Brain Informatics




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Berlin

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Computer Science ApplicationsCognitive NeuroscienceNeurology

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A 3D stereotactic atlas of the adult human skull base
Tập 5 - Trang 1-9 - 2018
Wieslaw L. Nowinski, Thant S. L. Thaung
The skull base region is anatomically complex and poses surgical challenges. Although many textbooks describe this region illustrated well with drawings, scans and photographs, a complete, 3D, electronic, interactive, realistic, fully segmented and labeled, and stereotactic atlas of the skull base has not yet been built. Our goal is to create a 3D electronic atlas of the adult human skull base along with interactive tools for structure manipulation, exploration, and quantification. Multiple in vivo 3/7 T MRI and high-resolution CT scans of the same normal, male head specimen have been acquired. From the scans, by employing dedicated tools and modeling techniques, 3D digital virtual models of the skull, brain, cranial nerves, intra- and extracranial vasculature have earlier been constructed. Integrating these models and developing a browser with dedicated interaction, the skull base atlas has been built. This is the first, to our best knowledge, truly 3D atlas of the adult human skull base that has been created, which includes a fully parcellated and labeled brain, skull, cranial nerves, and intra- and extracranial vasculature. This atlas is a useful aid in understanding and teaching spatial relationships of the skull base anatomy, a helpful tool to generate teaching materials, and a component of any skull base surgical simulator.
Semantic representation of neural circuit knowledge in Caenorhabditis elegans
- 2023
Sharan J. Prakash, Kimberly M. Van Auken, David P. Hill, Paul W. Sternberg
In modern biology, new knowledge is generated quickly, making it challenging for researchers to efficiently acquire and synthesise new information from the large volume of primary publications. To address this problem, computational approaches that generate machine-readable representations of scientific findings in the form of knowledge graphs have been developed. These representations can integrate different types of experimental data from multiple papers and biological knowledge bases in a unifying data model, providing a complementary method to manual review for interacting with published knowledge. The Gene Ontology Consortium (GOC) has created a semantic modelling framework that extends individual functional gene annotations to structured descriptions of causal networks representing biological processes (Gene Ontology–Causal Activity Modelling, or GO–CAM). In this study, we explored whether the GO–CAM framework could represent knowledge of the causal relationships between environmental inputs, neural circuits and behavior in the model nematode C. elegans [C. elegans Neural–Circuit Causal Activity Modelling (CeN–CAM)]. We found that, given extensions to several relevant ontologies, a wide variety of author statements from the literature about the neural circuit basis of egg-laying and carbon dioxide (CO2) avoidance behaviors could be faithfully represented with CeN–CAM. Through this process, we were able to generate generic data models for several categories of experimental results. We also discuss how semantic modelling may be used to functionally annotate the C. elegans connectome. Thus, Gene Ontology-based semantic modelling has the potential to support various machine-readable representations of neurobiological knowledge.
An integrated feature ranking and selection framework for ADHD characterization
Tập 3 - Trang 145-155 - 2016
Cao Xiao, Jesse Bledsoe, Shouyi Wang, Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse, Sonya Mehta, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Thomas Grabowski
Today, diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) still primarily relies on a series of subjective evaluations that highly rely on a doctor’s experiences and intuitions from diagnostic interviews and observed behavior measures. An accurate and objective diagnosis of ADHD is still a challenge and leaves much to be desired. Many children and adults are inappropriately labeled with ADHD conditions, whereas many are left undiagnosed and untreated. Recent advances in neuroimaging studies have enabled us to search for both structural (e.g., cortical thickness, brain volume) and functional (functional connectivity) abnormalities that can potentially be used as new biomarkers of ADHD. However, structural and functional characteristics of neuroimaging data, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), usually generate a large number of features. With a limited sample size, traditional machine learning techniques can be problematic to discover the true characteristic features of ADHD due to the significant issues of overfitting, computational burden, and interpretability of the model. There is an urgent need of efficient approaches to identify meaningful discriminative variables from a higher dimensional feature space when sample size is small compared with the number of features. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel integrated feature ranking and selection framework that utilizes normalized brain cortical thickness features extracted from MRI data to discriminate ADHD subjects against healthy controls. The proposed framework combines information theoretic criteria and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) method into a two-step feature selection process which is capable of selecting a sparse model while preserving the most informative features. The experimental results showed that the proposed framework generated the highest/comparable ADHD prediction accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art feature selection approaches with minimum number of features in the final model. The selected regions of interest in our model were consistent with recent brain–behavior studies of ADHD development, and thus confirmed the validity of the selected features by the proposed approach.
