World standards for shipborne barges
Tài liệu tham khảo
Anon, 1970, World's first LASH ship on Gulf-Europe run, Marine Engineering/Log, 75, 60
Anon, 1970, World's first LASH ship on Gulf-Europe run, Marine Engineering/Log, 75, 117
Anon, 1979, Le “Yulius Fuchik” et ses bargettes, Navigation, ports et industries, 51, 582
Anon, 1979, Jane's Freight Containers
Anon, 1984, Les “Baco-Liner” operant entre 1 Europe et la C.O.A. ont etendu leur service a Rouen et Daker, et, bientot, desservirant aussi Douala, Navigation, ports et industries, 56, 374
Anon, 1985, Boris Polevoy: Dock-type barge carrier, Marine Engineering/Log, 90, 24
Anon, 1985, Soviets build first nuclear cargo ship, Motor Ship, 66, 13
Anon, 1985, First 48-foot containers delivered for API service, Traffic World, 204, 32
Anon, 1985, Container transport data, Container News, 30, 50
Davis, 1970, Problems of inland waterway lock dimensions, Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division, ASCE, 96, 451
European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 1980, Competitive Position and the Future of Inland Waterway Transport
Qiren, 1981, China's water transportation, 592
Schonknecht, 1983
Sonstegaard, 1973, On some problems and possibilities of inland navigation, Arkansas Business and Economic Review, 6, 21
Sonstegaard, 1969
Tabak, 1970
UNITAR, 1975
United, 1954