Wilderness gained, wilderness lost: wildlife management and land occupations in Zimbabwe's southeast lowveld
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A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 34.
2001, Daily News
D. Anderson and R. Grove, The scramble for Eden: past, present and future in African conservation, in: D. Anderson and R. Grove (Eds), Conservation in Africa: People, Policies and Practice, Cambridge, 1987, 4; see also P.D. Curtin, The Image of Africa: British Ideas and Action, 1780–1850, Madison, 1964; J.S. Adams and T.O. McShane, The Myth of Wild Africa. Conservation Without Illusion, New York, 1992.
See J.M. Coetzee, White Writing: On the Culture of Letters in South Africa, Newhaven, 1988.
Foreword in J. Stevenson-Hamilton, The Lowveld: Its Wildlife and its People, London, 1929, 3; see also L. Van der Post, Wilderness: a way of truth, in: V. Martin and M. Inglis (Eds), Wilderness: the Way Ahead, Forres, 1994.
Neumann, 1995, Ways of seeing Africa: colonial recasting of African society and landscape in Serengeti National Park, Ecumene, 2, 149, 10.1177/147447409500200203
J.S. Adams and T.O. McShane, The Myth of Wild Africa. Conservation Without Illusion, New York, 1992.
See J. Carruthers, The Kruger National Park. A Social and Political History, Pietermaritzburg, 1995, for a detailed account of the discourses surrounding the establishment of Kruger National Park.
J. Stevenson-Hamilton, The Lowveld: Its Wildlife and its People, London, 1929, 255.
See, for example: J.M. MacKenzie, The Empire of Nature. Hunting, Conservation and British Imperialism, Manchester, 1988; D. Anderson and R. Grove, The scramble for Eden: past, present and future in African conservation, in: D. Anderson and R. Grove (Eds), Conservation in Africa: People, Policies and Practice, Cambridge, 1987; J.S. Adams and T.O. McShane, The Myth of Wild Africa. Conservation Without Illusion, New York, 1992, for detailed histories of the establishment of national parks in Africa; T. Masona, Colonial game policy: a study of the origin and administration of game policy in Southern Rhodesia: 1890–1945, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Zimbabwe, 1987, for background on colonial game policy in Zimbabwe.
D. Pitmann, Wild Places of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, 1980, 18.
D. Pitmann, Wild Places of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, 1980, 18.
National Archives of Zimbabwe (NAZ) S1193/P2/1 Circular letter by the Hon Secretary of the Wild Life Protection Society of Southern Rhodesia 25 May 1928.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 25.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 162 (my emphasis).
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 326.
J. Carruthers, The Kruger National Park. A Social and Political History, Pietermaritzburg, 1995.
Interview: C. Ndabani, M. Baloyi, C. Mahlehe and T. Sambani, Chipinda Business Centre, by Paul de Jager 11 February 1987, in: P. de Jager (Ed.) Environmental degradation in communal land, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 329.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 339–340.
Neumann, 1997, Primitive ideas: protected area buffer zones and the politics of land in Africa, Development and Change, 28, 559, 10.1111/1467-7660.00054
T. Ranger, Voices from the Rocks: Nature, Culture and History in the Matopos Hills of Zimbabwe, Oxford, 1999, on debates over whether Africans could be considered as part of the ‘natural’ environment and allowed to remain in game reserves or were alien elements to be evicted. In the 1930s, 40s and 50s the Native Reserves around Kruger National Park in the South African lowveld were similarly advertised as a ‘picturesque sort of fringe, an appropriately archaic scenic domain that formed a pleasing backdrop to a motor tour to the lowveld with the game reserve as its final destination’; D. Bunn, An unnatural state: tourism, water and wildlife photography in the early Kruger National Park, In W. Beinart and J. McGregor (Eds), Social History and African Environments, Oxford, 2003.