Brain connectivity during encoding and retrieval of spatial information: individual differences in navigation skills
Tập 4 - Trang 207-217 - 2017
Greeshma Sharma, Klaus Gramann, Sushil Chandra, Vijander Singh, Alok Prakash Mittal
Emerging evidence suggests that the variations in the ability to navigate through any real or virtual environment are accompanied by distinct underlying cortical activations in multiple regions of the brain. These activations may appear due to the use of different frame of reference (FOR) for representing an environment. The present study investigated the brain dynamics in the good and bad navigators using Graph Theoretical analysis applied to low-density electroencephalography (EEG) data. Individual navigation skills were rated according to the performance in a virtual reality (VR)-based navigation task and the effect of navigator's proclivity towards a particular FOR on the navigation performance was explored. Participants were introduced to a novel virtual environment that they learned from a first-person or an aerial perspective and were subsequently assessed on the basis of efficiency with which they learnt and recalled. The graph theoretical parameters, path length (PL), global efficiency (GE), and clustering coefficient (CC) were computed for the functional connectivity network in the theta and alpha frequency bands. During acquisition of the spatial information, good navigators were distinguished by a lower degree of dispersion in the functional connectivity compared to the bad navigators. Within the groups of good and bad navigators, better performers were characterised by the formation of multiple hubs at various sites and the percentage of connectivity or small world index. The proclivity towards a specific FOR during exploration of a new environment was not found to have any bearing on the spatial learning. These findings may have wider implications for how the functional connectivity in the good and bad navigators differs during spatial information acquisition and retrieval in the domains of rescue operations and defence systems.
Visual and auditory reaction time for air traffic controllers using quantitative electroencephalograph (QEEG) data
Tập 1 - Trang 39-45 - 2014
Hussein A. Abbass, Jiangjun Tang, Mohamed Ellejmi, Stephen Kirby
The use of quantitative electroencephalograph in the analysis of air traffic controllers' performance can reveal with a high temporal resolution those mental responses associated with different task demands. To understand the relationship between visual and auditory correct responses, reaction time, and the corresponding brain areas and functions, air traffic controllers were given an integrated visual and auditory continuous reaction task. Strong correlations were found between correct responses to the visual target and the theta band in the frontal lobe, the total power in the medial of the parietal lobe and the theta-to-beta ratio in the left side of the occipital lobe. Incorrect visual responses triggered activations in additional bands including the alpha band in the medial of the frontal and parietal lobes, and the Sensorimotor Rhythm in the medial of the parietal lobe. Controllers' responses to visual cues were found to be more accurate but slower than their corresponding performance on auditory cues. These results suggest that controllers are more susceptible to overload when more visual cues are used in the air traffic control system, and more errors are pruned as more auditory cues are used. Therefore, workload studies should be carried out to assess the usefulness of additional cues and their interactions with the air traffic control environment.
