Word clustering based on POS feature for efficient twitter sentiment analysis

Yili Wang1, KyungTae Kim2, ByungJun Lee1, Hee Yong Youn2
1College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
2College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea

Tóm tắt

With rapid growth of social networking service on Internet, huge amount of information are continuously generated in real time. As a result, sentiment analysis of online reviews and messages has become a popular research issue [1]. In this paper a novel modified Chi Square-based feature clustering and weighting scheme is proposed for the sentiment analysis of twitter message. Along with the part of speech tagging, the discriminability and dependency of the words in the tagged training dataset are taken into account in the clustering and weighting process. The multinomial Naïve Bayes model is also employed to handle redundant features, and the influence of emotional words is raised for maximizing the accuracy. Computer simulation with Sentiment 140 workload shows that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms four existing representative sentiment analysis schemes in terms of the accuracy regardless of the size of training and test data.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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