A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Chinese indigenous and commercial pig breedsBMC Genetics - Tập 15 - Trang 1-9 - 2014
Songbai Yang, Xiuling Li, Kui Li, Bin Fan, Zhonglin Tang
Modern breeding and artificial selection play critical roles in pig domestication and shape the genetic variation of different breeds. China has many indigenous pig breeds with various characteristics in morphology and production performance that differ from those of foreign commercial pig breeds. However, the signatures of selection on genes implying for economic traits between Chinese indigenous and commercial pigs have been poorly understood. We identified footprints of positive selection at the whole genome level, comprising 44,652 SNPs genotyped in six Chinese indigenous pig breeds, one developed breed and two commercial breeds. An empirical genome-wide distribution of Fst (F-statistics) was constructed based on estimations of Fst for each SNP across these nine breeds. We detected selection at the genome level using the High-Fst outlier method and found that 81 candidate genes show high evidence of positive selection. Furthermore, the results of network analyses showed that the genes that displayed evidence of positive selection were mainly involved in the development of tissues and organs, and the immune response. In addition, we calculated the pairwise Fst between Chinese indigenous and commercial breeds (CHN VS EURO) and between Northern and Southern Chinese indigenous breeds (Northern VS Southern). The IGF1R and ESR1 genes showed evidence of positive selection in the CHN VS EURO and Northern VS Southern groups, respectively. In this study, we first identified the genomic regions that showed evidences of selection between Chinese indigenous and commercial pig breeds using the High-Fst outlier method. These regions were found to be involved in the development of tissues and organs, the immune response, growth and litter size. The results of this study provide new insights into understanding the genetic variation and domestication in pigs.
Comparing single-nucleotide polymorphism marker-based and microsatellite marker-based linkage analysesBMC Genetics - Tập 6 Số S1 - 2005
Ayşe Ülgen, Wentian Li
We compared linkage analysis results for an alcoholism trait, ALDX1 (DSM-III-R and Feigner criteria) using a nonparametric linkage analysis method, which takes into account allele sharing among several affected persons, for both microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers (Affymetrix and Illumina) in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) dataset provided to participants at the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 (GAW14). The two sets of linkage results from the dense Affymetrix SNP markers and less densely spaced Illumina SNP markers are very similar. The linkage analysis results from microsatellite and SNP markers are generally similar, but the match is not perfect. Strong linkage peaks were found on chromosome 7 in three sets of linkage analyses using both SNP and microsatellite marker data. We also observed that for SNP markers, using the given genetic map and using the map by converting 1 megabase pair (1 Mb) to 1 centimorgan (cM), did not change the linkage results. We recommend the use of the 1 Mb-to-1 cM converted map in a first round of linkage analysis with SNP markers in which map integration is an issue.
Methods of tagSNP selection and other variables affecting imputation accuracy in swineBMC Genetics - Tập 14 - Trang 1-14 - 2013
Yvonne M Badke, Ronald O Bates, Catherine W Ernst, Clint Schwab, Justin Fix, Curtis P Van Tassell, Juan P Steibel
Genotype imputation is a cost efficient alternative to use of high density genotypes for implementing genomic selection. The objective of this study was to investigate variables affecting imputation accuracy from low density tagSNP (average distance between tagSNP from 100kb to 1Mb) sets in swine, selected using LD information, physical location, or accuracy for genotype imputation. We compared results of imputation accuracy based on several sets of low density tagSNP of varying densities and selected using three different methods. In addition, we assessed the effect of varying size and composition of the reference panel of haplotypes used for imputation. TagSNP density of at least 1 tagSNP per 340kb (∼7000 tagSNP) selected using pairwise LD information was necessary to achieve average imputation accuracy higher than 0.95. A commercial low density (9K) tagSNP set for swine was developed concurrent to this study and an average accuracy of imputation of 0.951 based on these tagSNP was estimated. Construction of a haplotype reference panel was most efficient when these haplotypes were obtained from randomly sampled individuals. Increasing the size of the original reference haplotype panel (128 haplotypes sampled from 32 sire/dam/offspring trios phased in a previous study) led to an overall increase in imputation accuracy (I A = 0.97 with 512 haplotypes), but was especially useful in increasing imputation accuracy of SNP with MAF below 0.1 and for SNP located in the chromosomal extremes (within 5% of chromosome end). The new commercially available 9K tagSNP set can be used to obtain imputed genotypes with high accuracy, even when imputation is based on a comparably small panel of reference haplotypes (128 haplotypes). Average imputation accuracy can be further increased by adding haplotypes to the reference panel. In addition, our results show that randomly sampling individuals to genotype for the construction of a reference haplotype panel is more cost efficient than specifically sampling older animals or trios with no observed loss in imputation accuracy. We expect that the use of imputed genotypes in swine breeding will yield highly accurate predictions of GEBV, based on the observed accuracy and reported results in dairy cattle, where genomic evaluation of some individuals is based on genotypes imputed with the same accuracy as our Yorkshire population.
