What Is Agency?

American Journal of Sociology - Tập 103 Số 4 - Trang 962-1023 - 1998
Mustafa Emirbayer1, Ann Mische1
1New School for Social Research

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Earlier drafts were presented at the Paul F

Mead's, 1938, The Philosophy of the Act.

1947, we follow earlier work (Emirbayer and Goodwin 1996)-along with Sorokin

Patterson's, 1991, discussion of the chordal triad of freedom


Taylor, 1991, Colapietro

See, 1986, Camic's discussions of W. I. Thomas, Florian Znaniecki, Robert Park, and Talcott Parsons, among others, in Camic, 1072

Giddens, 1991, is particularly interested in the concept of routinization because of his ontological presuppositions: he emphasizes the need for "basic trust

discursive consciousness

1967, Schutz

1981, Perhaps the most obvious and astonishing absence from Aristotle's thought for any modern reader is that there is relatively little mention of rules anywhere in the Ethics

central conflation

1988, although this certainly poses a challenge for future research. We also resist calling agentic orientations "variables



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