Animal Cognition

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Gestural communication in olive baboons (Papio anubis): repertoire and intentionality
Animal Cognition - Tập 23 - Trang 19-40 - 2019
Sandra Molesti, Adrien Meguerditchian, Marie Bourjade
Gesturing is a widespread phenomenon in the animal kingdom, as well as an important facet of human language. As such, studying the communicative gestures of our close phylogenetic relatives is essential to better understand its evolution. While recent studies have shown that ape gestural communication shares some properties with human language, very little is known about the properties of gestural communication in monkeys. The aims of this study were to establish the first quantitative repertoire of gestural communication in a species of old-world monkeys, the olive baboon Papio anubis, and to determine its properties in terms of variability, flexibility, and intentionality. Gestural communication was continuously recorded on 47 captive olive baboons over 1 year. Their gestural repertoire was composed of 67 visual, tactile, and audible gestures, which were used flexibly across different contexts, indicating means–ends dissociation. We found that the use of gestures was variable across individuals and ages, notably with repertoire size decreasing with age. Baboons used their gestures intentionally; gesturers looked at the recipient, waited for a response, and took into account the attentional state of their recipient. Particularly, they actively adjusted the modality of their gesture to the recipient’s visual attention, using more visual gestures when the recipient was attending and more tactile gestures when the recipient was not. Thus, the gestural communicative system of olive baboons possesses properties which are similar to the ones of apes and to human language. These intentional features of gestural communication, that may constitute a prerequisite of language evolution, may have been present in the common ancestor of baboons and humans, around 30–40 million years ago.
Experience and geometry: controlled-rearing studies with chicks
Animal Cognition - Tập 13 - Trang 463-470 - 2009
Cinzia Chiandetti, Giorgio Vallortigara
Animals can reorient making use of the geometric shape of an environment, i.e., using sense and metric properties of surfaces. Animals reared soon after birth either in circular or in rectangular enclosures (and thus affording different experiences with metric properties of the spatial layout) showed similar abilities when tested for spatial reorientation in a rectangular enclosure. Thus, early experience in environments with different geometric characteristics does not seem to affect animals’ ability to reorient using sense and metric information. However, some results seem to suggest that when geometric and non-geometric information are set in conflict, rearing experience could affect the relative dominance of featural (landmark) and geometric information. In three separate experiments, newborn chicks reared either in circular- or in rectangular-shaped home-cages were tested for spatial reorientation in a rectangular enclosure, with featural information provided either by panels at the corners or by a blue-coloured wall. At test, when faced with affine transformations in the arrangement of featural information that contrasted with the geometric information, chicks showed no evidence of any effect of early experience on their relative use of geometric and featural information for spatial reorientation. These findings suggest that, at least for this highly precocial species, the ability to deal with geometry seems to depend more on predisposed mechanisms than on learning and experience after hatching.
Floral guidance of learning a preference for symmetry by bumblebees
Animal Cognition - Tập 20 - Trang 1115-1127 - 2017
Catherine M. S. Plowright, Jeremy J. M. Bridger, Vicki Xu, Racheal A. Herlehy, Charles A. Collin
This study examines the mechanism underlying one way in which bumblebees are known to develop a preference for symmetric patterns: through prior non-differential reinforcement on simple patterns (black discs and white discs). In three experiments, bees were given a choice among symmetric and asymmetric black-and-white non-rewarding patterns presented at the ends of corridors in a radial maze. Experimental groups had prior rewarded non-discrimination training on white patterns and black patterns, while control groups had no pre-test experience outside the colony. No preference for symmetry was obtained for any of the control groups. Prior training with circular patterns highlighting a horizontal axis of symmetry led to a specific subsequent preference for horizontal over vertical symmetry, while training with a vertical axis abolished this effect. Circles highlighting both axes created a general avoidance of asymmetry in favour of symmetric patterns with vertical, horizontal or both axes of symmetry. Training with plain circles, but not with deformed circles, led to a preference for symmetry: there was no evidence that the preference emerged just by virtue of having attention drawn away from irrelevant pattern differences. Our results point to a preference for symmetry developing gradually through first learning to extract an axis of symmetry from simple patterns and subsequently recognizing that axis in new patterns. They highlight the importance of continued learning through non-differential reinforcement by skilled foragers. Floral guides can function not only to guide pollinators to the source of reward but also to highlight an axis of symmetry for use in subsequent floral encounters.
