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One major drawback of the eddy viscosity subgrid-scale stress models used in large-eddy simulations is their inability to represent correctly with a single universal constant different turbulent fields in rotating or sheared flows, near solid walls, or in transitional regimes. In the present work a new eddy viscosity model is presented which alleviates many of these drawbacks. The model coefficient is computed dynamically as the calculation progresses rather than input a priori. The model is based on an algebraic identity between the subgrid-scale stresses at two different filtered levels and the resolved turbulent stresses. The subgrid-scale stresses obtained using the proposed model vanish in laminar flow and at a solid boundary, and have the correct asymptotic behavior in the near-wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. The results of large-eddy simulations of transitional and turbulent channel flow that use the proposed model are in good agreement with the direct simulation data.
The subgrid-scale closure method developed by Germano et al. is modified by use of a least squares technique to minimize the difference between the closure assumption and the resolved stresses. This modification removes a source of singularity and is believed to improve the method’s applicability.
Turbulence models are developed by supplementing the renormalization group (RNG) approach of Yakhot and Orszag [J. Sci. Comput. 1, 3 (1986)] with scale expansions for the Reynolds stress and production of dissipation terms. The additional expansion parameter (η≡SK̄/■̄) is the ratio of the turbulent to mean strain time scale. While low-order expansions appear to provide an adequate description for the Reynolds stress, no finite truncation of the expansion for the production of dissipation term in powers of η suffices−terms of all orders must be retained. Based on these ideas, a new two-equation model and Reynolds stress transport model are developed for turbulent shear flows. The models are tested for homogeneous shear flow and flow over a backward facing step. Comparisons between the model predictions and experimental data are excellent.
The dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) model of Germano et al. [Phys. Fluids A 3, 1760 (1991)] is generalized for the large eddy simulation (LES) of compressible flows and transport of a scalar. The model was applied to the LES of decaying isotropic turbulence, and the results are in excellent agreement with experimental data and direct numerical simulations. The expression for the SGS turbulent Prandtl number was evaluated using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data in isotropic turbulence, homogeneous shear flow, and turbulent channel flow. The qualitative behavior of the model for turbulent Prandtl number and its dependence on molecular Prandtl number, direction of scalar gradient, and distance from the wall are in accordance with the total turbulent Prandtl number from the DNS data.
Direct numerical simulation of isotropic turbulence was used to investigate the effect of turbulence on the concentration fields of heavy particles. The hydrodynamic field was computed using 643 points and a statistically stationary flow was obtained by forcing the low-wave-number components of the velocity field. The particles used in the simulations were time advanced according to Stokes drag law and were also assumed to be much more dense than the fluid. Properties of the particle cloud were obtained by following the trajectories of 1 000 000 particles through the simulated flow fields. Three values of the ratio of the particle time constant to large-scale turbulence time scale were used in the simulations: 0.075, 0.15, and 0.52. The simulations show that the particles collect preferentially in regions of low vorticity and high strain rate. This preferential collection was most pronounced for the intermediate particle time constant (0.15) and it was also found that the instantaneous number density was as much as 25 times the mean value for these simulations. The fact that dense particles collect in regions of low vorticity and high strain in turn implies that turbulence may actually inhibit rather than enhance mixing of particles.
The dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model of Germano et al. [Phys. Fluids A 3, 1760 (1991)] (DSM) is modified by employing the mixed model of Bardina et al. [Ph.D dissertation, Stanford University (1983)] as the base model. The new dynamic mixed model explicitly calculates the modified Leonard term and only models the cross term and the SGS Reynolds stress. It retains the favorable features of DSM and, at the same time, does not require that the principal axes of the stress tensor be aligned with those of the strain rate tensor. The model coefficient is computed using local flow variables. The new model is incorporated in a finite-volume solution method and large-eddy simulations of flows in a lid-driven cavity at Reynolds numbers of 3200, 7500, and 10 000 show excellent agreement with the experimental data. Better agreement is achieved by using the new model compared to the DSM. The magnitude of the dynamically computed model coefficient of the new model is significantly smaller than that from DSM.
