
Brain Topography

SCOPUS (1988-2023)SCIE-ISI




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc. , SPRINGER

Lĩnh vực:
NeurologyRadiological and Ultrasound TechnologyAnatomyRadiology, Nuclear Medicine and ImagingNeurology (clinical)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Characterizing Brain Cortical Plasticity and Network Dynamics Across the Age-Span in Health and Disease with TMS-EEG and TMS-fMRI
- 2011
Álvaro Pascual‐Leone, Catarina Freitas, Lindsay M. Oberman, Jared Cooney Horvath, Mark A. Halko, Mark C. Eldaief, Shahid Bashir, Marine Vernet, Mouhsin Shafi, Brandon Westover, Andrew M. Vahabzadeh‐Hagh, Alexander Rotenberg
Spatial patterns underlying population differences in the background EEG
Tập 2 Số 4 - Trang 275-284 - 1990
Z.J. Koles, M.S. Lazar, Shaoyu Zhou
Dynamics of brain electrical activity
Tập 2 Số 1-2 - Trang 99-118 - 1989
Paul E. Rapp, Theodore R. Bashore, Jacques Martinerie, A. M. Albano, I. D. Zimmerman, Alistair Mees
Spatial sampling and filtering of EEG with spline Laplacians to estimate cortical potentials
- 1996
Ramesh Srinivasan, Paul L. Nunez, Don M. Tucker, Richard B. Silberstein, Peter J. Cadusch
EEG Signatures of Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity States
- 2018
Elena A. Allen, Eswar Damaraju, Tom Eichele, Lei Wu, Vince D. Calhoun
Evaluation of sLORETA in the Presence of Noise and Multiple Sources
- 2003
Michael Wagner, Manfred Fuchs, Jörn Kastner
The scalp distribution of the fractal dimension of the EEG and its variation with mental tasks
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 27-34 - 1992
W. Lutzenberger, Thomas Elbert, Niels Birbaumer, William J. Ray, Harald T. Schupp
Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials: Distributed Local Sources and Wave-Like Dynamics Are Sensitive to Flicker Frequency
Tập 18 Số 3 - Trang 167-187 - 2006
Ramesh Srinivasan, F. Alouani Bibi, Paul L. Nunez
Morphometric Correlation of Impulsivity in Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Tập 26 Số 3 - Trang 479-487 - 2013
Sang Soo Cho, Giovanna Pellecchia, Kelly Aminian, Nicola Ray, Bàrbara Segura, Ignacio Obeso, Antonio P. Strafella