Archives of Sexual Behavior

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Changes in Sexual Behavior and Attitudes Across Generations and Gender Among a Population-Based Probability Sample From an Urbanizing Province in Thailand
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 45 - Trang 367-382 - 2014
Teeranee Techasrivichien, Niphon Darawuttimaprakorn, Sureeporn Punpuing, Patou Masika Musumari, Bhekumusa Wellington Lukhele, Christina El-saaidi, S. Pilar Suguimoto, Mitchell D. Feldman, Masako Ono-Kihara, Masahiro Kihara
Thailand has undergone rapid modernization with implications for changes in sexual norms. We investigated sexual behavior and attitudes across generations and gender among a probability sample of the general population of Nonthaburi province located near Bangkok in 2012. A tablet-based survey was performed among 2,138 men and women aged 15–59 years identified through a three-stage, stratified, probability proportional to size, clustered sampling. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out accounting for the effects of multistage sampling. Relationship of age and gender to sexual behavior and attitudes was analyzed by bivariate analysis followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis to adjust for possible confounding. Patterns of sexual behavior and attitudes varied substantially across generations and gender. We found strong evidence for a decline in the age of sexual initiation, a shift in the type of the first sexual partner, and a greater rate of acceptance of adolescent premarital sex among younger generations. The study highlighted profound changes among young women as evidenced by a higher number of lifetime sexual partners as compared to older women. In contrast to the significant gender gap in older generations, sexual profiles of Thai young women have evolved to resemble those of young men with attitudes gradually converging to similar sexual standards. Our data suggest that higher education, being never-married, and an urban lifestyle may have been associated with these changes. Our study found that Thai sexual norms are changing dramatically. It is vital to continue monitoring such changes, considering the potential impact on the HIV/STIs epidemic and unintended pregnancies.
Erratum to: A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Gendered Power and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Adults in Rural Kenya
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 46 - Trang 1135-1135 - 2016
Jennifer M. Zakaras, Sheri D. Weiser, Abigail M. Hatcher, Elly Weke, Rachel L. Burger, Craig R. Cohen, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Shari L. Dworkin
Misrepresentation of Evidence Favoring Early Normalizing Surgery for Atypical Sex Anatomies: Response to Baratz and Feder (2015)
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 44 - Trang 1765-1768 - 2015
Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg
Gender differences in memory for a sexual story
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 20 - Trang 295-305 - 1991
Janis Kirsch-Rosenkrantz, James H. Geer
The present research extended previous work that identified gender differences in memory for a sexual text. That work identified a memory bias for the sexes in recognition memory, whereas we found gender differences in errors in recall memory. Recall memory is particularly important because it provides the opportunity for the individual to construct memory. This provides the opportunity for distortion to occur and allows the individual to make errors. The prediction that men would incorrectly recall more material of an erotic nature was supported. The prediction that women would incorrectly recall material that was romantic in nature was not confirmed. In a recognition task both genders endorsed more false positives of a sexual nature than a romantic nature. Using findings from research on memory for written text, predictions concerning the effects of importance, perspective, and typicality were made. Those predictions were not confirmed. A discussion of possible explanations for the various findings is presented.
Viewing Child Pornography: Prevalence and Correlates in a Representative Community Sample of Young Swedish Men
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 44 - Trang 67-79 - 2014
Michael C. Seto, Chantal A. Hermann, Cecilia Kjellgren, Gisela Priebe, Carl Göran Svedin, Niklas Långström
Most research on child pornography use has been based on selected clinical or criminal justice samples; risk factors for child pornography use in the general population remain largely unexplored. In this study, we examined prevalence, risk factors, and correlates of viewing depictions of adult–child sex in a population-representative sample of 1,978 young Swedish men (17–20 years, Mdn = 18 years, overall response rate, 77 %). In an anonymous, school-based survey, participants self-reported sexual coercion experiences, attitudes and beliefs about sex, perceived peer attitudes, and sexual interests and behaviors; including pornography use, sexual interest in children, and sexually coercive behavior. A total of 84 (4.2 %) young men reported they had ever viewed child pornography. Most theory-based variables were moderately and significantly associated with child pornography viewing and were consistent with models of sexual offending implicating both antisociality and sexual deviance. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, 7 of 15 tested factors independently predicted child pornography viewing and explained 42 % of the variance: ever had sex with a male, likely to have sex with a child aged 12–14, likely to have sex with a child 12 or less, perception of children as seductive, having friends who have watched child pornography, frequent pornography use, and ever viewed violent pornography. From these, a 6-item Child Pornography Correlates Scale was constructed and then cross-validated in a similar but independent Norwegian sample.
