Virtual Reality Sickness and Challenges Behind Different Technology and Content Settings
Tóm tắt
VR sickness (Cybersickness) presents an important challenge in virtual reality environments. We present the results of a study on the effects of VR technology and VR video content type on VR sickness and on autonomous nervous system of the user. The participants watched two omnidirectional (360°) videos of different content types (neutral and action) on five distinct video display types (2D TV screen, three generations of Oculus Rift VR HMDs and on the mobile Samsung GearVR HMD). The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) in combination with the measurement of the physiological parameters (skin conductance and skin temperature, respiratory frequency and heart rate) were used to monitor the participants’ physiology. The results show that video content significantly affects the SSQ grading and the skin conductance level. VR sickness effects were significantly reported less often with TV display type than with other VR HMDs.
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