De la Rue, 1942, Can game and ranching run together?, Vuka, 2, 34
R. Duffy, Killing for Conservation: Wildlife Policy in Zimbabwe, Oxford, 2000.
1998, Gonarezhou National Park fails to attract tourists, The Herald
G. Schuerholz and A. Moore, Tourism sector, in: B. Downie (Ed.), Gonarezhou National Park Management Planning Programme. Background Data Reports, Harare, 1993.
Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management, Gonarezhou National Park: Management Plan, Harare, 1998.
This equates with the UK experience of the ‘heritage industry’ and the deliberate manufacture of appropriately historical landscapes. See R. Hewison, The Heritage Industry: Britain in a Climate of Decline, London, 1987.
B.H. Child, The role of wildlife utilisation in sustainable economic development, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University, 1988.
De la Rue, 1942, Can game and ranching run together?, Vuka, 2, 34
1966, Zebras threaten cattle lands, Bulawayo Chronicle
B.H. Child, The role of wildlife utilisation in sustainable economic development, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University, 1988.
Dasmann, 1961, Commercial utilization of game on a Rhodesian ranch, Wild Life, 3, 7
B.H. Child, The role of wildlife utilisation in sustainable economic development, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University, 1988.
Such as B.H. Child, The role of wildlife utilisation in sustainable economic development, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Oxford University, 1988; D. Jansen, I. Bond and B. Child, Cattle, wildlife, both or neither: results of a financial and economic survey of commercial ranches in southern Zimbabwe, Multispecies Animal Production Systems Project, Project Paper 27, Harare, 1992; I. Bond, The economics of wildlife and land-use in Zimbabwe: an examination of current knowledge and issues, WWF Multispecies Production Systems Project Paper 35, Harare, 1993.
Hill, 1994, Politicians, farmers and ecologists: commercial wildlife ranching and the politics of land in Zimbabwe, Journal of African and Asian Studies, 29, 226, 10.1177/002190969402900305
R. du Toit, Case study of the policies that support sustainable development in Africa: the Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe, paper presented at the workshop on African perspectives of policies which support sustainable development, Harare, 28–30 September 1998.
The Beit Trust provided a considerable grant for electrified game fencing around Save Valley and Bubiana Conservancies, an anti-poaching unit and a ‘Community Liaison Officer’. This grant was conditional on the conservancy matching it with expenditure on restocking (R. du Toit, Case study of the policies that support sustainable development in Africa: the Save Valley Conservancy, Zimbabwe, paper presented at the workshop on African perspectives of policies which support sustainable development, Harare, 28–30 September 1998). The conservancies have also received powerful ideological and financial backing from powerful international conservation organisations such as WWF and IUCN; see H. Wels, Fighting over fences: organisational co-operation and reciprocal exchange between the Save Valley Conservancy and its neighbouring communities, Ph.D. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam, 2000.
Malilangwe Trust, Annual Report, 1999, 2.
R. Ranger, Voices from the Rocks: Nature, Culture and History in the Matopos Hills, Zimbabwe, Oxford, 1999, 271.
H.J. Goodwin, I.J. Kent, K.T. Parker and M.J. Walpole, Tourism, conservation and sustainable development, Vol. IV, the south-east lowveld, Zimbabwe. Final report to the Department for International Development, University of Kent, 1997, 245.
A. Wright, Valley of the Ironwoods: a Personal Record of Ten Years Served as District Commissioner in Rhodesia's Largest Administrative Area, Nuanetsi, in the South-Eastern Lowveld, Cape Town, 1972, 329.
As also became clear in the FMD outbreak in the UK in 2001 the science of FMD transmission is deeply disputed and politicised. In Zimbabwe the ‘wildlife lobby’ argue that DNA fingerprinting techniques prove that some outbreaks in Zimbabwe originated from carrier cattle rather than game; see J. Griffen, Study on the Development and Management of Transboundary Conservation Areas in Southern Africa, Lilongwe, 1999.
E. Anderson and C. Foggin, Animal disease control factors arising from the change from cattle ranching to wildlife conservancy, in: P. Waterhouse (Ed.), The Lowveld Conservancies: New Opportunities for Productive and Sustainable Landuse, Harare, 1994.
