton, A. J. Prussin, W. Ahmed, C. N. Haas
The global importance of Legionnaires’ disease (LD) and Pontiac fever (PF) has grown in recent years. While sporadic cases of LD and PF do not always provide contextual information for evaluating causes and drivers of Legionella risks, analysis of outbreaks provides an opportunity to assess these factors. A review was performed and provides a summary of LD and PF outbreaks between 2006 and 2017. Of the 136 outbreaks, 115 were LD outbreaks, 4 were PF outbreaks, and 17 were mixed outbreaks of LD and PF. Cooling towers were implicated or suspected in the a large portion of LD or PF outbreaks (30% total outbreaks, 50% confirmed outbreak-associated cases, and 60% outbreak-associated deaths) over this period of time, while building water systems and pools/spas were also important contributors. Potable water/building water system outbreaks seldom identify specific building water system or fixture deficiencies. The outbreak data summarized here provides information for prioritizing and targeting risk analysis and mitigation strategies.
Integrating DNA Methylation Measures of Biological Aging into Social Determinants of Health Research
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 9 Số 2 - Trang 196-210
Laurel Raffington, Daniel W. Belsky
Measurement Error and Environmental Epidemiology: a Policy Perspective
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 79-88 - 2017
Jessie K. Edwards, Alexander P. Keil
The Role of the Epigenome in Translating Neighborhood Disadvantage Into Health Disparities
Current Environmental Health Reports - - 2015
Kenneth Olden, Heather Olden, Yu‐Sheng Lin
Arsenic Exposure and Epigenetic Alterations: Recent Findings Based on the Illumina 450K DNA Methylation Array
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 2 - Trang 137-144 - 2015
Maria Argos
Arsenic is a major public health concern worldwide. While it is an established carcinogen and associated with a number of other adverse health outcomes, the molecular mechanisms underlying arsenic toxicity are not completely clarified. There is mounting evidence from human studies suggesting that arsenic exposure is associated with epigenetic alterations, including DNA methylation. In this review, we summarize several recent human studies that have evaluated arsenic exposure using the Illumina HumanMethylation 450K BeadChip, which interrogates more than 485,000 methylation sites across the genome. Many of these studies have observed novel regions of the genome associated with arsenic exposure. However, few studies have evaluated the biological and functional relevance of these DNA methylation changes, which are still needed. We emphasize the need for future studies to replicate the identified DNA methylation signals as well as assess whether these markers are associated with risk of arsenic-related diseases.
New Methods for Personal Exposure Monitoring for Airborne Particles
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 2 - Trang 399-411 - 2015
Kirsten A. Koehler, Thomas M. Peters
Airborne particles have been associated with a range of adverse cardiopulmonary outcomes, which has driven its monitoring at stationary central sites throughout the world. Individual exposures, however, can differ substantially from concentrations measured at central sites due to spatial variability across a region and sources unique to the individual, such as cooking or cleaning in homes, traffic emissions during commutes, and widely varying sources encountered at work. Personal monitoring with small, battery-powered instruments enables the measurement of an individual’s exposure as they go about their daily activities. Personal monitoring can substantially reduce exposure misclassification and improve the power to detect relationships between particulate pollution and adverse health outcomes. By partitioning exposures to known locations and sources, it may be possible to account for variable toxicity of different sources. This review outlines recent advances in the field of personal exposure assessment for particulate pollution. Advances in battery technology have improved the feasibility of 24-h monitoring, providing the ability to more completely attribute exposures to microenvironment (e.g., work, home, commute). New metrics to evaluate the relationship between particulate matter and health are also being considered, including particle number concentration, particle composition measures, and particle oxidative load. Such metrics provide opportunities to develop more precise associations between airborne particles and health and may provide opportunities for more effective regulations.
Air Pollution, Early Life Microbiome, and Development
Current Environmental Health Reports - - 2018
Yvonne Vallès, M. Pilar Francino
Prevalence and Implications of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Settled Dust
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 8 - Trang 323-335 - 2022
Tina Savvaides, Jeremy P. Koelmel, Yakun Zhou, Elizabeth Z. Lin, Paul Stelben, Juan J. Aristizabal-Henao, John A. Bowden, Krystal J. Godri Pollitt
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of more than 7,000 fluorinated compounds. The carbon-fluorine bond of PFAS provides desirable hydrophobic and oleophobic properties and stability that has led to widespread usage in consumer products and industrial applications. The strength of the carbon-fluorine bond also prevents appreciable degradation once released into the environment. Consequently, various household products can release volatile and nonvolatile PFAS into the indoor environment that often concentrate in dust. We discuss the diversity of PFAS in settled dust, emission sources of these chemicals, changes in PFAS profiles in dust over the past century, and the implications for human health. Sources of PFAS found in dust include building materials and furnishings and consumer products used in typical indoor spaces. Daycares and workplaces are emphasized as locations with widespread exposure due to the presence of treated carpeting and industrial-strength cleaners. Comparison and interpretation of findings across studies are complicated by the different ways in which PFAS are screened across studies. We further discuss recent developments in non-targeted software for the comprehensive annotation of PFAS in indoor dust and emphasize the need for comprehensive and harmonized analytical workflows. We highlight the detection and diversity of PFAS in settled dust collected from various indoor spaces, including locations with vulnerable subpopulations. There are opportunities for future research to leverage settled dust as a sentinel environmental matrix to evaluate the link between inhalation and ingestion routes of PFAS exposure to adverse health.
Cadmium and Reproductive Health in Women: A Systematic Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 1 - Trang 172-184 - 2014
Anna Z. Pollack, Shamika Ranasinghe, Lindsey A. Sjaarda, Sunni L. Mumford
An evolving body of evidence supports that cadmium, a non-essential heavy metal, may be associated with multiple adverse women’s reproductive health outcomes. Our objective was to conduct a systematic review of epidemiologic studies that evaluated cadmium exposure and the following reproductive health outcomes: puberty/menarche, fertility, time to pregnancy, pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, endometriosis, uterine leiomyoma, and menopause. Twenty-two studies were identified based upon our search criteria. Available evidence was inadequate to draw meaningful conclusions for most of the reproductive outcomes studied. The strongest evidence was for a possible association between cadmium and preeclampsia, which was limited to cross-sectional studies. Some evidence, although conflicting, was also observed for fertility related outcomes. This lack of evidence underscores the need for additional research on cadmium and women’s reproductive health outcomes.
Synthetic Chemical Trade as a Potential Driver of Global Health Disparities and Data Gaps on Synthetic Chemicals in Vulnerable Populations
Current Environmental Health Reports - Tập 7 - Trang 1-12 - 2020
Dina Goodman, Nicholas Arisco, Lindsay M. Jaacks
Most research on toxic exposures in vulnerable populations focuses on air pollution. Synthetic chemical production, however, is a multi-billion-dollar industry that lacks appropriate international regulation to protect those exposed to toxic chemicals. This paper aims to describe the country-level import and export of key groups of synthetic chemicals using data from the United Nations Comtrade Database and provide a narrative review of the evidence from January 2018 to August 2019 on exposure to, health effects of, and interventions to reduce synthetic chemicals in vulnerable populations around the world. Generally, a small number of high-income countries export the majority of synthetic chemicals, while most low-income countries import more chemicals than they export, which may contribute to higher levels of synthetic chemicals in those settings. However, few studies have quantified exposures to synthetic chemicals in low- and middle-income countries, the health effects of such exposures, or interventions to mitigate exposures. Synthetic chemicals continue to enter markets despite our limited knowledge of their effects on human health, particularly in the most vulnerable populations. We need more research to understand the health impacts of these pervasive exposures.
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