
Barnes & Noble Classics




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Sons and Lovers
- 2009
Victoria Blake, D.H. Lawrence
The Way We Live Now
- 2005
Karen Odden, Anthony Trollope
Notes from Underground, The Double and Other Stories (Barnes & Noble Classics)
- 2008
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Constance Garnett, Deborah R. Martinsen, Deborah A. Martinsen
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- 2005
Jules Verne, Victoria Blake, Lewis Page Mercier
Lady Chatterley's Lover
- 2009
D.H. Lawrence, Susan Ostrov Weisser
The Deerslayer
- 2005
Bruce L.R. Smith, James Fenimore Cooper
The Age of Innocence
- 2004
Edith Wharton, Maureen Howard
- 2003
Jeffrey Meyers, Rudyard Kipling
The Portrait of a Lady
- 2004
Gabriel Brownstein, Henry James, Mary Cregan