Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
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Logic Trạng thái Phân tán
- Trang 55-57
Chúng tôi giới thiệu một logic thời gian để lý luận về các ứng dụng toàn cầu. Trước tiên, chúng tôi định nghĩa một logic mô-đun cho địa phương tính, nhúng các lý thuyết địa phương của mỗi thành phần vào một lý thuyết về các trạng thái phân tán của hệ thống. Chúng tôi cung cấp cho logic một hệ thống tiên đề đầy đủ và chuyên sâu. Sau đó, chúng tôi mở rộng logic với một toán tử thời gian. Đóng góp của chúng tôi là khả năng lý luận về các tính chất liên quan đến nhiều thành phần theo cách tự nhiên, ngay cả khi không có đồng hồ toàn cầu, như được yêu cầu trong một môi trường bất đồng bộ.
#Logic #DSL #Đồng hồ #Giao tiếp bất đồng bộ #Ngôn ngữ đặc tả #Điện toán đồng thời #Điện toán phân tán #Trì hoãn #Điện toán phổ biến #Thư viện thời gian chạy
Towards a comprehensive treatment of temporal constraints in clinical guidelines
- Trang 20-27
In this paper, we focus on an application and extension of artificial intelligence temporal reasoning techniques in order to represent and reason with temporal constraints in clinical guidelines. Particular attention is dedicated to the treatment of repeated (periodic) events, which play a major role in clinical therapies. We also discuss some limitations of our current approach, highlighting possible future enhancements. The work in this paper has been developed in the GLARE project, meant to realize a prototype of a domain-independent manager of clinical guidelines. The GLARE system has been built in cooperation with Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Battista of Turin, and has been successfully tested on different clinical domains.
#Guidelines #Artificial intelligence #Medical treatment #Postal services #Electrical capacitance tomography #Prototypes #Testing
A finite-state approach to event semantics
- Trang 124-131
Events employed in natural language semantics are characterized in terms of regular languages, each string in which can be regarded as a motion picture. The relevant finite automata then amount to movie cameras/projectors, or more formally, to finite Kripke structures with partial valuations. The usual regular constructs (concatenation, choice, etc) are supplemented with superposition of strings/automata/languages, realized model-theoretically as conjunction.
#Automata #Motion pictures #Natural languages #Cameras #Computer science #Educational institutions #Cost accounting #Proposals #Labeling
Reasoning with disjunctive fuzzy temporal constraint networks
- Trang 36-43
The disjunctive fuzzy temporal constraint network (DFTCN) model is a framework that allows reasoning with fuzzy qualitative and quantitative complex temporal constraints. However, its general complexity is exponential. In this work, we review methods that can reduce this complexity, based on graph topology and preprocessing. The final goal is to integrate all these methods into a general tool for temporal reasoning with DFTCN.
#Fuzzy reasoning #Scheduling #Network topology #Fuzzy sets #Computer networks #Degradation #Algebra #Uncertainty #Filtering #Testing
A parameterized algebra for event notification services
- Trang 61-63
Event notification services are used in various applications such as digital libraries, stock tickers, traffic control, or facility management. However to our knowledge, a common semantics of events in event notification services has not been defined so far. We propose a parameterized event algebra which describes the semantics of composite events for event notification systems. The parameters serve as a basis for flexible handling of duplicates in both primitive and composite events.
#Algebra #Logistics #Temperature sensors #Software libraries #Filtering #Database systems #Clocks
A similarity search method of time series data with combination of Fourier and wavelet transforms
- Trang 86-92
Time-series data, such as stock exchange rates and weather data, has widely been used in many fields. Similarity search of time-series data is important because it is useful for predicting data changes and searching for common sources. In this paper, we propose a new similarity search method of time-series data using both a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and wavelet transform (WT). A method of reducing time-series indexing size, using a correlation coefficient, is also presented.
#Search methods #Fourier transforms #Wavelet transforms #Discrete Fourier transforms #Indexing #Discrete wavelet transforms #Time measurement #Shape measurement #Computer science #Stock markets
Logical data expiration
- Trang 66-67
Summary form only given. Data expiration is an essential component of data warehousing solutions: whenever large amounts of data are repeatedly collected over a period of time, it is essential to have a clear approach to identifying parts of the data no-longer needed and a policy that allows disposing and/or archiving these parts of the data. Such policies are necessary even if adding storage to accommodate an ever-growing collection of data were possible, since the growing amount of data needs to be examined during querying and in turn leads to deterioration of query performance over time. The approaches to data expiration range from adhoc administrative policies or regulations to sophisticated data analysis-based techniques. The approaches have, however, one thing in common: intuitively, they try to identify the parts of the data collection that are not needed in the future. The key to deciding if a piece of information will be needed in the future lies in identifying what queries can be asked over the collection of data and how the collection can evolve from its current state. The various techniques proposed in the literature differ in the way they identify no longer needed parts of data. The author formalizes the notion of data expiration in terms of how the data is used to answer queries. He surveys existing approaches to the problem in a unified framework and discusses their features and limits and the limits of data expiration based techniques in general. Particular focus is on comparing the performance of various data expiration methods.
#Logic #History #Database systems #Computer science #Electronic mail #Warehousing #Data analysis #Aging #Spatial databases #Upper bound
Temporal views as abstract relations
- Trang 116-123
Many natural languages use prepositions to mark relations between entities of various kinds-between physical entities and their spatial locations, between temporal entities and their temporal locations, between abstract entities of various kinds (e.g. between ideas and their 'mental locations'). I show that the consequences of using prepositions to relate temporal entities emerge naturally from the basic interpretations of the prepositions themselves together with a very weak logic of events, where I take it that prepositions denote abstract relations whose significance only emerges when properties of the related items are taken into consideration.
#Physics computing #Natural languages #Logic #Dictionaries #Artificial intelligence #History #Eyes #Data mining #IEEE entities #Concrete
Proceedings Ninth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
- 2002
Presents the front cover of the proceedings record.
Indexed flows in temporal /spl times/ modal logic with functional semantics
- Trang 146-153
Two classical semantical approaches to studying logics which combine time and modality are the T /spl times/ W-frames and Kamp-frames (Thomason (1984)). In this paper we study a new kind of frame that extends the one introduced in Burrieza et al. (2002). The motivation is twofold: theoretical, i.e., representing properties of the basic theory of functions (definability); and practical, their use in computational applications (considering time-flows as memory of computers connected in a net, each computer with its own clock). Specifically, we present a temporal /spl times/ modal (labelled) logic, whose semantics are given by ind-functional frames in which accessibility functions are used in order to interconnect time-flows. This way, we can: (i) specify to what time-flow we want to go; (ii) carry out different comparisons among worlds with different time measures; and (iii) define properties of certain kinds of functions (in particular, of total, injective, surjective, constant, increasing and decreasing functions), without the need to resort to second-order theories. In addition, we define a minimal axiomatic system and give the completeness theorem (Henkin-style).
#Logic #Time measurement #Computer applications #Application software #Clocks #Particle measurements #Communications technology #Boolean functions