Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing

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Using kernel couplings to predict parallel application performance
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 125-134
V. Taylor, Xingfu Wu, J. Geisler, R. Stevens
Performance models provide significant insight into the performance relationships between an application and the system used for execution. The major obstacle to developing performance models is the lack of knowledge about the performance relationships between the different functions that compose an application. This paper addresses the issue by using a coupling parameter, which quantifies the interaction between kernels, to develop performance predictions. The results, using three NAS parallel application benchmarks, indicate that the predictions using the coupling parameter were greatly improved over a traditional technique of summing the execution times of the individual kernels in an application. In one case the coupling predictor had less than 1% relative error in contrast the summation methodology that had over 20% relative error. Further, as the problem size and number of processors scale, the coupling values go through a finite number of major value changes that is dependent on the memory subsystem of the processor architecture.
#Kernel #Analytical models #Predictive models #Application software #Performance analysis #Algebra #Mathematics #Computer science #Laboratories #Mathematical model
A case for proactivity in directory services
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 415
F.E. Bustamante, P. Widener, K. Schwan
In this paper, we argue that an exclusively inactive interface to directory services can hinder server scalability and indirectly restrict the behavior of potential applications. We propose to extend directory services' interfaces with a proactive mode by which clients can express their interest in (and be notified of) changes in the environment. These notification channels can be subsequently customized on a per-client basis through client-specified filters. Finally, in order to simplify the handling of client/server failures we adopt a leasing model for client registration to (and customization of) a notification channel. To validate our approach, we have designed and implemented the Proactive Directory Service (PDS).
#Computer aided software engineering #Pervasive computing #Information filtering #Information filters #Distributed computing #Grid computing #Scalability #Educational institutions #Innovation management #Resource management
Design and evaluation of a resource selection framework for Grid applications
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 63-72
Chuang Liu, Lingyun Yang, I. Foster, D. Angulo
While distributed, heterogeneous collections of computers ("Grids") can in principle be used as a computing platform, in practice the problems of first discovering and then organizing resources to meet application requirements are difficult. We present a general-purpose resource selection framework that addresses these problems by defining a resource selection service for locating Grid resources that match application requirements. At the heart of this framework is a simple, but powerful, declarative language based on a technique called set matching, which extends the Condor matchmaking framework to support both single-resource and multiple-resource selection. This framework also provides an open interface for loading application-specific mapping modules to personalize the resource selector. We present results obtained when this framework is applied in the context of a computational astrophysics application, Cactus. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique.
#Processor scheduling #Distributed computing #Application software #Grid computing #Computer science #Organizing #Computer applications #Virtual machining #Control systems #Resource management
Thiết kế và triển khai các dịch vụ thông tin an toàn cho lưới ASCI Dịch bởi AI
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 209-214
W.R. Johnson
Dịch vụ thông tin là một phần không thể tách rời trong kiến trúc lưới. Đây là nền tảng để xác định các tài nguyên và trạng thái của chúng. Quan trọng hơn, người dùng của lưới có thể hình dung về cách thức hoạt động của lưới, hiệu suất của nó và những khả năng mà nó có thông qua các dịch vụ thông tin. Sáng kiến Tính toán Chiến lược Tăng tốc (ASCI) đã thiết kế và triển khai một bộ dịch vụ lưới trong bối cảnh chương trình ASCI. Chúng tôi triển khai các dịch vụ thông tin bằng cách gia tăng công cụ Globus để đáp ứng các khía cạnh độc đáo của lưới ASCI. Chúng tôi mô tả các quyết định đã được đưa ra và quy trình phát triển để vận hành dịch vụ thông tin lưới trong lưới ASCI.
#Kiểm soát truy cập #Phòng thí nghiệm #Tính toán lưới #Quản lý tài nguyên #Kiến trúc máy tính #Tính toán phân tán #Bộ lọc #Tăng tốc #Dịch vụ nhận thức theo ngữ cảnh #Mạng máy tính
Architecture requirements for commercializing Grid resources
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 215-224
C. Kenyon, G. Cheliotis
Contemporary computing systems, especially large-scale systems such as Grids promise ultra-fast ubiquitous utility computing, always available at the flip of a switch. A major unresolved issue is the organization and efficient usage of such infrastructure in a commercial context where several entities compete for shared resources. This has long been resolved for conventional utility resources such as gas and electricity through commoditization, a variety of market designs, customization, and decision support for the resulting portfolios of assets and commitments. The paper reviews the state of Grid commercialization and compares it to the commercialization of conventional resources. We draw specific lessons for commercialized Grids and detail them as architecture requirements at each level of the architecture stack. We provide an example to illustrate the benefits of commercialized resources in terms of the financial clarity it brings to decisions for different user groups, namely application users and IT managers.