No evidence tube entrapment distresses rodents in typical empathy tests
Animal Cognition - - 2024
Dwi Atmoko Agung Nugroho, Sri Kusrohmaniah, Emma Pilz, Clare Krikorian, David Kearns, Burton Slotnick, Maria Gomez, Alan Silberberg
In the first two experiments an empty tube open at one end was placed in different locations. Male hamsters, tested one at a time, tended to stay close to the tube or in it. During the first minute of the first 4 sessions of Experiment 3, the hamster was unrestrained. If it entered the tube, it was locked within the tube. If it did not enter the tube during the first min, it was placed in it, and the tube was locked. Fifteen min later, the tube was opened, and the hamster was unrestrained for a further 20 min. The tube remained open during Session 5. Hamsters spent more time near the tube than predicted by chance and continued to enter the tube although tube-occupancy duration did not differ from chance levels. In Experiment 4, male rats were tested in two groups: rats in one group had been previously trapped in a tube and rats in the other group allowed to freely explore the test space. For the first two min of each of four 20-min sessions, trapped-group subjects were permitted to move about the chamber unless they entered the tube. In that case, they were locked in for the remainder of the session. If, after two min, they did not enter the tube, they were locked in it for the remaining 18 min. Free rats were unrestricted in all sessions. In Session 5, when both groups were permitted to move freely in the chamber, trapped and free rats spent more time in and near the tube than predicted by chance. These data show tube restraint does not seem to distress either hamsters or rats.
Digital embryos: a novel technical approach to investigate perceptual categorization in pigeons (Columba livia) using machine learning
Animal Cognition - Tập 25 - Trang 793-805 - 2022
Roland Pusch, Julian Packheiser, Charlotte Koenen, Fabrizio Iovine, Onur Güntürkün
Pigeons are classic model animals to study perceptual category learning. To achieve a deeper understanding of the cognitive mechanisms of categorization, a careful consideration of the employed stimulus material and a thorough analysis of the choice behavior is mandatory. In the present study, we combined the use of “virtual phylogenesis”, an evolutionary algorithm to generate artificial yet naturalistic stimuli termed digital embryos and a machine learning approach on the pigeons’ pecking responses to gain insight into the underlying categorization strategies of the animals. In a forced-choice procedure, pigeons learned to categorize these stimuli and transferred their knowledge successfully to novel exemplars. We used peck tracking to identify where on the stimulus the animals pecked and further investigated whether this behavior was indicative of the pigeon’s choice. Going beyond the classical analysis of the binary choice, we were able to predict the presented stimulus class based on pecking location using a k-nearest neighbor classifier, indicating that pecks are related to features of interest. By analyzing error trials with this approach, we further identified potential strategies of the pigeons to discriminate between stimulus classes. These strategies remained stable during category transfer, but differed between individuals indicating that categorization learning is not limited to a single learning strategy.
Development and testing of a rapid method for measuring shoal size discrimination
Animal Cognition - Tập 20 - Trang 149-157 - 2016
Tyrone Lucon-Xiccato, Marco Dadda, Elia Gatto, Angelo Bisazza
The shoal-choice test is a popular method to investigate quantity discrimination in social fish based on their spontaneous preference for the larger of two shoals. The shoal-choice test usually requires a long observation time (20–30 min), mainly because fish switch between the two shoals with low frequency, thus reducing the possibilities of comparison. This duration limits the use of the shoal-choice test for large-scale screenings. Here, we developed a new version of the shoal-choice test in which the subject was confined in a large transparent cylinder in the middle of the tank throughout the experiment to bound the minimum distance from the stimulus shoals and favour switching. We tested the new method by observing guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in a 4 versus 6 fish discrimination (experiment 1). The new method allowed for a faster assessment of the preference for the larger shoal (<5 min), resulting in potential application for large population screenings. Guppies switched five times more frequently between the two shoals and remained close to the first chosen shoal ten times less compared to experiments with the old method. In experiment 2, we found that with the new method guppies were able to discriminate up to 5 versus 6 fish, a discrimination that was not achieved with the classical method. This last result indicates that minor methodological modifications can lead to very different findings in the same species and suggests that caution should be exercised when interpreting inter-specific differences in quantitative abilities.
Capuchin monkeys learn to use information equally well from individual exploration and social demonstration
Animal Cognition - Tập 26 - Trang 435-450 - 2022
Donna Kean, Elizabeth Renner, Mark Atkinson, Christine A. Caldwell
The limited evidence of complex culture in non-human primates contrasts strikingly with human behaviour. This may be because non-human primates fail to use information acquired socially as effectively as they use information acquired individually. Here, monkeys were trained on a stimulus discrimination task with a win-stay, lose-shift (WSLS) reward structure. In a social learning condition, the experimenter performed an information trial by choosing between the available stimuli; in an individual condition, monkeys made this choice themselves. The monkeys’ subsequent test trials displayed the same stimulus array. They were rewarded for repetition of rewarded (‘win-stay’) and avoidance of unrewarded (‘lose-shift’) information trial selections. Nine monkeys reached our pre-determined performance criterion on the initial two-stimulus stage. Their ability to generalise the WSLS strategy was then evaluated by transfer to a three-stimulus stage. Minimal differences were found in information use between the social and individual conditions on two-stimuli. However, a bias was found towards repetition of the information trial, regardless of information source condition or whether the information trial selection was rewarded. Proficient subjects were found to generalise the strategy to three-stimuli following rewarded information trials, but performed at chance on unrewarded. Again, this was not found to vary by source condition. Overall, results suggest no fundamental barrier to non-human primates’ use of information from a social source. However, the apparent struggle to learn from the absence of rewards hints at a difficulty with using information acquired from unsuccessful attempts; this could be linked to the limited evidence for cumulative culture in non-human primates.
