White matter lesions in spastic paraplegia with mutations in SPG5/CYP7B1

Neuromuscular Disorders - Tập 19 Số 1 - Trang 62-65 - 2009
Carlo Minetti1, Marianna Ciccolella2, Andrea Rossi1, Alessandra Tessa2, Mark Roberts1, Filippo M. Santorelli2
1IRCCS G. Gaslini Pediatric Institute and University of Genoa, Units of Muscular and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Child Neurology and Psychiatry, and Neuroradiology, IRCCS Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Piazza S. Onofrio 4, 00165 Rome, Italy
2Molecular Medicine and Neurology, IRCCS Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Piazza S. Onofrio 4, 00165 Rome, Italy

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