Sodium bicarbonate and intubation in severe diabetic ketoacidosis: are we too quick to dismiss them?Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 10 Số 1
Manudi Vidanapathirana
AbstractManagement of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) has internationally established guidelines. However, management of severe, refractory DKA with multiple contributors to acidosis, and management of DKA in patients with altered mentation, remain ambiguous. Use of sodium bicarbonate and intubation in DKA are unpopular treatment practices, but warrant consideration in these unique clinical scenarios. This paper describes a 61-year-old Sri Lankan female who presented with severe DKA, seizures and altered level of consciousness. In her case, the acidosis was secondary to DKA, hyperlactatemia, hyperchloraemic acidosis and acute kidney injury (AKI). Intravenous sodium bicarbonate was used in the management of acidosis. She was intubated due to altered level of consciousness with inadequate respiratory drive to compensate for metabolic acidosis. The outcome in her case was favorable. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate in DKA should be considered for patients with severe, refractory acidosis with hemodynamic instability, hyperkalemia and compounding acidosis due to normal anion gap acidosis or AKI. Intubation should be considered for patients with obtunded mentation unable to achieve respiratory compensation and obtunded mentation where reversal of DKA is unlikely to improve consciousness. Both strategies should be personalized with consideration of individual risk vs benefit.
Thyroid nodule update on diagnosis and managementClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 2 - Trang 1-10 - 2016
Shrikant Tamhane, Hossein Gharib
Thyroid nodules are common. The clinical importance of thyroid nodules is related to excluding malignancy (4.0 to 6.5% of all thyroid nodules), evaluate their functional status and assess for the presence of pressure symptoms. Incidental thyroid nodules are being diagnosed with increasing frequency in the recent years with the use of newer and highly sensitive imaging techniques. The high prevalence of thyroid nodules necessitates that the clinicians use evidence-based approaches for their assessment and management. New molecular tests have been developed to help with evaluation of malignancy in thyroid nodules. This review addresses advances in thyroid nodule evaluation, and their management considering the current guidelines and supporting evidence.
Hypophysitis: Evaluation and ManagementClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - - 2016
Alexander Faje
Hypophysitis is the acute or chronic inflammation of the pituitary gland. The spectrum of hypophysitis has expanded in recent years with the addition of two histologic subtypes and recognition as a complication of treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Despite the increased number of published cases, the pathogenesis of hypophysitis is poorly understood, and treatment strategies are diverse and controversial. The diagnosis of hypophysitis generally requires histopathologic confirmation. The presentation and clinical course of hypophysitis varies. Hypophysitis can resolve spontaneously, relapse may occur, and some cases can be refractory to treatment.
Multidisciplinary intensive lifestyle intervention improves markers of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in patients with type 1 diabetes and obesity: a retrospective matched-cohort studyClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 9 Số 1
Shaheen Tomah, TAREQ SALAH, Marwa Al‐Badri, SHILTON E. DHAVER, Hannah Gardner, Mhd Wael Tasabehji, Osama Hamdy
The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing among patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) paralleling the increasing prevalence of obesity among this population. However, little is known about the impact of intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) on NAFLD in patients with T1D.
Using Hepatic Steatosis Index (HSI), a noninvasive surrogate predictor of NAFLD, we retrospectively evaluated 88 adult patients with T1D and obesity after one year of participating in a 12-week ILI program in real-world clinical practice. Using the NAFLD guidelines of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), we excluded 11 participants. We matched the remaining ILI cohort (age 43 ± 12 years, females 65%, diabetes duration 22 ± 9 years, A1C 8.2 ± 0.9%, body weight 101 ± 17 kg, BMI 35.3 ± 4.9 kg/m2) in 1:1 ratio with a similar cohort of patients with T1D and obesity who received standard diabetes care (SC) at the same practice and during the same period. Matching criteria included: sex, age, BMI, A1C and duration of T1D. HSI [8 + ALT/AST + BMI (+ 2 if female, + 2 if T2D)] was calculated at baseline and after 12 months of intervention.
At baseline, HSI was similar between the two cohorts (46.2 ± 6.1 in the ILI cohort and 44.9 ± 5.7 in the SC cohort). After 12 months, the ILI group lost an average of 5.6 ± 2.7 kg (5.8%, p < 0.05) while the SC group maintained their baseline body weight (p < 0.001 between groups). HSI decreased significantly from baseline in the ILI group (-2.7 ± 1.1, p = 0.01), but did not change in the SC group (0.6 ± 0.9, p = 0.53, p < 0.001 between groups). Percentage of patients with high likelihood of NAFLD diagnosis decreased from 100% at baseline to 88.3% in the ILI group, and was 10.4% less compared to SC (p < 0.01). Total daily insulin dose decreased in the ILI cohort compared to the SC cohort (-6.1 ± 4.2 versus 1.34 ± 4.3 units/day, p < 0.01).
Twelve weeks of ILI improved HSI and decreased total daily insulin requirements in patients with T1D and obesity at one year. Short-term ILI should be implemented in the management of NAFLD for obese patients with type 1 diabetes.
Vehicle ergonomics contributing to a diabetic foot ulcerClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 5 Số 1 - 2019
Christine Jarocki, Brian M. Schmidt, Crystal M. Holmes
Diabetes mellitus continues to be a rising concern in the United States. It affects an estimated 9.4% of the population and approximately 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed annually. Approximately 85% of diabetic foot ulcers are associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and an infected diabetic foot ulcer is often the first sign of diabetes. There are countless studies within the literature that investigate how insensate feet and the manifestation of a foot ulcer further decrease quality of life and increase risk for mortality. Literature focuses on gait and kinematics that contribute to the formation of a diabetic foot ulcer. While pressure and shear forces are etiologic factors that may lead to the formation of diabetic foot ulcers, the position of the foot while driving an automobile has been ignored as a possible risk factor.
