Annales Geophysicae

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Semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 18 - Trang 285-299 - 2000
H. Rishbeth, K. J. F. Sedgemore-Schulthess, T. Ulich
Ionosonde data from sixteen stations are used to study the semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak, hmF2. The semiannual variation, which peaks shortly after equinox, has an amplitude of about 8 km at an average level of solar activity (10.7 cm flux = 140 units), both at noon and midnight. The annual variation has an amplitude of about 11 km at northern midlatitudes, peaking in early summer; and is larger at southern stations, where it peaks in late summer. Both annual and semiannual amplitudes increase with increasing solar activity by day, but not at night. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is unrelated to the semiannual variation of the peak electron density NmF2, and is not reproduced by the CTIP and TIME-GCM computational models of the quiet-day thermosphere and ionosphere. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is approximately “isobaric”, in that its amplitude corresponds quite well to the semiannual variation in the height of fixed pressure-levels in the thermosphere, as represented by the MSIS empirical model. The annual variation is not “isobaric”. The annual mean of hmF2 increases with solar 10.7 cm flux, both by night and by day, on average by about 0.45 km/flux unit, rather smaller than the corresponding increase of height of constant pressure-levels in the MSIS model. The discrepancy may be due to solar-cycle variations of thermospheric winds. Although geomagnetic activity, which affects thermospheric density and temperature and therefore hmF2 also, is greatest at the equinoxes, this seems to account for less than half the semiannual variation of hmF2. The rest may be due to a semiannual variation of tidal and wave energy transmitted to the thermosphere from lower levels in the atmosphere.
Diurnal tidal variability in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 15 - Trang 1176-1186 - 1997
M. E. Hagan, C. McLandress, J. M. Forbes
We explore tropospheric latent heat release as a source of variability of the diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) in two ways. First, we present analyses of the UARS WINDII horizontal wind data, which reveal signatures of non-migrating tidal effects as large as 25 m/s during both vernal equinox and boreal winter. These effects are of greater relative importance during the latter season. Complementary global-scale wave model (GSWM) results which account for a tropospheric latent heat source generally underestimate the observed nonmigrat-ing tidal effects but capture the seasonal variability that is observed. Second, we pursue a new parameterization scheme to investigate seasonal variability of the migrating diurnal tidal component of the latent heat source with GSWM. These results confirm previously reported seasonal trends, but suggest that the MLT effects may be as much as an order of magnitude larger than earlier predictions.
Optimisation of a parallel ocean general circulation model
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 15 - Trang 1369-1377 - 1997
M. I. Beare, D. P. Stevens
This paper presents the development of a general-purpose parallel ocean circulation model, for use on a wide range of computer platforms, from traditional scalar machines to workstation clusters and massively parallel processors. Parallelism is provided, as a modular option, via high-level message-passing routines, thus hiding the technical intricacies from the user. An initial implementation highlights that the parallel efficiency of the model is adversely affected by a number of factors, for which optimisations are discussed and implemented. The resulting ocean code is portable and, in particular, allows science to be achieved on local workstations that could otherwise only be undertaken on state-of-the-art supercomputers.
Measurements and modelling of atmospheric pollution over the Paris area: an overview of the ESQUIF Project
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 18 - Trang 1467-1481 - 2000
L. Menut, R. Vautard, C. Flamant, C. Abonnel, M. Beekmann, P. Chazette, P. H. Flamant, D. Gombert, D. Guédalia, D. Kley, M. P. Lefebvre, B. Lossec, D. Martin, G. Mégie, P. Perros, M. Sicard, G. Toupance
The “Étude et Simulation de la QUalité de l’air en Ile de France” (ESQUIF) project is the first integrated project dedicated to the study of the processes leading to air pollution events over the Paris area. The project was carried out over two years (summer 1998 to winter 2000) to document all types of meteorological conditions favourable to air quality degradation, and in particular to photo oxydant formation. The goals of ESQUIF are (1) to improve our understanding of the relevant chemical and dynamical processes and, in turn, improve their parametrizations in numerical models, and (2) to improve and validate existing models dedicated to pollution analysis, scenarios and/or forecasting, by establishing a comprehensive and thorough database. We present the rationale of the ESQUIF project and we describe the experimental set-up. We also report on the first experiments which took place during the summer of 1998 involving surface networks, and remote sensing instruments as well as several aircraft. Focusing on three days of August 1998, the relative contributions of long-range transported and locally-produced ozone to the elevated ozone concentrations observed during this period are discussed and chemistry-transport model preliminary results on this period are compared to measurements.
