
Behavior Genetics




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer New York , SPRINGER

Lĩnh vực:
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsGeneticsGenetics (clinical)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The Aggregate Effect of Dopamine Genes on Dependence Symptoms Among Cocaine Users: Cross-Validation of a Candidate System Scoring Approach
- 2012
Jaime Derringer, Robert F. Krueger, Danielle M. Dick, Fazil Aliev, Richard A. Grucza, Scott Saccone, Arpana Agrawal, Howard J. Edenberg, Alison M. Goate, Victor M. Hesselbrock, John R. Kramer, Peng Lin, Rosalind J. Neuman, John I. Nurnberger, John P. Rice, Jay A. Tischfield, Laura J. Bierut
Genome-wide studies of psychiatric conditions frequently fail to explain a substantial proportion of variance, and replication of individual SNP effects is rare. We demonstrate a selective scoring approach, in which variants from several genes known to directly affect the dopamine system are considered concurrently to explain individual differences in cocaine dependence symptoms. 273 SNPs from eight dopamine-related genes were tested for association with cocaine dependence symptoms in an initial training sample. We identified a four-SNP score that accounted for 0.55% of the variance in a separate testing sample (p = 0.037). These findings suggest that (1) limiting investigated SNPs to those located in genes of theoretical importance improves the chances of identifying replicable effects by reducing statistical penalties for multiple testing, and (2) considering top-associated SNPs in the aggregate can reveal replicable effects that are too small to be identified at the level of individual SNPs.
Kinship correlations reported by Sir Cyril Burt
Tập 4 - Trang 1-28 - 1974
Arthur R. Jensen
All the kinship correlations (and their sample sizes) reported over a period of 30 years by Sir Cyril Burt are presented in tabular form. The kinships include identical twins reared together and apart, fraternal twins, siblings, parent-child, grandparent-grandchild, cousins, and others, more rare types of relationships. Burt's statistical methods and the procedures for testing and obtaining “final assessments” of mental ability are fully described, and the final assessments for Burt's 53 monozygotic twins reared apart are given in full. Misprints and inconsistencies in some of the data are noted, and recommendations are made for the presentation and preservation of kinship data secured by future researchers.
Studies on Syntaxin 12 and Alcohol Preference Involving C57BL/6J and DBA/2J Strains of Mice
Tập 39 Số 2 - Trang 183-191 - 2009
Julia Weng, Melissa N. Symons, Shiva M. Singh
Genetic analysis of sex appeal inDrosophila
Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 411-440 - 1984
Laurie Tompkins
Genome-Wide Association Study of Behavioral Disinhibition in a Selected Adolescent Sample
Tập 45 - Trang 375-381 - 2015
Jaime Derringer, Robin P. Corley, Brett C. Haberstick, Susan E. Young, Brittany A. Demmitt, Daniel P. Howrigan, Robert M. Kirkpatrick, William G. Iacono, Matt McGue, Matthew C. Keller, Sandra Brown, Susan Tapert, Christian J. Hopfer, Michael C. Stallings, Thomas J. Crowley, Soo Hyun Rhee, Ken Krauter, John K. Hewitt, Matthew B. McQueen
Behavioral disinhibition (BD) is a quantitative measure designed to capture the heritable variation encompassing risky and impulsive behaviors. As a result, BD represents an ideal target for discovering genetic loci that predispose individuals to a wide range of antisocial behaviors and substance misuse that together represent a large cost to society as a whole. Published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have examined specific phenotypes that fall under the umbrella of BD (e.g. alcohol dependence, conduct disorder); however no GWAS has specifically examined the overall BD construct. We conducted a GWAS of BD using a sample of 1,901 adolescents over-selected for characteristics that define high BD, such as substance and antisocial behavior problems, finding no individual locus that surpassed genome-wide significance. Although no single SNP was significantly associated with BD, restricted maximum likelihood analysis estimated that 49.3 % of the variance in BD within the Caucasian sub-sample was accounted for by the genotyped SNPs (p = 0.06). Gene-based tests identified seven genes associated with BD (p ≤ 2.0 × 10−6). Although the current study was unable to identify specific SNPs or pathways with replicable effects on BD, the substantial sample variance that could be explained by all genotyped SNPs suggests that larger studies could successfully identify common variants associated with BD.
A Possible Smoking Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 11p12: Evidence from Sex-limitation Linkage Analyses in a Sample of Australian Twin Families
Tập 36 - Trang 87-99 - 2005
Katherine I Morley, Sarah E Medland, Manuel AR Ferreira, Michael T Lynskey, Grant W Montgomery, Andrew C Heath, Pamela AF Madden, Nicholas G Martin
Many twin studies have identified sex differences in the influence of genetic and environmental factors on smoking behaviors. We explore the evidence for sex differences for smoking initiation and cigarette consumption in a sample of Australian twin families, and extend these models to incorporate sex differences in linkage analyses for these traits. We further examine the impact of including or excluding non-smokers in genetic analyses of tobacco consumption. Accounting for sex differences improved linkage results in some instances. We identified one region suggestive of linkage on chromosome 11p12. This locus, as well as another region identified on chromosome 6p12, replicates regions identified in previous studies.
Regional Cortical Surface Area in Adolescents: A Preliminary MRI Twin Study of Genetic and Environmental Contributions
Tập 46 - Trang 205-216 - 2015
Xingshun Ma, Lisa T. Eyler, Xiaomei Hu, Xiao Hou, Wei Deng, Xiaowei Zhang, Yin Lin, Wei Lei, Mingli Li, Line Kang, Yongfeng Huang, Na Wang, Tian Qiu, Xiao Li, Qian He, Yixiao Fu, Huaqing Meng, Tao Li
Cortical surface area (CSA) has particular relevance for understanding development, behavior, and the connection between brain structure and function. Little is known about genetic and environmental determinants of CSA during development. We utilized bivariate twin methods to identify global and regionally specific genetic factors which influence CSA in a preliminary sample of typically-developing adolescents, with hypotheses based on findings in middle-aged adults. Similar to previous findings, we observed high heritability for total CSA. There was also significant evidence for genetic influences on regional CSA, particularly when these were not adjusted for total CSA, with highest heritability in frontal cortex and relatively fewer genetic contributions to medial temporal cortical structures. Adjustment for total CSA reduced regional CSA heritability dramatically, but a moderate influence of genetic factors remained in some regions. Both global and regionally-specific genetic factors influence regional CSA during adolescence.
A comparative study of twoDrosophila learning tasks
Tập 13 - Trang 179-190 - 1983
Michael J. Durcan, David W. Fulker
Ten wild-type strains ofDrosophila melanogaster were used to compare performance in two different discriminative avoidance tasks, one involving odor as a discriminative stimulus and shock as the aversive stimulus and the other involving colored lights as the discriminative stimulus and vigorous shaking as the aversive stimulus. Significant strain differences were established for performance on both tasks. No significant correlation, however, was observed between performances on the two tasks; this suggests independent genetic control.