When depressive cognitions reflect negative realities

Cognitive Therapy and Research - Tập 9 - Trang 595-610 - 1985
Susan E. Krantz1
1Psychological Studies in Education, Stanford University, USA

Tóm tắt

The cognitivist assertion that the depressive's negative cognitions are erroneous and immune to corrective environmental feedback rests on the implicit assumption that the feedback is not particularly negative in comparison to the feedback encountered by nondepressives. This paper reviews data concerning two related types of negative information available to the depressive: the actual circumstances in the depressive's life and the meanings attached to those circumstances by persons other than the depressive. It is suggested that depressed persons may be confronted by more negative information than nondepressed persons. The negative information may disconfirm positive beliefs about reality or elicit and validate negative beliefs. It is concluded that the cognitions concerning the self or the world of the depressive are not necessarily erroneous or impervious to the available information. The theoretical and clinical implications from a reciprocal influence perspective are discussed.

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