When Engagement Meets Politics: Analysis of a Brazilian Public Institution

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 495-508 - 2016
Romulo Matos de Moraes1, Aridelmo José Campanharo Teixeira2
1Department of Administration and Planning, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes), Alegre, Brazil
2FUCAPE Business School, Vitória, Brazil

Tóm tắt

Perception of organizational politics (POP) is usually associated with counterproductive factors. The reason for this stigma is that generally when employees perceive self-interest actions or backstage manoeuvres, they identify obstacles to their careers. On the other hand, the concept work engagement represents physical, cognitive and emotional factors from its dimensions (vigor, dedication and absorption) that can connect employees to their jobs. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of work engagement and perceptions of organizational politics in a public institution. Data were collected from 847 employees of a public educational institution, followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis to characterize groups with high and low work engagement scores. Multiple linear regressions were performed for each cluster. It was found that in the low engagement group, the three constructs’ dimensions were negatively related to POP. In the high engagement group there was no negative relationship between those two concepts, but a positive association between dedication and perception of politics was found. The results show evidence that highly engaged civil servants do not identify politics as an obstacle to their career development. The study also suggests that POP level is high in public educational institutions.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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