Most subgrid-scale (SGS) models for large-eddy simulations (LES) are absolutely dissipative (that is, they remove energy from the large scales at each point in the physical space). The actual SGS stresses, however, may transfer energy to the large scales (backscatter) at a given location. Recent work on the LES of transitional flows [Piomelli et al., Phys. Fluids A 2, 257 (1990)] has shown that failure to account for this phenomenon can cause inaccurate prediction of the growth of the perturbations. Direct numerical simulations of transitional and turbulent channel flow and compressible isotropic turbulence are used to study the backscatter phenomenon. In all flows considered roughly 50% of the grid points were experiencing backscatter when a Fourier cutoff filter was used. The backscatter fraction was less with a Gaussian filter, and intermediate with a box filter in physical space. Moreover, the backscatter and forward scatter contributions to the SGS dissipation were comparable, and each was often much larger than the total SGS dissipation. The SGS dissipation (normalized by total dissipation) increased with filter width almost independently of filter type. The amount of backscatter showed an increasing trend with Reynolds number. In the near-wall region of the channel, events characterized by strong Reynolds shear stress correlated fairly well with areas of high SGS dissipation (both forward and backward). In compressible isotropic turbulence similar results were obtained, independent of fluctuation Mach number.
Experimental measurements of the frequency spectra and frequency cross-spectra of the wall pressure fluctuations beneath a turbulent boundary layer were made in a low-noise flow facility. The data, taken over a range of flow speeds, clearly display a dimensionless frequency (ωδ/uτ=50) at which the spectra achieve a maximum and a low-frequency range with an approximately ω2 rolloff. The scaling laws for the low-, mid-, and high-frequency regions of the spectrum are established. The cross-spectral data, obtained over a range of streamwise separations (0.21≤ξ/δ≤16.4), allow for the computations of the decay Γ(ξ,ω) and convection velocity Uc(ξ,ω) of the wall pressure field. These data show the existence of two distinct wave number groups: a high wave number group that scales on the similarity variable k1ξ=ωξ/Uc(ξ,ω) associated with turbulent sources in the log region of the boundary layer, in which eddies decay in proportion to their size, and a low wave number group that defines the cutoff for the large-scale turbulence contributors in the outer region of the boundary layer. The convection velocity data support the conjecture that the major turbulent contributions to the low and high wave number groups come from the outer and inner layers, respectively. These new results, when examined collectively, firmly establish the spectral features of the wall pressure fluctuations, including the low-frequency range, which is highly sensitive to (passive) structures in the outer flow. The locations for the turbulent sources of the wall pressure field are proposed.
This article presents a theoretical study of the deformation of a spherical liquid droplet impinging upon a flat surface. The study accounts for the presence of surface tension during the spreading process. The theoretical model is solved numerically utilizing deforming finite elements and grid generation to simulate accurately the large deformations, as well as the domain nonuniformities characteristic of the spreading process. The results document the effects of impact velocity, droplet diameter, surface tension, and material properties on the fluid dynamics of the deforming droplet. Two liquids with markedly different thermophysical properties, water and liquid tin, are utilized in the numerical simulations because of their relevance in the industrial processes of spray cooling and spray deposition, respectively. The occurrence of droplet recoiling and mass accumulation around the splat periphery are standout features of the numerical simulations and yield a nonmonotonic dependence of the maximum splat radius on time.
Detailed computations were made of energy transfer among the scales of motion in incompressible turbulent fields at low Reynolds numbers generated by direct numerical simulations. It was observed that although the transfer resulted from triad interactions that were nonlocal in k space, the energy always transferred locally. The energy transfer calculated from the eddy-damped quasinormal Markovian (EDQNM) theory of turbulence at low Reynolds numbers is in excellent agreement with the results of the numerical simulations. At high Reynolds numbers the EDQNM theory predicts the same transfer mechanism in the inertial range that is observed at low Reynolds numbers, i.e., predominantly local transfer caused by nonlocal triads. The weaker, nonlocal energy transfer is from large to small scales at high Reynolds numbers and from small to large scales at low Reynolds numbers.