The habituation of sexual arousal
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 14 - Trang 233-246 - 1985
William T. O'Donohue, James H. Geer
The effects of two levels of stimulus intensity (medium and high) and two levels of stimulus variability (varied stimuli and constant stimuli) on the habituation of subjective and physiological sexual arousal were investigated in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Forty male volunteers served as subjects. It was hypothesized that, as compared to constant stimuli, varied stimuli would produce higher rates of response attenuation on indices of sexual arousal. This hypothesis was confirmed for both penile response and a subjective measure of sexual arousal. Second, it was hypothesized that stimuli of medium intensity would produce higher rates of response of attentuation on subjective and physiological indices of sexual arousal than would stimuli of high intensity. This hypothesis was partially confirmed for subjective arousal but was not confirmed for the physiological measure of sexual arousal. These results were interpreted as supporting the notions that sexual arousal to erotic stimuli decreases with repeated stimulus presentations and, since the experimental design properly controlled for physiological fatigue, that a habituation process is involved in this observed decrement. The implications of habituation for sex research are discussed.
Experience with pornography: Rapists, pedophiles, homosexuals, transsexuals, and controls
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 1 - Trang 1-15 - 1971
Michael Goldstein, Harold Kant, Lewis Judd, Clinton Rice, Richard Green
An interview designed to assess a respondent's experience with erotic material in photographs, films, and books, during adolescence and adulthood, was administered to convicted male rapists, pedophiles, homosexuals, transsexuals, heavy pornography users, and two nondeviant contrast groups. One nondeviant group was composed of whites matched for the sex offender group; the other was composed of ghetto and middle-class blacks. Adolescent exposure to erotica was significantly less for all deviant and offender groups compared to the nondeviants. During adulthood, the sex offenders and transsexuals continued to report less exposure to erotic stimuli than controls. The homosexuals and users, however, both report greater exposure during adulthood. As adolescents, the control group, rapists, and heavy users were excited to masturbate by the erotic materials more than the other groups. As adults, the controls and rapists showed a sharp decrease in being excited to masturbate to erotica while the users' rate remained high and the homosexuals' rate rose. Less than a quarter of the respondents in any group imitated sexual behavior seen in the erotic material immediately or shortly after its viewing. The hypothesis that extent of exposure during adolescence to erotica is positively associated with the later emergence of sexual pathology is not borne out by this study. The nondeviant, non-sex-offender groups sampled had had significantly greater exposure to erotic materials during adolescence than the deviants, convicted sex offenders, or heavy adult users of pornography.
Child Pornography Use and Internet Solicitation in the Diagnosis of Pedophilia
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 39 Số 3 - Trang 591-593 - 2010
Michael C. Seto
Sexual Content Induced Delay: A Reexamination Investigating Relation to Sexual Desire
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 33 - Trang 359-367 - 2004
Helen M. Conaglen
This article reports the utility of an information processing approach to examine whether there is a relationship between sexual content induced delay and levels of sexual desire as determined by self-report questionnaires. We tested this idea using a partial replication of the J. H. Geer and H. S. Bellard (1996) protocol demonstrating sexual content induced delay (SCID) in responding to sexual versus neutral words. In addition, the experiment examined whether SCID was different in people with varying levels of sexual desire. It was hypothesized that persons with low levels of sexual desire might respond more slowly to sexual word cues than others. Words with equal frequency of usage and similar word length were chosen from among those used in the Geer and Bellard study. The experiment was conducted with 171 volunteers who completed sexual desire questionnaires, lexical decision making tasks, and word ratings. The SCID effect was demonstrated by both men and women in the study with no significant variation between the sexes. In accordance with prediction, it was found that persons with lower levels of sexual desire responded more slowly to sexual stimuli than other participants, and rated sexual words as less familiar, less acceptable, and less positive emotionally to them. These findings have implications for understanding how emotional content contributes to SCID. They also suggest that further exploration of these ideas, perhaps using other stimulus modalities, may be helpful in advancing understanding of responses to sexual cues, and the potential implications that may have in better understanding sexual desire.
Sex Education in Italy: An Overview of 15 Years of Projects in Primary and Secondary Schools
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Tập 52 - Trang 1653-1663 - 2023
Giuseppina Lo Moro, Fabrizio Bert, Toni Cappelletti, Heba Safwat Mhmoued Abdo Elhadidy, Giacomo Scaioli, Roberta Siliquini
School-based sex education is essential to improve the knowledge and behavior of young people. Unlike most European countries, sex education in Italy is not compulsory in the school curriculum. Therefore, to assess potential gaps, the main aim of this study was to explore Italian regional initiatives about sex education. A review of gray literature from 2006 to 2021 was conducted in December 2021 on national databases and institutional websites of each Italian region, during which official documents on regional sex education programs were selected. Moreover, a rapid systematic review was carried out in scientific databases to find more information. For both reviews, the sex education topics recommended by UNESCO were used for extracting and analyzing data. A total of 12 Italian regions out of 20 had at least one sex education program, for a total of 39 projects. Overall, all the topics identified by UNESCO have been covered, with considerable differences between northern, central, and southern Italy. Contraception, love, marriage, partnerships, and family were the main topics discussed (hosted in 92% of the regions). Only 25% of the regions discussed pregnancy and birth. Disability was the least debated topic (17%). The rapid systematic review showed that relevant improvements were achieved after sex education interventions. In conclusion, this study underlined important limitations to the implementation of school-based sex education in Italy. Hence, it is necessary to increase sex education interventions to reach adequate standards and flatten the differences not only between Italian regions but also between Italy and other European countries.
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