2000, Farm invasions to cut country's beef exports, Daily News
2000, Imminent outbreak of foot and mouth disease, Zimbabwe Standard
2000, Zim faces removal from EU beef protocol, Zimbabwe Independent
H.J. Goodwin, I.J. Kent, K.T. Parker and M.J. Walpole, Tourism, conservation and sustainable development, Vol. IV, the south-east lowveld, Zimbabwe. Final report to the Department for International Development, University of Kent, 1997, 245; see also W. Wolmer, J. Chaumba and I. Scoones, Wildlife management and land reform in southeastern Zimbabwe: A compatible pairing or a contradiction in terms? Geoforum, 35 (2004) 87–98.
H. Wels, Fighting over fences: organisational co-operation and reciprocal exchange between the Save Valley Conservancy and its neighbouring communities, Ph.D. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam, 2000, 258; S. Metcalfe, Enhancing Capacity For Neighbouring Communities to Benefit From the Proposed Save Valley Conservancy Trust, Harare, 1996.
Chiredzi Rural District Council, Master Plan, Chiredzi, 1997.
Minister for Environment and Tourism (Chen Chimutengewende), in: Hansard, 14 February 1996, 3967–3971.
1997, Charge private wildlife farmers, The Herald
Interview: Commercial farmer, Mwenezi 12 August 1999; D. Jansen, I. Bond and B. Child, Cattle, wildlife, both or neither: results of a financial and economic survey of commercial ranches in southern Zimbabwe, Multispecies Animal Production Systems Project, Project Paper 27, Harare, 1992, alongside their advocacy of game ranching as more economically productive, reveal that game ranchers employ approximately half the staff of cattle ranchers.
Hill, 1994, Politicians, farmers and ecologists: commercial wildlife ranching and the politics of land in Zimbabwe, Journal of African and Asian Studies, 29, 226, 10.1177/002190969402900305
2000, The Observer
2001, Africa Environment and Wildlife
Greenline, No. 19
2000, Zimbabwe Standard
1997, The Herald
cited by H. Wels, Fighting over fences: organisational co-operation and reciprocal exchange between the Save Valley Conservancy and its neighbouring communities, Ph.D. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam, 2000.
2001, Farm guards shoot group of occupiers, The Herald
See J. Chaumba, I. Scoones, I. and W. Wolmer, From jambanja to planning? The reassertion of technocracy in land reform in southeast Zimbabwe, Journal of Modern African Studies, 41(2004) 533–554; J. Chaumba, I. Scoones, I. and W. Wolmer, New politics, new livelihoods? Changes in the Zimbabwean lowveld since the land occupations of 2000, Review of African Political Economy, 98 (2003) 585–608; N. Marongwe, Conflicts over land and other natural resources in Zimbabwe: a research report, paper presented to the research seminar Rethinking land, state and citizenship through the Zimbabwe crisis, Copenhagen, 4–5 September 2001; W. Wolmer, Lowveld landscapes: conservation, development and the wilderness vision in south-eastern Zimbabwe, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Sussex, 2001.
Chaumba et al., New politics.
H. Wels, Fighting over fences: organisational co-operation and reciprocal exchange between the Save Valley Conservancy and its neighbouring communities, Ph.D. thesis, Free University, Amsterdam, 2000; see Wolmer et al., Wildlife management and land reform.
2001, The Herald
Wolmer, 2003, Transboundary conservation: the politics of ecological integrity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, Journal of Southern African Studies, 29, 261, 10.1080/0305707032000060449
2000, BBC News Online
2000, Wildlife becomes victim of Zimbabweans' grab for land, Financial Times
2000, Rob Style, Vice Chair, Save Valley Conservancy, Mail and Guardian
2000, Zimbabwe Independent
Wolmer et al., Wildlife management and land reform.
Interviews: Zimbabwe Wildlife and Tourism Advisory Council (ZWTAC), Harare, 14 February 2001, Malilangwe Trust, 5 February 2001
2000, Daily News
Wolmer et al., Wildlife management and land reform.