#Commercialization #Grid computing #Pervasive computing #Switches #Computer architecture #Distributed computing #Power grids #Portfolios #Computer network management #Financial management
Adaptive timeout discovery using the Network Weather Service
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 35-41
M.S. Allen, R. Wolski, J.S. Plank
In this paper we present a novel methodology for improving the performance and dependability of application-level messaging in Grid systems. Based on the Network Weather Service, our system uses nonparametric statistical forecasts of request-response times to automatically determine message timeouts. By choosing a timeout based on predicted network performance, the methodology improves application and Grid service performance as extraneous and overly-long timeouts are avoided. We describe the technique, the additional execution and programming overhead it introduces, and demonstrate the effectiveness using a wide-area test application.
#Application software #Weather forecasting #Computer science #Testing #Dynamic scheduling #Degradation #Programming profession #Grid computing #Processor scheduling #Mesh generation
A peer-to-peer approach to resource location in grid environments
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 419
A. Iamnitchi, I. Foster, D.C. Nurmi
Computational grids provide mechanisms for sharing and accessing large and heterogeneous collections of remote resources such as computers, online instruments, storage space, data, and applications. Resources are requested by specifying a set of desired attributes. Resource attributes have various degrees of dynamism, from mostly static attributes, such as operating system version, to highly dynamic ones, such as available network bandwidth or CPU load. Another dimension of dynamism is introduced by variable and highly diverse sharing policies: resources are made available to the grid community based on locally defined and potentially changing policies.
#Peer to peer computing #Resource management #Laboratories #Grid computing #Computer science #Instruments #Application software #Operating systems #Bandwidth #Central Processing Unit
Scalability of a distributed neural information retrieval system
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 423
M. Weeks, V.J. Hodge, J. Austin
Summary form only given. AURA (Advanced Uncertain Reasoning Architecture) is a generic family of techniques and implementations intended for high-speed approximate search and match operations on large unstructured datasets. AURA technology is fast, economical, and offers unique advantages for finding near-matches not available with other methods. AURA is based upon a high-performance binary neural network called a correlation matrix memory (CMM). Typically, several CMM elements are used in combination to solve soft or fuzzy pattern-matching problems. AURA takes large volumes of data and constructs a special type of compressed index. AURA finds exact and near-matches between indexed records and a given query, where the query itself may have omissions and errors. The degree of nearness required during matching can be varied through thresholding techniques. The PCI-based PRESENCE (Parallel Structured Neural Computing Engine) card is a hardware-accelerator architecture for the core CMM computations needed in AURA-based applications. The card is designed for use in low-cost workstations and incorporates 128 MByte of low-cost DRAM for CMM storage. To investigate the scalability of the distributed AURA system, we implement a word-to-document index of an AURA-based information retrieval system, called MinerTaur, over a distributed PRESENCE CMM.
#Scalability #Information retrieval #Coordinate measuring machines #Computer architecture #Concurrent computing #Aircraft #Artificial neural networks #Computer science #Environmental economics #Neural networks
Coven-a framework for high performance problem solving environments
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 291-298
N.A. DeBardeleben, W.B. Ligon, S. Pandit, D.C. Stanzione
Presents the design of the Coven framework for construction of problem solving environments (PSEs) for parallel computers. PSEs are an integral part of modern high performance computing (HPC) and Coven attempts to simplify PSE construction. Coven targets Beowulf cluster parallel computers but independent of any particular domain for the PSE. Multithreaded parallel applications are created with Coven that are capable of supporting most of the constructs in a typical parallel programming language. Coven uses an agent-based front-end which allows multiple custom interfaces to be constructed. Examples of the use of Coven in the construction of prototype PSEs are shown, and the effectiveness of these PSEs is evaluated in terms of the performance of the applications they generate.
#Problem-solving #Application software #Concurrent computing #Computational modeling #High performance computing #Parallel programming #Computer simulation #Parallel architectures #Prototypes #Writing
A metascheduler for the Grid
Proceedings 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing - - Trang 343-351
S.S. Vadhiyar, J.J. Dongarra
With the advent of Grid computing, scheduling strategies for distributed heterogeneous systems have either become irrelevant or have to be extended significantly to support Grid dynamics. In this paper, we describe a metascheduling architecture for a Grid system that takes into account both the application and system level considerations. Results are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the metascheduler.
#Processor scheduling #Dynamic scheduling #Libraries #Distributed computing #Contracts #Computer science #Computer architecture #Mars #Lifting equipment #Grid computing
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