Exploring highly reliable substructures in auto-reconstructions of a neuron
Tập 8 - Trang 1-10 - 2021
Yishan He, Jiajin Huang, Gaowei Wu, Jian Yang
The digital reconstruction of a neuron is the most direct and effective way to investigate its morphology. Many automatic neuron tracing methods have been proposed, but without manual check it is difficult to know whether a reconstruction or which substructure in a reconstruction is accurate. For a neuron’s reconstructions generated by multiple automatic tracing methods with different principles or models, their common substructures are highly reliable and named individual motifs. In this work, we propose a Vaa3D-based method called Lamotif to explore individual motifs in automatic reconstructions of a neuron. Lamotif utilizes the local alignment algorithm in BlastNeuron to extract local alignment pairs between a specified objective reconstruction and multiple reference reconstructions, and combines these pairs to generate individual motifs on the objective reconstruction. The proposed Lamotif is evaluated on reconstructions of 163 multiple species neurons, which are generated by four state-of-the-art tracing methods. Experimental results show that individual motifs are almost on corresponding gold standard reconstructions and have much higher precision rate than objective reconstructions themselves. Furthermore, an objective reconstruction is mostly quite accurate if its individual motifs have high recall rate. Individual motifs contain common geometry substructures in multiple reconstructions, and can be used to select some accurate substructures from a reconstruction or some accurate reconstructions from automatic reconstruction dataset of different neurons.
Technological advancements and opportunities in Neuromarketing: a systematic review
Tập 7 - Trang 1-19 - 2020
Ferdousi Sabera Rawnaque, Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman, Syed Ferhat Anwar, Ravi Vaidyanathan, Tom Chau, Farhana Sarker, Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun
Neuromarketing has become an academic and commercial area of interest, as the advancements in neural recording techniques and interpreting algorithms have made it an effective tool for recognizing the unspoken response of consumers to the marketing stimuli. This article presents the very first systematic review of the technological advancements in Neuromarketing field over the last 5 years. For this purpose, authors have selected and reviewed a total of 57 relevant literatures from valid databases which directly contribute to the Neuromarketing field with basic or empirical research findings. This review finds consumer goods as the prevalent marketing stimuli used in both product and promotion forms in these selected literatures. A trend of analyzing frontal and prefrontal alpha band signals is observed among the consumer emotion recognition-based experiments, which corresponds to frontal alpha asymmetry theory. The use of electroencephalogram (EEG) is found favorable by many researchers over functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in video advertisement-based Neuromarketing experiments, apparently due to its low cost and high time resolution advantages. Physiological response measuring techniques such as eye tracking, skin conductance recording, heart rate monitoring, and facial mapping have also been found in these empirical studies exclusively or in parallel with brain recordings. Alongside traditional filtering methods, independent component analysis (ICA) was found most commonly in artifact removal from neural signal. In consumer response prediction and classification, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) have performed with the highest average accuracy among other machine learning algorithms used in these literatures. The authors hope, this review will assist the future researchers with vital information in the field of Neuromarketing for making novel contributions.
Nonlinear reconfiguration of network edges, topology and information content during an artificial learning task
Tập 8 - Trang 1-15 - 2021
James M. Shine, Mike Li, Oluwasanmi Koyejo, Ben Fulcher, Joseph T. Lizier
Here, we combine network neuroscience and machine learning to reveal connections between the brain’s network structure and the emerging network structure of an artificial neural network. Specifically, we train a shallow, feedforward neural network to classify hand-written digits and then used a combination of systems neuroscience and information-theoretic tools to perform ‘virtual brain analytics’ on the resultant edge weights and activity patterns of each node. We identify three distinct phases of network reconfiguration across learning, each of which are characterized by unique topological and information-theoretic signatures. Each phase involves aligning the connections of the neural network with patterns of information contained in the input dataset or preceding layers (as relevant). We also observe a process of low-dimensional category separation in the network as a function of learning. Our results offer a systems-level perspective of how artificial neural networks function—in terms of multi-stage reorganization of edge weights and activity patterns to effectively exploit the information content of input data during edge-weight training—while simultaneously enriching our understanding of the methods used by systems neuroscience.