Yearly variations in the low-latitude topside ionosphere
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 18 Số 7 - Trang 789-798 - 2000
Bailey, G. J., Su, Y. Z., Oyama, K.-I.
Observations made by the Hinotori satellite have been analysed to determine the yearly variations of the electron density and electron temperature in the low-latitude topside ionosphere. The observations reveal the existence of an equinoctial asymmetry in the topside electron density at low latitudes, i.e. the density is higher at one equinox than at the other. The asymmetry is hemisphere-dependent with the higher electron density occurring at the March equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and at the September equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The asymmetry becomes stronger with increasing latitude in both hemispheres. The behaviour of the asymmetry has no significant longitudinal and magnetic activity variations. A mechanism for the equinoctial asymmetry has been investigated using CTIP (coupled thermosphere ionosphere plasmasphere model). The model results reproduce the observed equinoctial asymmetry and suggest that the asymmetry is caused by the north-south imbalance of the thermosphere and ionosphere at the equinoxes due to the slow response of the thermosphere arising from the effects of the global thermospheric circulation. The observations also show that the relationship between the electron density and electron temperature is different for daytime and nighttime. During daytime the yearly variation of the electron temperature has negative correlation with the electron density, except at magnetic latitudes lower than 10°. At night, the correlation is positive.
Simultaneous interplanetary scintillation and optical measurements of the acceleration of the slow solar wind
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 18 - Trang 995-1002 - 2000
A. R. Breen, S. J. Tappin, C. A. Jordan, P. Thomasson, P. J. Moran, R. A. Fallows, A. Canals, P. J. S. Williams
Simultaneous observations of the slow solar wind off the southeast limb of the Sun were made in May 1999 using optical measurements from the C2 and C3 LASCO coronagraphs on board the SOHO spacecraft and radio-scattering measurements from the MERLIN and EISCAT facilities. The observations show the slow solar wind accelerating outwards from 4.5 solar radii (R), reaching a final velocity of 200–300 km s-1 by 25–30 R. The acceleration profile indicated by these results is more gentle than the average profile seen in earlier LASCO observations of larger scale features, but is within the variation seen in these studies.
Upper mixed layer temperature anomalies at the North Atlantic storm-track zone
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 13 - Trang 1015-1026 - 1995
S. N. Moshonkin, N. A. Diansky
Synoptic sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) were determined as a result of separation of time scales smaller than 183 days. The SSTAs were investigated using daily data of ocean weather station “C” (52.75°N; 35.5°W) from 1 January 1976 to 31 December 1980 (1827 days). There were 47 positive and 50 negative significant SSTAs (lifetime longer than 3 days, absolute value greater than 0.10 °C) with four main intervals of the lifetime repetitions: 1. 4–7 days (45% of all cases), 2. 9–13 days (20-25%), 3. 14–18 days (10-15%), and 4. 21–30 days (10-15%) and with a magnitude 1.5-2.0 °C. An upper layer balance model based on equations for temperature, salinity, mechanical energy (with advanced parametrization), state (density), and drift currents was used to simulate SSTA. The original method of modelling taking into account the mean observed temperature profiles proved to be very stable. The model SSTAs are in a good agreement with the observed amplitudes and phases of synoptic SSTAs during all 5 years. Surface heat flux anomalies are the main source of SSTAs. The influence of anomalous drift heat advection is about 30-50% of the SSTA, and the influence of salinity anomalies is about 10-25% and less. The influence of a large-scale ocean front was isolated only once in February-April 1978 during all 5 years. Synoptic SSTAs develop just in the upper half of the homogeneous layer at each winter. We suggest that there are two main causes of such active sublayer formation: 1. surface heat flux in the warm sectors of cyclones and 2. predominant heat transport by ocean currents from the south. All frequency functions of the ocean temperature synoptic response to heat and momentum surface fluxes are of integral character (red noise), though there is strong resonance with 20-days period of wind-driven horizontal heat advection with mixed layer temperature; there are some other peculiarities on the time scales from 5.5 to 13 days. Observed and modelled frequency functions seem to be in good agreement.
