Administration in mental health

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Effective Peer Employment Within Multidisciplinary Organizations: Model for Best Practice
Administration in mental health - Tập 49 - Trang 283-297 - 2021
Louise Byrne, Helena Roennfeldt, Jessica Wolf, Ally Linfoot, Dana Foglesong, Larry Davidson, Chyrell Bellamy
This study sought a clearer understanding of organizational mechanisms reinforcing effective peer employment and organizational change from the perspectives of peer workers, non-peer staff and management in multidisciplinary mental health and substance use recovery services. Findings were used to develop a model for organizational best practice for peer employment and associated organizational change to promote recovery-oriented and person-directed services. Qualitative research was undertaken, involving 132 people participating in 14 focus groups and eight individual interviews. These people were employed across five U.S. multidisciplinary organizations providing mental health and substance use recovery services and deemed by a panel of experts to provide effective employment of peer workers. Study findings include the articulation of an interactive working model of best practice, comprising organizational commitment, organizational culture and effective organizational strategies necessary for a “whole-of-organization” approach to support authentic peer work and enable organizational transformation, to actualize recovery-oriented values and person-driven services. Strategies include Human Resources engagement, peers in positions of senior organizational authority, recurring whole of workforce training, along with peer training and peer-led supervision. Findings suggest whole-of-organization commitment, culture and practice are essential for the organizational transformation needed to support effective employment of peers in multidisciplinary environments.
Limitations of System Integration in Providing Employment Services for Persons with Mental Illness
Administration in mental health - Tập 33 - Trang 244-252 - 2006
Patricia Hanrahan, William Heiser, Amy E. Cooper, Gene Oulvey, Daniel J. Luchins
This study assessed the influence of service systems integration on employment outcomes for persons with mental illness. A survey was sent to all 125 key program staff that worked for community mental health treatment agencies or vocational rehabilitation agencies. The survey found that referral and employment rates were low; but that these rates were related to characteristics of the interagency systems integration. Community mental health staff referred 448 individuals for employment services. Staff from vocational rehabilitation agencies accepted only 26% of these referrals and found work for just 11%; 7% were employed six months later. Also, 39% of respondents reported that the linkage agreement between their agencies was never established. This study suggests the need for more effective strategies for integrating mental health treatment and vocational rehabilitation systems.
Homeless Veterans Who Served in Iraq and Afghanistan: Gender Differences, Combat Exposure, and Comparisons with Previous Cohorts of Homeless Veterans
Administration in mental health - - 2013
Jack Tsai, Robert H. Pietrzak, Robert A. Rosenheck
In the literature
Administration in mental health - Tập 18 - Trang 209-213 - 1991
Training Research: Practical Recommendations for Maximum Impact
Administration in mental health - Tập 38 - Trang 223-237 - 2011
Rinad S. Beidas, Kelly Koerner, Kenneth R. Weingardt, Philip C. Kendall
This review offers practical recommendations regarding research on training in evidence-based practices for mental health and substance abuse treatment. When designing training research, we recommend: (a) aligning with the larger dissemination and implementation literature to consider contextual variables and clearly defining terminology, (b) critically examining the implicit assumptions underlying the stage model of psychotherapy development, (c) incorporating research methods from other disciplines that embrace the principles of formative evaluation and iterative review, and (d) thinking about how technology can be used to take training to scale throughout all stages of a training research project. An example demonstrates the implementation of these recommendations.
Author Index to Volume 30, 2002–2003
Administration in mental health - Tập 30 - Trang 557-559 - 2003
A Comparison of Seminar and Computer Based Training on the Accuracy and Reliability of Raters Using the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS)
Administration in mental health - Tập 39 - Trang 458-465 - 2011
Anna Lundh, Jan Kowalski, Carl Johan Sundberg, Mikael Landén
The aim of this study was to compare two methods to conduct CGAS rater training. A total of 648 raters were randomized to training (CD or seminar), and rated five cases before and 12 months after training. The ICC at baseline/end of study was 0.71/0.78 (seminar), 0.76/0.78 (CD), and 0.67/0.79 (comparison). There were no differences in training effect in terms of agreement with expert ratings, which speaks in favor of using the less resource-demanding CD. However, the effect was modest in both groups, and untrained comparison group improved of the same order of magnitude, which proposes more extensive training.
Participation in Individual Placement and Support in the Supported Employment Demonstration
Administration in mental health - Tập 49 - Trang 521-529 - 2021
Justin D. Metcalfe, Robert E. Drake
Individual placement and support (IPS) was the primary intervention in the United States Social Security Administration’s supported employment demonstration (SED), a large randomized trial that sought to increase employment and reduce disability among those whose first application for disability benefits was denied. Researchers developed a measure of participation in IPS services to quantify participation among enrollees assigned to receive IPS. The IPS participation measure, which IPS teams completed monthly for individual clients, recorded clients assigned to IPS as being either out of contact with their IPS treatment teams or, if in contact, according to their employment status (employed or not employed) and receipt of IPS job search services (participating or not participating). The measure also recorded types of IPS activities and reasons for non-participation. IPS teams completed the IPS participation measure at a rate of approximately 95% each month. Between 27 and 35% of enrollees assigned to a treatment condition participated in IPS services each month during the first 24 months of measurement. The most common activities were applying for jobs and attending job interviews. Most of those out of contact were not responding to outreach efforts (58–72%). Those in contact but not participating despite being unemployed were typically either uninterested in employment (20–44%) or difficult to reach (10–16%). As IPS expands to serve new populations, it will be important to document and understand the links between individual characteristics, variance in participation patterns, and employment outcomes. Subsequent analyses of SED data will investigate these relationships among enrollees.
Elements in Mental Health Interventions Associated with Effects on Emotion Regulation in Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis
Administration in mental health - Tập 49 Số 6 - Trang 1004-1018 - 2022
Siri Saugestad Helland, Anneli Mellblom, John Kjøbli, Tore Wentzel‐Larsen, Kristin Espenes, Thomas Engell, Benedicte Kirkøen
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