Well Homes Initiative: A Home-Based Intervention to Address Housing-Related Ill Health

Health Education and Behavior - Tập 47 Số 6 - Trang 836-844 - 2020
Nevil Pierse1, Maddie White1, Jenny Ombler1, C. E. Davis2, Elinor Chisholm1, Michael G. Baker1, Philippa Howden‐Chapman1
1University of Otago Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
2Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma and Research Trust, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand

Tóm tắt


Six thousand children are hospitalized each year in New Zealand with housing sensitive conditions, and 86.2% of these children are rehospitalized during childhood. The Healthy Homes Initiative, set up by the Ministry of Health, and implemented in Wellington through Well Homes, carries out housing assessments and delivers a range of housing interventions.


Housing assessments were carried out by trained community workers. Philanthropic funding was received for the interventions through a local charitable trust.


Well Homes saw 895 families. Mold in the home was the most commonly recorded area of poor housing quality, in 836 homes (93%). Partial or complete lack of insulation was also common, with 452 records (51%) having a documented need for further assessment and either an upgrade or full installation. Eighty-three percent of homes had insufficient sources of heating. A total of 5,537 interventions were delivered. Bedding, heaters, and draft stopping were delivered over 90% of the time. In contrast, insulation and carpets were only delivered 40% of the time. Interventions were least likely to be delivered in private rental housing.


Targeted interventions using social partnerships can deliver housing improvements for relatively little health spending. Well Homes provides immediate and practical interventions, education, connection with social agencies, and advocacy for more substantial structural home improvements to help families keep their home warmer, drier, and healthier. This approach will be strengthened when combined with a new regulatory framework to raise the standards of private rental housing.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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