Winding pathway understanding based on angle projections in a field environment
Tóm tắt
Scene understanding is a core problem for autonomous navigation. However, its implementation is frustrated by a variety of unsettled issues, such as understanding winding pathways in unknown, dynamic, and field environments. Traditional three-dimensional (3D) estimation from 3D point clouds or fused data is memory intensive and energy-consuming, which makes these approaches less reliable in a resource-constrained field robot system with limited computation, memory, and energy resources. In this study, we present a methodology to understand winding field pathways and reconstruct them in a 3D environment, using a low-cost monocular camera without prior training. Winding angle projections are assigned to clusters. By composing subclusters, candidate surfaces are shaped. Based on geometric inferences of integrity and orientation, a field pathway can be approximately understood and reconstructed using straight and winding surfaces in a 3D scene. With the use of geometric inference, no prior training is needed, and the approach is robust to colour and illumination. The percentage of incorrectly classified pixels was compared to the ground truth. Experimental results demonstrated that the method can successfully understand winding pathways, meeting the requirements for robot navigation in an unstructured environment.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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