Archiv für Mikrobiologie

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Labendbeobachtungen an Myxococcus rubescens
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 16 - Trang 163-176 - 1951
Käthe Meyer-Pietschmann
Es wird über die Bildung von Kriechspuren von Myxococcus rubescens auf Agarhängetropfen berichtet. Die Spuren werden als Rinnen gedeutet, die beim Kriechen der Zellen auf älteren Hängetropfenpräparaten entstehen und sich nicht mit der Vorstellung einer Fortbewegung der Zellen durch Schleimabsonderung vereinbaren lassen. Es wird in Erwägung gezogen, daß Kontraktionsbewegungen der aktiv biegsamen Zelle zur Erklärung der Bewegungsart dienen könnten; damit steht auch das elastikotaktische Verhalten in Einklang. Die Zellteilung wird an lebendem Material im Agarhängetropfen beobachtet. Die von den meisten Untersuchern behauptete teigige Einschnürung und Ausziehung war unter diesen Bedingungen nicht festzustellen.
Effect of respiratory tract co-colonizers on initial attachment of Neisseria meningitidis
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 205 - Trang 1-10 - 2023
Poonam Kanojiya, Sunil D. Saroj
Respiratory tract is a complex system comprising of unique microbiota inhabitants. Neisseria meningitidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae are few prevalent bacteria in the community composition during lung infections. Although, N. meningitidis resides asymptomatically in nasopharynx of the human host, it can cause fatal infections like meningitis. However, factors affecting transit from carriage to symptomatic infection are not well understood. Various host metabolites and environmental conditions affect the virulence of bacteria. Here, we report that presence of co-colonizers significantly reduces the initial attachment of N. meningitidis to A549 nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Further, significant decrease in invasion to A549 nasopharyngeal epithelial cells was observed. Moreover, survival in J774A.1 murine macrophage also increases significantly when conditioned media (CM) from S. pyogenes and L. rhamnosus is used for culturing N. meningitidis. The increase in survival could be attributed to increased capsule synthesis. The gene expression studies revealed increased expression of siaC and ctrB in CM prepared from the growth S. pyogenes and L. rhamnosus. Overall, the results suggest change in the virulence of N. meningitidis is assisted by lung microbiota.
Antibacterial mechanism of soybean isoflavone on Staphylococcus aureus
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 192 - Trang 893-898 - 2010
Qian Wang, Haitao Wang, Mingjie Xie
Effects of different flavonoids on various bacterial strains have been extensively reported; however, the mechanism(s) of their action on bacterial cells remain largely elusive. In this study, the antibacterial mechanism of soybean isoflavone (SI) on Staphylococcus aureus is systematically investigated using 4′6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, pBR322DNA decatenation experiment mediated by topoisomerase and agarose gel electrophoresis for direct decatenation. The results of fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence spectrophotometer indicated that DAPI was integrated in Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, the quantity of both DNA and RNA reduced to 66.47 and 60.18%, respectively, after treated with SI for 28 h. Effects of SI on topoisomerase I and II were also investigated. SI completely inhibited the pBR322DNA unwinding mediated by topoisomerase I and topoisomerase II at the concentration of 6.4 mg/ml and could denature the plasmid DNA at the concentration of 12.8 mg/ml. These results indicate that topoisomerase I and II are the most important targets by SI to restrain bacterial cell division.
Utilization of aminoaromatic acids by a methanogenic enrichment culture and by a novel Citrobacter freundii strain
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 181 - Trang 163-170 - 2004
Olga Savelieva, Irina Kotova, Wim Roelofsen, Alfons J. M. Stams, Alexander Netrusov
Following incubation of mesophilic methanogenic floccular sludge from a lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor used to treat cattle manure wastewater, a stable 5-aminosalicylate-degrading enrichment culture was obtained. Subsequently, a Citrobacter freundii strain, WA1, was isolated from the 5-aminosalicylate-degrading methanogenic consortium. The methanogenic enrichment culture degraded 5-aminosalicylate completely to CH4, CO2 and NH4 +, while C. freundii strain WA1 reduced 5-aminosalicylate with simultaneous deamination to 2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol during anaerobic growth with electron donors such as pyruvate, glucose or serine. When grown on pyruvate, C. freundii WA1 converted 3-aminobenzoate to benzyl alcohol and also reduced benzaldehyde to benzyl alcohol. Pyruvate was fermented to acetate, CO2, H2 and small amounts of lactate, succinate and formate. Less lactate (30%) was produced from pyruvate when C. freundii WA1 grew with 5-aminosalicylate as co-substrate.
Lampropedia hyalina Schroeter, eine apochlorotische Merismopedia (Cyanophyceae)
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 55 - Trang 200-208 - 1966
E. G. Pringsheim
Lampropedia hyalina, die bisher zu den Bakterien gestellt worden war, verriet sich durch die Art der Bewegung, wie sie nur für Cyanophyceen bekannt ist, als eine apochlorotische Merismopedia. Dadurch sind die farblosen Cyanophyceen um eine Lebensform bereichert worden, die besonders deutlich zeigt, daß der Pigmentverlust in dieser Klasse mehrfach und in mehreren Untergruppen erfolgt ist und zu einer Vielfalt von Organismen geführt hat, die Bakterien ähneln können, aber immer von ihnen zu unterscheiden sind.
Purification and properties of the membrane-bound NADH oxidase of a facultatively anaerobic alkaliphile
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 171 - Trang 237-242 - 1999
Tomoko Hamada, Takayoshi Wakagi, Hirotaka Shiba, N. Koyama
A membrane-bound NADH oxidase of an anaerobic alkaliphile, M-12 (a strain of Amphibacillus sp.), was solubilized with decanoyl N-methylglucamide and purified by chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite. The purified enzyme appears to consist of a single polypeptide component with an apparent molecular mass of 56 kDa. The enzyme catalyzed the oxidation of NADH with the formation of H2O2 and exhibited a specific activity of 46 μmol NADH min–1 (mg protein)–1. NADPH did not serve as a substrate for the enzyme. The K m for NADH was estimated to be 0.05 mM. The enzyme exhibited a pH dependence for activity, with a pH optimum at approximately 9.5. The enzyme required a high concentration of salt and exhibited maximum activity in the presence of 600 mM NaCl.
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung des Phycomyceten Allomyces arbuscula
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - - 1974
P. Fähnrich
Elution of low molecular weight solutes from viable cells of Saccharomyces bisporus
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 134 - Trang 329-334 - 1983
Ralph Weimberg
Previous work has shown that high molecular weight compounds were released from Saccharomyces bisporus by β-mercaptoethanol, 2 M KCl, 0.5 M KCl and osmotic shock without affecting viability of the cells. In this current experiment, it was shown that low molecular weight compounds were also eluted when cells were treated in sequence with the same reagents. Alanine, glutamate, serine, an unidentified amino acid, glucose, glycerol, and arabitol were all eluted by each of the first three reagents. The osmotic shock eluate contained a larger number and quantity of amino acids than the first three eluates but, otherwise, the compounds in this eluate were the same. One hundred percent of the cellular glycerol and 65–70% of the total amounts of the other above mentioned solutes were released by the 4 eluting treatments. A hot water treatment was needed to extract the remainder of these solutes. The hot water extract also contained almost all the cellular proline. It was suggested that the elutable solutes are contained by cells in compartments (or vesicles) whose membranes are accessible to the eluting reagents without affecting the plasmalemma.
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Protoplastenteilung bei Chlorella fusca Shihira et Krauss
Archiv für Mikrobiologie - Tập 50 - Trang 368-377 - 1965
Carl J. Soeder
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