Problem solving in great apes (Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, and Pongo abelii): the effect of visual feedback
Animal Cognition - Tập 15 - Trang 923-936 - 2012
Christoph J. Völter, Josep Call
What kind of information animals use when solving problems is a controversial topic. Previous research suggests that, in some situations, great apes prefer to use causally relevant cues over arbitrary ones. To further examine to what extent great apes are able to use information about causal relations, we presented three different puzzle box problems to the four nonhuman great ape species. Of primary interest here was a comparison between one group of apes that received visual access to the functional mechanisms of the puzzle boxes and one group that did not. Apes’ performance in the first two, less complex puzzle boxes revealed that they are able to solve such problems by means of trial-and-error learning, requiring no information about the causal structure of the problem. However, visual inspection of the functional mechanisms of the puzzle boxes reduced the amount of time needed to solve the problems. In the case of the most complex problem, which required the use of a crank, visual feedback about what happened when the handle of the crank was turned was necessary for the apes to solve the task. Once the solution was acquired, however, visual feedback was no longer required. We conclude that visual feedback about the consequences of their actions helps great apes to solve complex problems. As the crank task matches the basic requirements of vertical string pulling in birds, the present results are discussed in light of recent findings with corvids.
Forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) remember the location of numerous fruit trees
Animal Cognition - Tập 12 - Trang 797-807 - 2009
Emmanuelle Normand, Simone Dagui Ban, Christophe Boesch
It is assumed that spatial memory contributes crucially to animal cognition since animals’ habitats entail a large number of dispersed and unpredictable food sources. Spatial memory has been investigated under controlled conditions, with different species showing and different conditions leading to varying performance levels. However, the number of food sources investigated is very low compared to what exists under natural conditions, where food resources are so abundant that it is difficult to precisely identify what is available. By using a detailed botanical map containing over 12,499 trees known to be used by the Taï chimpanzees, we created virtual maps of all productive fruit trees to simulate potential strategies used by wild chimpanzees to reach resources without spatial memory. First, we simulated different assumptions concerning the chimpanzees’ preference for a particular tree species, and, second, we varied the detection field to control for the possible use of smell to detect fruiting trees. For all these assumptions, we compared simulated distance travelled, frequencies of trees visited, and revisit rates with what we actually observed in wild chimpanzees. Our results show that chimpanzees visit rare tree species more frequently, travel shorter distances to reach them, and revisit the same trees more often than if they had no spatial memory. In addition, we demonstrate that chimpanzees travel longer distances to reach resources where they will eat for longer periods of time, and revisit resources more frequently where they ate for a long period of time during their first visit. Therefore, this study shows that forest chimpanzees possess a precise spatial memory which allows them to remember the location of numerous resources and use this information to select the most attractive resources.
Dogs’ ability to follow temporarily invisible moving objects: the ability to track and expect is shaped by experience
Animal Cognition - - 2023
Miina Lõoke, Orsolya Kanizsár, Cécile Guerineau, Paolo Mongillo, Lieta Marinelli

Visually tracking a moving object, even if it becomes temporarily invisible, is an important skill for animals living in complex environments. However, this ability has not been widely explored in dogs. To address this gap of knowledge and understand how experience contributes to such ability, we conducted two experiments using a violation of expectation paradigm. Dogs were shown an animation of a ball moving horizontally across a screen, passing behind an occluder, and reappearing with a timing that was faster, slower or congruent with its initial speed. In the first experiment, dogs (N = 15) were exposed to the incongruent conditions without prior experience; while in the second experiment, dogs (N = 37) were preliminarily exposed to the congruent stimulus. Dogs of the first experiment did not exhibit a surprise effect, as measured by latency to look away from the expected stimulus presentation area, in response to the incongruent conditions, suggesting they had not formed an expectation about the timing of reappearance. However, their latency to orient towards the reappearing ball depended on the condition, suggesting they were able, to some extent, to visually keep track of the stimulus’ trajectory. Dogs of the second experiment were surprised when the ball stayed behind the occluder longer than expected, but showed no difference in latency to orient across conditions. This suggests they had overcome the visual tracking mechanism and had formed expectations about the timing of reappearance. In conclusion, dogs seem to use a low-level mechanism to keep visual track of a temporarily disappearing moving object, but experience is required to make expectation about its trajectory.

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