Thư gửi Biên tập viên: Anomaly nhiệt độ ở các vĩ độ bắc cao và mối liên kết của chúng với hiện tượng El Niño/DAO Dịch bởi AI
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 16 Số 11 - Trang 1523-1526
J. S. Bailey

Tóm tắt. Tôi báo cáo phát hiện một dao động nhiệt độ tần số thấp ở phía đông Bắc Đại Tây Dương (NA), có mối tương quan đáng kể với Chỉ số Dao động Phương Nam (SOI) ở Thái Bình Dương nhiệt đới, nhưng dẫn trước chỉ số sau một vài tháng. Phát hiện này có ý nghĩa quan trọng, vì nó chứng minh một mối liên hệ giữa Thái Bình Dương nhiệt đới và các vĩ độ bắc cao, điều này không thể dễ dàng giải thích theo các phản hồi của El Niño/Dao động Phương Nam (ENSO) từ vùng nhiệt đới, và mở ra khả năng rằng ENSO và các bất thường về nhiệt độ ở những vùng phía bắc thực sự có thể có nguồn gốc chung từ bên trong, hoặc thậm chí bên ngoài, hệ thống khí hậu toàn cầu.

#Khí tượng học và động lực học khí quyển (các tương tác giữa đại dương và khí quyển) · Địa chất đại dương: chung (khí hậu và độ biến đổi liên năm) · Địa chất đại dương: vật lý (các tương tác giữa không khí và biển)
EISCAT/CRRES observations: nightside ionospheric ion outflow and oxygen-rich substorm injections
Annales Geophysicae - - 1997
N. G. J. Gazey, M. Lockwood, M. Grande, C. H. Perry, P. N. Smith, S. Coles, A. D. Aylward, R. J. Bunting, H. Opgenoorth, B. Wilken
We present combined observations made near midnight by the EISCAT radar, all-sky cameras and the combined released and radiation efects satellite (CRRES) shortly before and during a substorm. In particular, we study a discrete, equatorward-drifting auroral arc, seen several degrees poleward of the onset region. The arc passes through the field-aligned beam of the EISCAT radar and is seen to be associated with a considerable upflow of ionospheric plasma. During the substorm, the CRRES satellite observed two major injections, 17 min apart, the second of which was dominated by O+ ions. We show that the observed are was in a suitable location in both latitude and MLT to have fed O+ ions into the second injection and that the upward flux of ions associated with it was sufficient to explain the observed injection. We interpret these data as showing that arcs in the nightside plasma-sheet boundary layer could be the source of O+ ions energised by a dipolarisation of the mid- and near-Earth tail, as opposed to ions ejected from the dayside ionosphere in the cleft ion fountain.
Complementary wind sensing techniques: sodar and RASS
Annales Geophysicae - Tập 12 Số 6 - Trang 506-517 - 1994
Peters, G., Kirtzel, H. J.
Radioacoustic sounding (RASS), normally used for temperature profiling, can also be applied for wind measurements. The RASS detects echoes of radar waves, which have been scattered at acoustic waves, and derives the sound velocity from the frequency shift. From the difference of sound velocities measured under different beam directions windprofiles can be determined. Ground clutter does not principally interfere with RASS echoes due to their big frequency shift. Therefore, RASS can supplement radar wind profilers at lower levels where clear-air echoes may be not detectable due to ground clutter. The upper measuring altitude of RASS is limited to a few thousand radar wavelengths by the sound absorption and by the drift of the focal spot of the RASS echo. A further alternative for low-level wind measurements is the Doppler sodar. It is less sensitive to ground clutter than radar, but the measuring height is also limited by sound absorption. It requires no frequency allocation and may therefore be the only choice at some locations. In Germany, Doppler sodars have been operating successfully on a routine basis for more than 10 years at several sites for environmental monitoring purposes.
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