Advances in Mechanical Engineering

SCOPUS (2009-2023)SCIE-ISI




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SAGE Publications Inc. , SAGE Publications Ltd

Lĩnh vực:
Mechanical Engineering

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Applications of Nanofluids: Current and Future
Tập 2 - Trang 519659 - 2010
Kaufui V. Wong, Omar De Leon

Nanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles in fluids that show significant enhancement of their properties at modest nanoparticle concentrations. Many of the publications on nanofluids are about understanding their behavior so that they can be utilized where straight heat transfer enhancement is paramount as in many industrial applications, nuclear reactors, transportation, electronics as well as biomedicine and food. Nanofluid as a smart fluid, where heat transfer can be reduced or enhanced at will, has also been reported. This paper focuses on presenting the broad range of current and future applications that involve nanofluids, emphasizing their improved heat transfer properties that are controllable and the specific characteristics that these nanofluids possess that make them suitable for such applications.

Experimental Investigations on the Effects of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Fuel Additives on Biodiesel
Tập 2 - Trang 581407 - 2010
V. Sajith, C. B. Sobhan, G. P. Peterson

This paper reports the results of experimental investigations on the influence of the addition of cerium oxide in the nanoparticle form on the major physicochemical properties and the performance of biodiesel. The physicochemical properties of the base fuel and the modified fuel formed by dispersing the catalyst nanoparticles by ultrasonic agitation are measured using ASTM standard test methods. The effects of the additive nanoparticles on the individual fuel properties, the engine performance, and emissions are studied, and the dosing level of the additive is optimized. Comparisons of the performance of the fuel with and without the additive are also presented. The flash point and the viscosity of biodiesel were found to increase with the inclusion of the cerium oxide nanoparticles. The emission levels of hydrocarbon and NOx are appreciably reduced with the addition of cerium oxide nanoparticles.

Tổng quan về việc tích hợp các cấu trúc lưới gradient nhẹ trong các bộ phận sản xuất theo công nghệ đắp dần Dịch bởi AI
Tập 12 Số 6 - Trang 168781402091695 - 2020
Asliah Seharing, Abdul Hadi Azman, Shahrum Abdullah

Bài tổng quan này phân tích thiết kế, hành vi cơ học, khả năng sản xuất, và ứng dụng của các cấu trúc lưới gradient được sản xuất bằng công nghệ đắp dần kim loại. Bằng cách thay đổi các tham số thiết kế như kích thước ô, chiều dài thanh, và đường kính thanh của các ô đơn vị trong cấu trúc lưới, một thuộc tính gradient được hình thành để đạt được các mức độ chức năng khác nhau và tối ưu hóa tỷ lệ giữa độ bền và trọng lượng. Cấu trúc lưới gradient cung cấp khả năng nén và độ rỗng có thể thay đổi; và có thể kết hợp hơn một loại ô đơn vị với các hình học khác nhau, dẫn đến các hành vi cơ học khác nhau qua từng lớp khi so với các cấu trúc lưới không gradient. Các kỹ thuật đắp dần có khả năng sản xuất các phần nhẹ phức tạp như cấu trúc lưới đồng nhất và gradient do đó, tạo ra sự tự do thiết kế cho các kỹ sư. Mặc dù có những ưu điểm này, việc sản xuất cấu trúc lưới theo kỹ thuật đắp dần cũng có những nhược điểm riêng. Các quy tắc và chiến lược để vượt qua các giới hạn này đã được thảo luận và các đề xuất cho nghiên cứu tương lai đã được đưa ra.

#lattice structures #additive manufacturing #gradient properties #mechanical behavior #design optimization #metallic technology #design freedom #manufacturing constraints
A survey on experimental and numerical studies of convection heat transfer of nanofluids inside closed conduits
Tập 8 Số 10 - Trang 168781401667356 - 2016
Mohammad Reza Safaei, Mostafa Safdari Shadloo, Marjan Goodarzi, A. Hadjadj, Hamid Reza Goshayeshi, Masoud Afrand, S.N. Kazi

Application of nanofluids in heat transfer enhancement is prospective. They are solid/liquid suspensions of higher thermal conductivity and viscosity compared to common working fluids. A number of studies have been performed on the effect of nanofluids in heat transfer to determine the enhancement of properties in addition to rearrangement of flow passage configurations. The principal objective of this study is to elaborate this research based on natural, forced, and the mixed heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids exclusively via convection for single- and two-phase mixture models. In this study, the convection heat transfer to nanofluids has been reviewed in various closed conduits both numerically and experimentally.

Water-Based Fe2O3 Nanofluid Characterization: Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Measurements and Correlation
Tập 4 - Trang 674947 - 2012
Laura Colla, Laura Fedele, Mauro Scattolini, Sergio Bobbo

An experimental investigation on water-based nanofluids containing iron oxide (Fe2O3) in concentrations ranging between 5 and 20% in mass is presented. The purpose of this study is to measure thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of these fluids, as a starting point to study the heat transfer capability. The stability of the nanofluids was verified by pH and Zeta potential measurements. A dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique was used to obtain the mean nanoparticle diameters. It was found that thermal conductivity of these nanofluids improved with temperature and particles concentration. The temperature and nanoparticle concentration effects on viscosity were analyzed, obtaining a significant increase with respect to water. All the fluids exhibited a Newtonian behaviour. The experimental values were compared with some theoretical models for both thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity.