Case presentation
The clinical case will describe the events of healing a neuropathic diabetic foot ulcer beyond the standard of care treatment plan. It is one of the first case reports to describe vehicle ergonomics as an etiologic factor contributing to a diabetic foot ulcer. Once the patient becomes aware of the unnecessary source of pressure, education and care is provided to manage this likely source of daily pressure to the neuropathic foot.
The article emphasizes the importance of a complete assessment, including nontraditional factors, which may lead to diabetic complications.
Study of single nucleotide polymorphism of vascular endothelium factor in patients with differentiated thyroid cancerClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 8 - Trang 1-7 - 2022
Mohamad Mohsen Motawea, Maysaa El Sayed Zaki, Maha Saif, Asmaa Osama BS Osman, Aml Mohamed Nada
Genetic alterations and high levels of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are presumptive risk factors for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). This work aims to study the presence of − 634G/C polymorphism of vascular endothelial growth factor (rs2010963) and its’ serum level in patients with DTC and comparing these results with those of the control subjects. The study was a retrograde case–control study that included seventy patients with DTCin addition to seventy apparently healthy control subjects. Blood sample was taken and subjected to study of − 634G/C VEGF polymorphism (rs2010963) by real time PCR and measurement of its’ plasma level by immunoassay kit (ELISA). Regarding genotyping of VEGFA − 634G/C (rs2010963) polymorphism, there was significant increase in CG and GG genotypes (28.6%, 18.6% respectively) among patients compared to control subjects (20.0%, 4.3% respectively) and significant increase in CC genotype in control subjects (75.7%) compared to patients (52.9%), P = 0.001. The VEGF mean ± SD level was significantly elevated in patients compared to control subjects (1215.81 ± 225.78 versus 307.16 ± 91.81, P = 0.006). Moreover, there was significant increase in VEGF levels in patients with CG and GG genotypes (1295.9 ± 68.74, 1533.08 ± 109.95, respectively) compared to patients with CC genotype (1061 163.25), P = 0.001). There was significant increase in GG and CG genotypes in patients with DTC compared to control subjects which may suggest a predisposing role for these genotypes in development of DTC. Moreover, there was significant increase in serum level of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with GG and CG genotypes which may reflect the mechanism of these genotypes in development of DTC.
Potential association of LMNA-associated generalized lipodystrophy with juvenile dermatomyositisClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 4 - Trang 1-6 - 2018
Melis Sahinoz, Shafaq Khairi, Ashley Cuttitta, Graham F. Brady, Amit Rupani, Rasimcan Meral, Marwan K. Tayeh, Peedikayil Thomas, Meredith Riebschleger, Sandra Camelo-Piragua, Jeffrey W. Innis, M. Bishr Omary, Daniel E. Michele, Elif A. Oral
Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an auto-immune muscle disease which presents with skin manifestations and muscle weakness. At least 10% of the patients with JDM present with acquired lipodystrophy. Laminopathies are caused by mutations in the lamin genes and cover a wide spectrum of diseases including muscular dystrophies and lipodystrophy. The p.T10I LMNA variant is associated with a phenotype of generalized lipodystrophy that has also been called atypical progeroid syndrome. A previously healthy female presented with bilateral proximal lower extremity muscle weakness at age 4. She was diagnosed with JDM based on her clinical presentation, laboratory tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). She had subcutaneous fat loss which started in her extremities and progressed to her whole body. At age 7, she had diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, low leptin levels and low body fat on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan, and was diagnosed with acquired generalized lipodystrophy (AGL). Whole exome sequencing (WES) revealed a heterozygous c.29C > T; p.T10I missense pathogenic variant in LMNA, which encodes lamins A and C. Muscle biopsy confirmed JDM rather than muscular dystrophy, showing perifascicular atrophy and perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration. Immunofluroscence of skin fibroblasts confirmed nuclear atypia and fragmentation. This is a unique case with p.T10I LMNA variant displaying concurrent JDM and AGL. This co-occurrence raises the intriguing possibility that LMNA, and possibly p.T10I, may have a pathogenic role in not only the occurrence of generalized lipodystrophy, but also juvenile dermatomyositis. Careful phenotypic characterization of additional patients with laminopathies as well as individuals with JDM is warranted.
A challenging case of Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma involving the thyroid and special considerations for diagnosisClinical Diabetes and Endocrinology - Tập 6 - Trang 1-5 - 2020
Noura Nachawi, Madelyn Lew, Kristine Konopka, Zahrae Sandouk
Thyroid ultrasound is usually used to risk-stratify incidental thyroid nodules. Nodules with high risk sonographic features for malignancy are evaluated by fine-needle aspiration. The role of core needle biopsy for thyroid nodules is limited to cases where the fine needle aspiration is inconclusive. We describe a rare case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the thyroid gland with uncertain primary origin. Thyroid ultrasound showed right sided large, solid, hypoechoic nodule with calcifications and peripheral vascularity and unremarkable isthmus and left thyroid lobe. Fine needle aspiration of the right nodule suggested lymphocytic thyroiditis. The sonographic findings contradicted the typical bilateral clinical and sonographic picture of lymphocytic thyroiditis. A core needle biopsy showed mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. This case highlights the importance of correlating pathologic diagnosis with sonographic findings, the appropriate utilization of fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy to evaluate thyroid nodules and the rare incidence of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma involving the thyroid.