American Physical Society (APS)

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Cu spin dynamics in the overdoped regime ofLa2xSrxCu1yZnyO4probed by muon spin relaxation
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 77 Số 5
Risdiana Risdiana, Tadashi Adachi, N. Ôki, Satoshi Yairi, Yoichi Tanabe, Keiichi Omori, Yuya Koike, T. Suzuki, Isao Watanabe, A. Koda, Wataru Higemoto
Origin of experimental order-disorder transition line curvature in theLa2xSrxCuO4single crystal vortex system at low temperatures
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 72 Số 5
L. Miu, Tadashi Adachi, Y. Koike, Dana Miu, S. Díaz-Castañón, G. Chouteau
Muon spin relaxation study of the anomalous magnetic behavior in excess-oxygen-dopedLa1.8Nd0.2CuO4+δ(0.020δ0.101)
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 73 Số 13
Isao Watanabe, Noriyoshi Oki, Tadashi Adachi, H. Mikuni, Y. Koike, F. L. Pratt, K. Nagamine
Development of Cu-spin correlation in Bi1.74Pb0.38Sr1.88Cu1yZnyO6+δhigh-temperature superconductors observed by muon spin relaxation
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 83 Số 18
Tadashi Adachi, Yoichi Tanabe, K. Suzuki, Y. Koike, T. Suzuki, Takayuki Kawamata, Isao Watanabe
Hall coefficient in the ground state of stripe-ordered La2xBaxCuO4single crystals
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 83 Số 6
Tadashi Adachi, N. Kitajima, Yōji Koike
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of intraband charge excitations in hole-doped high-Tccuprates
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 87 Số 10
Shuichi Wakimoto, Kenji Ishii, Hiroyuki Kimura, Kazuhiko Ikeuchi, Masahiro Yoshida, Tadashi Adachi, D. Casa, M. Fujita, Yasushi Fukunaga, T. Gög, Yōji Koike, J. Mizuki, Kazuyoshi Yamada
Curie-like paramagnetism due to incomplete Zhang-Rice singlet formation in La2xSrxCuO4
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 86 Số 5
C. V. Kaiser, Wen Huang, S. Komiya, N. E. Hussey, Tadashi Adachi, Yoichi Tanabe, Y. Koike, J. E. Sonier
Hole trapping by Ni, Kondo effect, and electronic phase diagram in nonsuperconducting Ni-substitutedLa2xSrxCu1yNiyO4
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 82 Số 5
K. Suzuki, Tadashi Adachi, Yoichi Tanabe, Yuka Koike, Takayuki Kawamata, Risdiana Risdiana, T. Suzuki, Isao Watanabe
Muon-spin-relaxation and magnetic-susceptibility studies of the effects of the magnetic impurityNion theCu-spin dynamics and superconductivity inLa2xSrxCu1yNiyO4withx=0.13
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 70 Số 6
Tadashi Adachi, Satoshi Yairi, Yuya Koike, Isao Watanabe, K. Nagamine
Effects of dilution on magnetic and transport properties ofLa0.7Ca0.3Mn1xMxO3
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 77 Số 22
D. N. H. Nam, Nguyen Van Dai, Trần Đăng Thành, Le Thi Cat Tuong, Le Van Hong, N.X. Phuc, H. S. Hong, Nguyễn Văn Khiển
Tổng số: 737   
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