Distribution of Pressure Fluctuations in a Prototype Pump Turbine at Pump Mode
Tập 6 - Trang 923937 - 2014
Yuekun Sun, Zhigang Zuo, Shuhong Liu, Jintao Liu, Yulin Wu

Pressure fluctuations are very important characteristics in pump turbine's operation. Many researches have focused on the characteristics (amplitude and frequencies) of pressure fluctuations at specific locations, but little researches mentioned the distribution of pressure fluctuations in a pump turbine. In this paper, 3D numerical simulations using SSTk − ω turbulence model were carried out to predict the pressure fluctuations distribution in a prototype pump turbine at pump mode. Three operating points with different mass flow rates and different guide vanes’ openings were simulated. The numerical results show how pressure fluctuations at blade passing frequency (BPF) and its harmonics vary along the whole flow path direction, as well as along the circumferential direction. BPF is the first dominant frequency in vaneless space. Pressure fluctuation component at this frequency rapidly decays towards upstream (to draft tube) and downstream (to spiral casing). In contrast, pressure fluctuations component at 3BPF spreads to upstream and downstream with almost constant amplitude. Amplitude and frequencies of pressure fluctuations also vary along different circumferential locations in vaneless space. When the mass flow and guide vanes’ opening are different, the distribution of pressure fluctuations along the two directions is different basically.

Design and experimental research of an improved stick–slip type piezo-driven linear actuator
Tập 7 Số 9 - 2015
Jianping Li, Hongwei Zhao, Mingkun Shao, Xiaoqin Zhou, Zunqiang Fan

A piezo-driven linear actuator based on the improved stick–slip principle is developed in this article. With the help of two piezo-stacks and flexure hinges, the preload force can be changed, so the designed actuator can realize relatively large linear ranges and large output force. The designed actuator mainly consists of the mover, the stator, two piezo-stacks, an adjusting stage and the base. The working principle and theoretical analysis are described. A prototype actuator was fabricated and a series of experiments were carried out to investigate the work characteristics of it. Experimental results indicate that the maximum speed is about 3.086 mm/s and the maximum output force is 0.98 N. They are both improved compared with the traditional stick–slip motion. Experimental results confirm that the proposed actuator can realize large output force relatively and different motion speeds with high accuracy under different driving voltages and frequencies.

Analysis of vehicle headway distribution on multi-lane freeway considering car–truck interaction
Tập 8 Số 4 - 2016
Dewen Kong, Xiucheng Guo

The primary objective of this study is to identify the characteristics of vehicle headway on multi-lane freeway under lane management in China considering car–truck interaction. More specifically, the study focused on answering the following two questions: (1) whether the car–truck interaction has impact on headway, that is, headway varies by different leading and following vehicle types and (2) what is the best-fitted distribution model for particular headway type under lane management. The team collected traffic data, including traffic flow rates, percentage of trucks, speeds, headways, and so on from four segments of Shanghai-Nanjing freeway, Jiangsu Province in China. Then, some statistical methods were used to analyze the vehicle headway. It was found that car–car, car/truck, and truck–truck headways are significantly different from each other. Also, the traffic flow rate, percentage of trucks, and lane position were found to have an influence on the vehicle headway through the tests. Using the maximum-likelihood estimation, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and chi-square test techniques, the distribution models and parameter functions for each headway type were built and validated. The results showed that lognormal model is suitable for car–car and truck–truck headway types, and inverse Gaussian model fits the car/truck headway type well.

Development of a lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton based on real-time gait detection and gait tracking
Tập 8 Số 1 - 2016
Chao Zhang, Gangfeng Liu, Changle Li, Jie Zhao, Hongying Yu, Yanhe Zhu

Hemiplegia, apoplexia, or traffic accidents often lead to unilateral lower limb movement disorders. Traditional lower limb rehabilitation equipments usually execute walk training based on fixed gait trajectory; however, this type is unsuitable for unilateral lower limb disorders because they still have athletic ability and initiative walking intention on the healthy side. This article describes a wearable lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton with a walk-assisting platform for safety and anti-gravity support. The exoskeleton detects and tracks the motion of the healthy leg, which is then used as the control input of the dyskinetic leg with half a gate-cycle delay. The patient can undergo walk training on his own intention, including individual walking habit, stride length, and stride frequency, which likely contribute to the training initiative. The series elastic actuator is chosen for the exoskeleton because the torque output can be accurately detected and used to calculate the assisted torque on the dyskinetic leg. This parameter corresponds to the recovery level of a patient’s muscle force. Finally, the walk-assisting experiments reveal that the rehabilitation exoskeleton in this article can provide the necessary assisting torques on the dyskinetic leg, which can be accurately monitored in real time to evaluate a patient’s rehabilitation status.

Natural Convection of Nanofluids in a Square Enclosure with a Protruding Heater
Tập 4 - 2012
J. Guiet, Marcelo Reggio, P. Vasseur

This paper reports a numerical study on natural convection from a protruding heater located at the bottom of a square cavity filled with a copper-water nanofluid. The vertical walls of the cavity are cooled isothermally; the horizontal ones are adiabatic, and the heater is attached to the bottom wall. The heat source is assumed either to be isothermal or to have a constant heat flux. The effective viscosity and thermal conductivity of the nanofluid are modeled according to Brinkman and Patel, respectively. Numerical solutions of the full-governing equations, based on the lattice Boltzmann method, are obtained for a wide range of the governing parameters: the Rayleigh number, Ra; the Prandtl number, Pr; the geometrical parameters specifying the heater; the volume fraction of nanoparticles, Φ. For a particular geometry, it has been found that, for a given Ra, heat transfer is enhanced with increasing Φ, independently of the thermal boundary condition applied on the heater.