Visual Grid Workflow in Triana

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 153-169 - 2006
Ian Taylor1, Matthew Shields2, Ian Wang2, Andrew Harrison3
1School of Computer Science, Cardiff University and the Center for Computation and Technology, LSU, Cardiff, UK
2Schools of Physics and Astronomy and Computer Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
3School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Tóm tắt

In this paper, we describe the graphical abstractions for Grids and services that have been implemented within the Triana problem solving environment. We provide an overview of the ways in which Triana interacts with services (e.g., Web and P2P services) and then how we interact with core Grid components, such as resource managers and data management systems through the extensive use of the GridLab GAT interface. We describe in detail the GAT philosophy and implementation and then show how the various GAT primitives can be represented in an intuitive fashion within a Triana workflow. This approach, which we refer to as the Visual GAT, differs substantially from other approaches because we do not tie our implementation to any specific underlying Grid middleware technologies; rather, we base our implementation on application level requirements and model such primitives from a user’s perspective by hiding as much complexity as possible without undermining the core capabilities required. We provide a use case to demonstrate the Visual GAT implementation and show how legacy applications can seamlessly be distributed and integrated in a dynamic fashion within complex data-driven workflow scenarios.

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