Wide-flanged CFS built-up columns: comparison of test strengths, numerical strengths and design strengths

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions - Tập 6 - Trang 1-10 - 2021
A. R. Dar1, M. Anbarasu2, M. Venkatesan2, M. Adil Dar3
1Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Srinagar, India
2Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering Salem, Salem, India
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tóm tắt

Cold-formed steel (CFS) channels usually possess relatively narrower flanges, leading to a lesser radius of gyration. CFS built-up I-columns with wider flanges may perform better, but limited research outcomes are available on the same. CFS built-up columns constructed using wide-flanged edge-stiffened channels in the back-to-back alignment were investigated in the current study. This study comprises of three components. In the first component, fourteen specimens with warping restrained pinned end conditions were tested. Both material testing and geometric imperfections were determined before the specimens’ testing. Compressional resistance, load-axial shortening response and deformed shapes were studied and have been detailed in this paper. The second component deals with the formation of a nonlinear finite element model that considers nonlinearity in the material modelling and the geometric one and was solely developed for validating the strengths obtained from the test programme conducted. The tests and the numerical results comparisons indicated a good agreement with respect to ultimate compressional resistance, deformed shapes and load-axial shortening curves. The third component involved design strength quantification using the direct strength method (DSM) and effective width method for CFS sections to be compared against the test strengths. A conservative trend in the strength predictions was noted, and the design rules were also examined through reliability studies. Degradation in the axial strength, as well as axial stiffness, was noted as the overall slenderness of the column specimens increased. Also, interactive buckling comprising of local and distortional buckling; local, distortional and flexural buckling; and local and flexural buckling was the failure mode in all the specimens.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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