Individual differences in skill acquisition and transfer assessed by dual task training performance and brain activity
Tập 9 - Trang 1-17 - 2022
Pratusha Reddy, Patricia A. Shewokis, Kurtulus Izzetoglu
Assessment of expertise development during training program primarily consists of evaluating interactions between task characteristics, performance, and mental load. Such a traditional assessment framework may lack consideration of individual characteristics when evaluating training on complex tasks, such as driving and piloting, where operators are typically required to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. Studies have already identified individual characteristics arising from intrinsic, context, strategy, personality, and preference as common predictors of performance and mental load. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of individual difference in skill acquisition and transfer using an ecologically valid dual task, behavioral, and brain activity measures. Specifically, we implemented a search and surveillance task (scanning and identifying targets) using a high-fidelity training simulator for the unmanned aircraft sensor operator, acquired behavioral measures (scan, not scan, over scan, and adaptive target find scores) using simulator-based analysis module, and measured brain activity changes (oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin) from the prefrontal cortex (PFC) using a portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) sensor array. The experimental protocol recruited 13 novice participants and had them undergo three easy and two hard sessions to investigate skill acquisition and transfer, respectively. Our results from skill acquisition sessions indicated that performance on both tasks did not change when individual differences were not accounted for. However inclusion of individual differences indicated that some individuals improved only their scan performance (Attention-focused group), while others improved only their target find performance (Accuracy-focused group). Brain activity changes during skill acquisition sessions showed that mental load decreased in the right anterior medial PFC (RAMPFC) in both groups regardless of individual differences. However, mental load increased in the left anterior medial PFC (LAMPFC) of Attention-focused group and decreased in the Accuracy-focused group only when individual differences were included. Transfer results showed no changes in performance regardless of grouping based on individual differences; however, mental load increased in RAMPFC of Attention-focused group and left dorsolateral PFC (LDLPFC) of Accuracy-focused group. Efficiency and involvement results suggest that the Attention-focused group prioritized the scan task, while the Accuracy-focused group prioritized the target find task. In conclusion, training on multitasks results in individual differences. These differences may potentially be due to individual preference. Future studies should incorporate individual differences while assessing skill acquisition and transfer during multitask training.
Behavioural relevance of redundant and synergistic stimulus information between functionally connected neurons in mouse auditory cortex
Tập 10 - Trang 1-11 - 2023
Loren Koçillari, Marco Celotto, Nikolas A. Francis, Shoutik Mukherjee, Behtash Babadi, Patrick O. Kanold, Stefano Panzeri
Measures of functional connectivity have played a central role in advancing our understanding of how information is transmitted and processed within the brain. Traditionally, these studies have focused on identifying redundant functional connectivity, which involves determining when activity is similar across different sites or neurons. However, recent research has highlighted the importance of also identifying synergistic connectivity—that is, connectivity that gives rise to information not contained in either site or neuron alone. Here, we measured redundant and synergistic functional connectivity between neurons in the mouse primary auditory cortex during a sound discrimination task. Specifically, we measured directed functional connectivity between neurons simultaneously recorded with calcium imaging. We used Granger Causality as a functional connectivity measure. We then used Partial Information Decomposition to quantify the amount of redundant and synergistic information about the presented sound that is carried by functionally connected or functionally unconnected pairs of neurons. We found that functionally connected pairs present proportionally more redundant information and proportionally less synergistic information about sound than unconnected pairs, suggesting that their functional connectivity is primarily redundant. Further, synergy and redundancy coexisted both when mice made correct or incorrect perceptual discriminations. However, redundancy was much higher (both in absolute terms and in proportion to the total information available in neuron pairs) in correct behavioural choices compared to incorrect ones, whereas synergy was higher in absolute terms but lower in relative terms in correct than in incorrect behavioural choices. Moreover, the proportion of redundancy reliably predicted perceptual discriminations, with the proportion of synergy adding no extra predictive power. These results suggest a crucial contribution of redundancy to correct perceptual discriminations, possibly due to the advantage it offers for information propagation, and also suggest a role of synergy in enhancing information level during correct discriminations.