What do metabolic rates tell us about thermal niches? Mechanisms driving crayfish distributions along an altitudinal gradient

Oecologia - Tập 180 - Trang 45-54 - 2015
Rick J. Stoffels1,2, Adam J. Richardson3, Matthew T. Vogel3, Simon P. Coates2, Warren J. Müller4
1CSIRO Land and Water, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Australia
2Department of Ecology, Environment and Evolution, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Australia
3Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Australia
4CSIRO Digital Productivity, Canberra, Australia

Tóm tắt

Humans are rapidly altering thermal landscapes, so a central challenge to organismal ecologists is to better understand the thermal niches of ectotherms. However, there is much disagreement over how we should go about this. Some ecologists assume that a statistical model of abundance as a function of habitat temperature provides a sufficient approximation of the thermal niche, but ecophysiologists have shown that the relationship between fitness and temperature can be complicated, and have stressed the need to elucidate the causal mechanisms underlying the response of species to thermal change. Towards this end, we studied the distribution of two crayfishes, Euastacus woiwuru and Euastacus armatus, along an altitudinal gradient, and for both species conducted experiments to determine the temperature-dependence of: (1) aerobic scope (the difference between maximum and basal metabolic rate; purported to be a proxy of the thermal niche); and (2) burst locomotor performance (primarily fuelled using anaerobic pathways). E. woiwuru occupied cooler habitats than E. armatus, but we found no difference in aerobic scope between these species. In contrast, locomotor performance curves differed significantly and strongly between species, with peak locomotor performances of E. woiwuru and E. armatus occurring at ~10 and ~18 °C, respectively. Crayfish from different thermal landscapes may have similar aerobic thermal performance curves but different anaerobic thermal performance curves. Our results support a growing body of literature implying different components of ectotherm fitness have different thermal performance curves, and further challenge our understanding of the ecology and evolution of thermal niches.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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