Genomic selection in sugar beet breeding populationsBMC Genetics - Tập 14 - Trang 1-8 - 2013
Tobias Würschum, Jochen C Reif, Thomas Kraft, Geert Janssen, Yusheng Zhao
Genomic selection exploits dense genome-wide marker data to predict breeding values. In this study we used a large sugar beet population of 924 lines representing different germplasm types present in breeding populations: unselected segregating families and diverse lines from more advanced stages of selection. All lines have been intensively phenotyped in multi-location field trials for six agronomically important traits and genotyped with 677 SNP markers. We used ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction in combination with fivefold cross-validation and obtained high prediction accuracies for all except one trait. In addition, we investigated whether a calibration developed based on a training population composed of diverse lines is suited to predict the phenotypic performance within families. Our results show that the prediction accuracy is lower than that obtained within the diverse set of lines, but comparable to that obtained by cross-validation within the respective families. The results presented in this study suggest that a training population derived from intensively phenotyped and genotyped diverse lines from a breeding program does hold potential to build up robust calibration models for genomic selection. Taken together, our results indicate that genomic selection is a valuable tool and can thus complement the genomics toolbox in sugar beet breeding.
A novel replication-independent histone H2a gene in mouseBMC Genetics - Tập 6 - Trang 1-7 - 2005
Hiromi Nishida, Takahiro Suzuki, Yasuhiro Tomaru, Yoshihide Hayashizaki
An uncharacterized histone H2a-coding transcript (E130307C13) has been cloned from a mouse full-length cDNA library. This transcript is encoded on chromosome 6, approximately 4 kb upstream of a histone H4 gene, Hist4h4. The proteins encoded by this transcript and the human H2afj mRNA isoform-2 have the highest amino acid similarity. In this paper, we characterize it from the expression pattern given by quantitative RT-PCR. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated that the gene that encodes E130307C13 (E130307C13) is regulated in a replication-independent manner, and therefore it is H2afj. Certainly, H2afj transcript lacks a stem-loop structure at the 3'-UTR but contains a poly (A) signal. In addition, its promoter region has a different structure from those of the replication-dependent histone H2a genes. The bioinformatics imply that E130307C13 is a replication-independent H2a gene. In addition, quantitative RT-PCR analysis shows that it is replication-independent. Thus, it is H2afj, a novel replication-independent H2a gene in mouse.
Variants in the 3' UTR of General Transcription Factor IIF, polypeptide 2 affect female calving efficiency in Japanese Black cattleBMC Genetics - Tập 14 Số 1 - Trang 1-11 - 2013
Sasaki, Shinji, Ibi, Takayuki, Watanabe, Toshio, Matsuhashi, Tamako, Ikeda, Shogo, Sugimoto, Yoshikazu
Calving efficiency can be described as the measure of a cow’s ability to produce viable offspring within a specific period of time. This trait is crucial in beef cattle because calves are necessary both for the production of beef and for heifer replacements. Recently, the number of calves produced at 4 years of age (NCP4) has been used to evaluate the calving efficiency of Japanese Black cattle. To identify variants associated with calving efficiency in Japanese Black cattle, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 688 animals with extreme NCP4 values selected from 15,225 animals. We identified genetic variants on bovine chromosome 12 (BTA12) that were associated with NCP4. The General Transcription Factor IIF, polypeptide 2 (GTF2F2), located in the 132 kbp-associated region, proved to be in strong linkage disequilibrium. We found 15 associated variants in the promoter and the 3' UTR regions. Consistent with this finding, transcripts of GTF2F2 derived from the haplotype (Q) with the increased number of calves were 1.33-fold more abundant than q-derived transcripts. Furthermore, luciferase assays revealed that the activity of the 3' UTR, a region that includes nine SNPs, was higher in constructs with the Q haplotype than in those with the q haplotype by approximately 1.35-fold. In contrast, the activity of the promoter region did not differ between haplotypes. The association was replicated in an independent sample of 827 animals that were randomly selected from the remainder of the cohort from the same farms used in the GWAS. In the replicated population, the frequency of the Q haplotype is 0.313, and this haplotype accounts for 2.69% of the total phenotypic variance. The effect of the Q to q haplotype substitution on NCP4 was 0.054 calves. These findings suggest that variants in the 3' UTR of GTF2F2 affect the level of GTF2F2 mRNA, which is associated with calving efficiency. This GWAS has identified variants in the 3’ UTR of GTF2F2 that were associated with the NCP4 of Japanese Black cattle, and this association was validated in an independent sample. The Q haplotype will be immediately useful in improving the calving efficiency of Japanese Black cattle.
Multiple association analysis of loci and candidate genes that regulate body size at three growth stages in Simmental beef cattleBMC Genetics - Tập 21 - Trang 1-11 - 2020
Bingxing An, Lei Xu, Jiangwei Xia, Xiaoqiao Wang, Jian Miao, Tianpeng Chang, Meihua Song, Junqing Ni, Lingyang Xu, Lupei Zhang, Junya Li, Huijiang Gao
Body size traits as one of the main breeding selection criteria was widely used to monitor cattle growth and to evaluate the selection response. In this study, body size was defined as body height (BH), body length (BL), hip height (HH), heart size (HS), abdominal size (AS), and cannon bone size (CS). We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of these traits over the course of three growth stages (6, 12 and 18 months after birth) using three statistical models, single-trait GWAS, multi-trait GWAS and LONG-GWAS. The Illumina Bovine HD 770 K BeadChip was used to identify genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1217 individuals. In total, 19, 29, and 10 significant SNPs were identified by the three models, respectively. Among these, 21 genes were promising candidate genes, including SOX2, SNRPD1, RASGEF1B, EFNA5, PTBP1, SNX9, SV2C, PKDCC, SYNDIG1, AKR1E2, and PRIM2 identified by single-trait analysis; SLC37A1, LAP3, PCDH7, MANEA, and LHCGR identified by multi-trait analysis; and P2RY1, MPZL1, LINGO2, CMIP, and WSCD1 identified by LONG-GWAS. Multiple association analysis was performed for six growth traits at each growth stage. These findings offer valuable insights for the further investigation of potential genetic mechanism of growth traits in Simmental beef cattle.
Characterization of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins family and their role in drought stress tolerance in upland cottonBMC Genetics - Tập 19 - Trang 1-31 - 2018
Richard Odongo Magwanga, Pu Lu, Joy Nyangasi Kirungu, Hejun Lu, Xingxing Wang, Xiaoyan Cai, Zhongli Zhou, Zhenmei Zhang, Haron Salih, Kunbo Wang, Fang Liu
Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are large groups of hydrophilic proteins with major role in drought and other abiotic stresses tolerance in plants. In-depth study and characterization of LEA protein families have been carried out in other plants, but not in upland cotton. The main aim of this research work was to characterize the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein families and to carry out gene expression analysis to determine their potential role in drought stress tolerance in upland cotton. Increased cotton production in the face of declining precipitation and availability of fresh water for agriculture use is the focus for breeders, cotton being the backbone of textile industries and a cash crop for many countries globally. In this work, a total of 242, 136 and 142 LEA genes were identified in G. hirsutum, G. arboreum and G. raimondii respectively. The identified genes were classified into eight groups based on their conserved domain and phylogenetic tree analysis. LEA 2 were the most abundant, this could be attributed to their hydrophobic character. Upland cotton LEA genes have fewer introns and are distributed in all chromosomes. Majority of the duplicated LEA genes were segmental. Syntenic analysis showed that greater percentages of LEA genes are conserved. Segmental gene duplication played a key role in the expansion of LEA genes. Sixty three miRNAs were found to target 89 genes, such as miR164, ghr-miR394 among others. Gene ontology analysis revealed that LEA genes are involved in desiccation and defense responses. Almost all the LEA genes in their promoters contained ABRE, MBS, W-Box and TAC-elements, functionally known to be involved in drought stress and other stress responses. Majority of the LEA genes were involved in secretory pathways. Expression profile analysis indicated that most of the LEA genes were highly expressed in drought tolerant cultivars Gossypium tomentosum as opposed to drought susceptible, G. hirsutum. The tolerant genotypes have a greater ability to modulate genes under drought stress than the more susceptible upland cotton cultivars. The finding provides comprehensive information on LEA genes in upland cotton, G. hirsutum and possible function in plants under drought stress.
Genome-wide identification of quantitative trait loci in a cross between Hampshire and Landrace II: Meat quality traitsBMC Genetics - Tập 9 - Trang 1-10 - 2008
Ellen Markljung, Martin H Braunschweig, Peter Karlskov-Mortensen, Camilla S Bruun, Milena Sawera, In-Cheol Cho, Ingela Hedebro-Velander, Åsa Josell, Kerstin Lundström, Gertrud von Seth, Claus B Jørgensen, Merete Fredholm, Leif Andersson
Meat quality traits are important in pig breeding programs, but they are difficult to include in a traditional selection program. Marker assisted selection (MAS) of meat quality traits is therefore of interest in breeding programs and a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis is the key to identifying markers that can be used in MAS. In this study, Landrace and Hampshire intercross and backcross families were used to investigate meat quality traits. Hampshire pigs are commonly used as the sire line in commercial pig breeding. This is the first time a pedigree including Hampshire pigs has been used for a QTL analysis of meat quality traits. In total, we analyzed 39 meat quality traits and identified eight genome-wide significant QTL peaks in four regions: one on chromosome 3, two on chromosome 6 and one on chromosome 16. At least two of the QTLs do not appear to have been detected in previous studies. On chromosome 6 we identified QTLs for water content in M. longissimus dorsi (LD), drip loss in LD and post mortem pH decline in LD. On chromosomes 3 and 16 we identified previously undetected QTLs for protein content in LD and for freezing and cooking loss respectively. We identified at least two new meat quality trait QTLs at the genome-wide significance level. We detected two QTLs on chromosome 6 that possibly coincide with QTLs detected in other studies. We were also able to exclude the C1843T mutation in the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) as a causative mutation for one of the chromosome 6 QTLs in this cross.